Public Page
2021-3-29 SAB Meeting
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Mar 29, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
QA Scheduled for April 7 and April 8
Release Scheduled for April 21, 2021
CIECA Information Privacy Ad-Hoc Committee: Steve Betley and Lance Vannalom
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter
March was Mitchell
April is Technical CIECAST 2020R1
Upcoming May and June
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Charter Submitted for Approval
Identifying Emerging Technologies
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
Implementation Guide Submitted for Review
Appendix C Submitted for Review
Distribution Inquiry message reviewed by Architecture and added to BMS
New Code list added
Two New Test Instances added
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Ready to start open API development ASAP
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Vacant
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance
Repair Order Project: Jim Puskas
Repair Status & Process Project: Chris Hall
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Charters & Business Plans
Emerging Technologies
Project Proposals
No new Projects this month
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
Other Documents
Products /ZoHo
Semi-annual Meetings
Semi Annual meeting will be sent out for April for inactive committees
Old & New Business
Old Business
Finding Active Chairs
Work on creating a page or reference for people to get email and contact information to reach out to for the SAB members.
Meeting Minutes
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
Moving forward, meet with Smartbear to get a demo of Swaggerhub.
Determining the Catalog setup in the next meeting.
QA Scheduled for April 7 and April 8
Release Scheduled for April 21, 2021
CIECA Information Privacy Ad-Hoc Committee: Steve Betley and Lance Vannalom
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter
March was Mitchell
April is Technical CIECAST 2020R1
Upcoming May and June is being planned. Safelite and CCC have both offered to present
A monthly meeting has been set up to focus on Connex
September 14-16, 2021
Theme is Racing to the Future
CIECA is currently looking for speakers, so if you have any recommendations, please reach out to a CIECA staff member.
YDraw was selected to create an educational white board video.
The draft script has been presented and will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Charter Submitted for Approval
Identifying Emerging Technologies
The committee has 25+ people attending weekly meetings and we are getting a lot done.
Shared the Confluence Page with the Emerging Technologies Identified and the Priority of the first 5.
The committee is moving at a good pace.
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
We are having Monthly meetings focusing on Emerging Technologies and the changes to Recyclers and Terminology.
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
Implementation Guide Submitted for Review
Appendix C Submitted for Review
Distribution Inquiry message reviewed by Architecture and added to BMS
New Code list added
Two New Test Instances added
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Welcomed Chrisa back to the industry and to CIECA, everyone is happy to have her back.
Ready to start open API development as soon as Architecture releases, which may be a couple more months.
Mike and Chrisa are both active in the Architecture Committee and helping with the CAPIS project.
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Vacant
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance
Repair Order Project: Jim Puskas
Jim was not in attendance to introduce
Repair Status & Process Project: Chris Hall
Chris was introduced and provided the committee with a little background.
Everyone welcomes Chris.
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Charters & Business Plans
Emerging Technologies
Charter was approved
Business Plan was approved
Project Proposals
No new Projects this month
Salvage work flow was approved
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
Implementation Guides was approved
Appendix C was approved
Other Documents
As reviewed in the presentation of Salvage, Confluence is being used to document the Products CIECA has. The documentation of past is large and hard for people to find what they are looking for.
The Products pages in confluence, remove the Copying from BMS and simply reference the BMS Section
The Products pages remove code being copied for examples and references the Test Instances /ZoHo
Changes are happening to CIECA web pages and we are looking at how to best use the tools to get the correct information shared to our non members and members.
Zoho is a great platform that we hope to use, but we are still experimenting with.
Confluence, Swagger, Git Hub charges more for more members that use the apps.
Semi-annual Meetings
Semi Annual meeting will be sent out for April for inactive committees
Old & New Business
Old Business
Finding Active Chairs
Talk to Safelite CIECA board members and the Safelite connections that Stacey has to possibly be chair of the Glass Committee.
Work on creating a page or reference for people to get email and contact information to reach out to for the SAB members.
We do not want to expose our members to anyone finding emails to contact on a CIECA Confluence page or any CIECA site. With Confluence only allowing 25 members at this time, not all attendees of the SAB committee have Confluence User sign in. Therefore, in the short term, it would be best to use the meeting invite to retrieve the email for an SAB committee Member.
No New Business
Great meeting everyone! We accomplished a lot, thanks for your time and have a great week.
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Committees
SAB Voting Items
Other Documents
Old Business
Action items
Chris Hall
Chrisa Hickey
Stacey Phillips
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Lance Vannalom
Mike Hastings
Gene Lopez
Frank Terlep
Jeff Schroder
Phil Martinez (Chair)
Paul Barry
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board