Public Page
2022-2-28 SAB Meeting
Public Page
Feb 28, 2022
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Change from Standards Development Committee to Product Committee
Appointment - Proposed Chair, David McCreight (Scheduling)
Assignment - Proposed Chair(s), Brady Bonner (Glass) and Kim DeVallance Caron (Rental)
Attachment - Vacant someone from CER and/or SCAN
Authorization - Proposed Chair(s), Chris Hall (Repair Status and Process) and Kim DeVallance Caron (Rental)
Claims - Proposed Chair, Phil Martinez (VDI)
Disposition - Proposed Chair, Don Porter (Salvage)
Estimate - Proposed Chair(s), Phil Martinez (VDI) and Greg Best (Photo Estimate)
FNOL - Chairs, Benjamin Davis (FNOL) and Clint Marlow (FNOL)
Invoice - Vacant
Location - Proposed Chair, Kim DeVallance Caron (Rental)
Parts and Material Procurement - Chair(s), Mike Hastings (PMP) and Chrisa Hickey (PMP)
Status - Vacant Subrogation is Vacant today
Survey - Vacant CER is Vacant today
Title - Chair, Ginny Whelan (Title)
Valuation - Proposed Chair, Phil Martinez (Total Loss)
Vehicle Repair - Chair(s), Chris Hall (Repair Status & Process) and Jim Puskas (Repair Order)
Change from Standards Development Committee to Project Committee
Calibration - Closed - Darrell Amberson
CER - Closed - Steve Schillinger
Emerging Technologies - Active - Gene Lopez and Frank Terlep
Glass - Closed - Brady Bonner
Photo Estimate - Closed - Greg Best
Recycled Parts and Inventory - Active - Ginny Whelan
Rental - Closed - Kim
Repair Order - Closed - Jim Puskas
SCAN - Closed - Darrell Amberson/David McCreight
Vehicle Damage and Imaging - Closed - Phil Martinez
Active Committee Review
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter and Stacey Phillips
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
Authorization Committee: Chris Hall and Kim
Vehicle Repair Committee: Jim Puskas and Chris Hall
Product Committee Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Appointment Committee: David McCreight
Assignment Committee: Brady and Kim
Attachment Committee: vacant
Claims Save Committee: Phil Martinez
Disposition Committee: Don Porter
Estimate Committee: Phil Martinez and Greg Best
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Invoice Committee: Vacant
Location Committee: Kim Devallance-Caron
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Status Committee: vacant
Survey Committee: vacant
Title Committee: Ginny Whelan (New Chair)
Valuation Committee: Phil Martinez
Charters & Business Plans
None at this time
Project Proposals
OEM Repair Procedures and Build Sheet Committee
Itemized Services Project Committee
None at this time
Implementation Guides
Other Documents
CIECA Simplified
Old & New Business
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Minutes
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
2022R1 has 252 planned, 127 completed, 0 moved, 0 deleted, 111 To Do, 14 In progress
The large number of Completed was the acceptance of Business Use Cases and archiving the Word documents.
111 To Do is mostly CIECA Simplified where we are moving the Implementation Guides to
We do have some mis spelling and things to correct in the BMS and Master Code list from the last QA.
14 in Progress is the API work, CIECA Simplified and work to move the Committees to Product based.
Review the Committee’s structure and Proposed Chair(s)
All the CIECA Products from the Business Use Cases approved on now has a committee
If the Product only had 1 committee associated with it, the Chair from the associated Committee remained the chair of the new Product Committee.
If a standards committee such as VDI and Rental touched many Products, those Chairs were moved to the Products they touched. You may see several chairs on several committees as cochairs now due to this.
On the Board Clint Marlow was replaced by Chad Sulkala, so we may want to check with him about being chair for FNOL.
The topic of adding Marketing Committee to the SAB invitation was mentioned. The Standards Committees with Architecture and Education is how Charley had the meetings set up. We can add Education. The Committees of Finance and Executive are governance committees and do not need to be included in the SAB.
The CER Committee which is Combined Environmental Reporting is now a Project Committee that is being closed. The results of this were sending reports on other messages but has been inactive for a long time. It was hard to get the right agencies involved, we can’t even get the 50 DMVs to attend meetings, so it was very complicated to get the right industry leaders to participate.
Title was Titling and could be changed to Vehicle Title. Ginny asks to chair this committee to discuss the new changes to vehicle titling in the industry.
Parts and Procurement committee is one committee that existed in the previous SDC committees that was in line with the Product. Many committees added to the Parts and Procurement messages, but the same chairs will be over PMP as before.
Active Committee Review
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster and Paulette Reed
The Proof of Concept and determination of how to flatten files is the critical area being worked at this time.
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter and Stacey Phillips
The February CIECAST had lower attendance for the Data Security, but it was a technical presentation that did draw a technical audience. It is seen as successful.
Kyle Weber had to move his discussion on Blockchain due to conflicts in Feb and March.
The MSO Panel has been moved up to March and this is similar to last year's CONNEX MSO Forum.
April will be the Technical CIECAST with Paulette and the Architecture Committee as well as members of the Executive committee to discuss the tactical plan for CIECA this year.
After unsuccessful location of Nashville, the new CONNEX location of St. Louis was selected. The hotel has been confirmed. The Hotel is Embassy Suits and a Convention Center located in St. Charles, MO.
The Agenda for the CONNEX conference is the next thing the CONNEX Committee will be working on. If you know of anyone that is a great speaker and you would like to hear them present, please share that information with Stacey or Paul.
The Tour will be held at Hunter Engineering.
NABC is doing an event in STL and there is a Golf event on Monday. Bill offered to MC CONNEX and we hope to do a giveaway.
If you would like to be involved in the planning of CONNEX, please let Stacey know and she will invite you to the monthly meetings.
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Task Force Committee for AI vs CIECA API Committee
The discussion of an AI taskforce came up in the Emerging Tech committee last week and we wanted to bring the idea to the SAB committee to get feedback and thoughts.
AI is a trending topic that is impacting or will impact all collision industry segments. CIECA needs to be involved, but we don’t know if there is anything for CIECA to do at this point.
CIECA provides a framework for messaging, the role of the taskforce would be to determine if CIECA is impacted and what CIECA can do for AI standards. When the CIECA impact is identified, the taskforce would bring the needs to CIECA to help build the data standards.
This would be new data or new messages needed to support AI.
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
The focus of this committee is completely on the lifecycle of the EV battery.
We know that CIECA does not have a category to handle the EV battery, CIECA has battery, but it will not define all the data needed for the EV battery.
Authorization Committee: Chris Hall and Kim DeVallance Caron
This committee used to be the Repair Status and Process Committee that worked with the Authorization and Vehicle Repair Products.
The Repair Order Status and Process and Repair Order Committees have been working together since the first of the year working on the Workflows, Business Use cases and looking to identify any pain points.
The Committee stepped back to a bimonthly meeting to see how the new Product Committees would take off and will meet in April to discuss if they continue meeting or focus on the new Product Committees
Looking forward to working on the new Products.
Vehicle Repair Committee: Jim Pukas and Chris Hall
See Authorization Committee
Product Committee Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Appointment Committee: David McCreight
Assignment Committee: Brady and Kim
Attachment Committee: vacant
Claims Save Committee: Phil Martinez
Estimate Committee:Estimate Committee Home Phil Martinez and Greg Best
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Benjamin Davis and proposed Chad Sulkala
Invoice Committee: Vacant
Location Committee: Kim DeVallance Caron
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Status Committee: vacant
Title Committee: Ginny Whelan (New Chair)
Valuation Committee: Phil Martinez
OEM Repair Procedures and Build Sheet was approved to be kicked off with the old VDI and Repair Status Committees, this would be a new Committee.
Who should Chair? Need Kickoff
Itemized Services Review
The Committee discussed that it has been on the radar for years to allow any third-party service to provide an itemized detail of the services because those services are more complex than a single service.
This is a good idea to look into for CIECA.
Other Documents
Confluence was updated to have a Page for Product Committee’s and Project Committee’s and all the committees were moved to reflect the new type of committee.
The Product and Project Committee Landing page has the Antitrust, Membership, Mission and concepts needed for the type of committee. These need to be reviewed to see if you have any recommendations for improvement
Product Standards Committee Landing Page: Product Standards Committee(s) - Confluence (
Project Standards Committee Landing Page: Project Standards Committee(s) - Project Standards Committee - Confluence (
The links to each committee page that says if they are active or closed, has specific committee information can be reviewed by using the links above.
CIECA Simplified - Home - CIECA Products (
Moving Standards Development Manual (SDM) to Webpage and making needed updates.
The SDM was never a document that was found on the website; however, it is the rules to how CIECA creates standards and the process that it takes.
With the New CIECA Simplified where our committees and Products will align and the concept of Project Committees, this document would need to be updated anyway. At this time, like the other Word documents, we feel it's a good time to move this to the webpage. We did a very quick Demo of these pages that showed the content from the SDM and the flow charts and the PowerPoint slide flow.
Please everyone, take a moment to look at the concepts and if you have any recommendations for improvement, we will welcome it. This is a very rough draft and something we will work on in more detail after we receive feedback.
Just last month we approved the Business Use Cases and the new pages and we are moving to a CIECA Simplified website already.
Yes, there were jokes that CIECA could be simplified?
We walked through the Concepts of the new pages with Assignment.
Assignment Home page has all things assignment at a high level, a link to the Business Use Case, links to the BMS, Code List, Workflows and implementation Guides.
The Assignment Business Use case has all the information of the one in production today, just formatted where you can see all the information on one page without scrolling.
The Workflows will work the same as they do in production, but with being in a test environment, they do not have the same look and feel as the ones today.
The BMS and Code List will also take you to Zoho Documents like the production version today, but not allowed in the test environment.
The Newest Concept is the Implementation Guides. Instead of having to look through word documents of different committees to find Assignment, all of the Assignment Implementation Guides will be in one place broke down by the category.
The feedback from the committee was positive and felt that it would drive consistency across all users. Again, we would like everyone to look at these pages and provide feedback so we can make any changes that could make the pages better.
Old & New Business
Great Meeting Everyone, we covered a lot of information, and we had a great turnout, I will have to warn of more work more often Please review the websites and provide feedback before the next SAB meeting.
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Committees
SAB Voting Items
Other Documents
Old Business
New Business
Action items
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Ginny Whelan
Chrisa Hickey
Gene Lopez
Frank Terlep
Brady Boner
Greg Best
Phil Martinez
James Puskas
Chris Hall
Jeff Schroder
Kim DeVallance Caron
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board