Public Page
2021-6-28 SAB Meeting
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Jun 28, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
JSON Style Guide was completed
capisCommonPropertyTypesSchema.json has been created with Common items such as First Name, City, etc. to specify the lengths of common properties.
capisCommonGlobalTypesSchema.json has our common aggregates simplified (AdminInfo, VehicleInfo, ClaimInfo)
capisCodeListScema.json has been created manually at this time for FNOL Code List
capisSimpleTypeSchema.json has the simple types we are using (indicator, yrMon, phoneNumber, decimal and currency)
capisFnolSchema.json is in draft form
Test cases with the simplified versions for the above.
Requested production examples of FNOL from FNOL Committee Members and CIECA Members
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Emerging Technologies were reviewed to prioritize based on the CIECA standards
This moved ADAS to the top
Identifying all of the Emerging Technology in ADAS
We will determine the Business Use Cases and work flows that CIECA has that will be impacted
Identified the need for Vehicle Build Sheet Data and will work Use cases and Workflow
Requested a new OEM Repair Committee
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
Recycled Parts & Inventory is looking to get more people involved and will be moving forward looking at how the Battery will impact the industry and how to search for battery in inventory.
Repair Order Committee: Jim Puskas
Reviewed new workflow document as part of the new website design
Invitation to join the committee
Going to start having monthly meetings
Repair Status & Process Committee: Chris Hall
Working with Repair Order Committee
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Brady Bonner
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Ready to start open API development ASAP
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance Caron
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
Charters & Business Plans
None at this time
Project Proposals
No new Projects this month
None at this time
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
None at this time
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Old Business
Finding Active Chairs
New Business
As part of the new website design, all workflows are being moved to DrawIO format that is part of Confluence. Most are being moved as they are in the current appendix C.
Implementation Guides are being moved in the new format website, when committee’s approve all the changes they will be brought to the SAB.
OEM Repair Procedure Committee
Meeting Minutes
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
Seattle and New York are experiencing heat waves, and the airport crew in Seattle walked off the job yesterday due to heat. So Phil is leaving meeting early to hopefully get on a plane home. Happy Belated Birthday to Phil.
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Most of the JIRAS will be discussed in the Committee they are being worked with, we do have Hollander proposal of new Code List that will be sent to all Committee’s for review.
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster /Paulette
Items completed or worked on since last meeting:
JSON Style Guide was completed
capisFnolSchema.json is in draft form
Test cases with the simplified versions for the above.
Requested production examples of FNOL from FNOL Committee Members and CIECA Members.
Brady is working on providing a Technical resource and examples. Thank you Brady
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter/Stacey
Connex planning is going well and we have a committee if you would like to join, please reach out to Stacey.
All CIECAST for the year are being planned
July is Jeff Pevey with Icar
August CCC is presenting on how AI is impacting the industry
No CIECAST in September; due to Connex
October is the Technical 2020R2 presentation
November, we are working on finalizing the presenters
No CIECAST in December; due to Holiday
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez/Paulette
Emerging Technologies were reviewed to prioritize based on the CIECA standards, moving AI lower in the list because it was not found to be impacting CIECA standards. At this time, ADAS has been found to impact CIECA standards and moved to the top.
Identified the need for Vehicle Build Sheet Data and will work Use cases and Workflow
Requested a new OEM Repair Committee
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
Committee is moving forward with the impacts of the EV battery to the industry.
ARA glossary is being updated and will be brought to the this CIECA Committee to keep the terminology in sync.
A Study was done on carbon footprint and those findings and similar studies will be reviewed to see if there is impact to CIECA.
Repair Order Committee and Repair Status & Process Project: Jim Puskas and Chris Hall
Committee has had a few meetings to discuss the reactivation of the committee(s).
An Invitation will be sent out in the next week or so, to drive up interest in the committee. Chris is Out of the Office currently and we are waiting for his feedback before we finalize the invitation.
After the invitation, we will kickoff monthly meetings to discuss the implementation guides, pain points and implementing the new Open APIs.
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Brady Bonner
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
The Architecture committee is making good movement with the proof of concept, hoping to get started on APIs soon.
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance Caron
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Old Business
We still have three committee’s without Chairs. If we do not have these filled by the next CIECA Board meeting, it would be good to bring up these committee's to see if we can find a chairs.
New Business
DrawIO is part of confluence and we are moving the workflows for each committee to those Confluence pages and then into the new CIECA web design.
Implementation Guides and Use Cases are being moved to the new CEICA Web design pages.
The new OEM Repair Procedure Committee is looking for Chair(s) to help with the Scope and need of the committee to bring the Proposal to the Committee to the SAB for Review and Approval.
Great Meeting everyone; we finished before Phil’s flight. Stay cool everyone.
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Committees
SAB Voting Items
Other Documents
Old Business
New Business
Action items
Paulette Reed
Phil Martinez
Paul Barry
Ginny Whelan
Greg Best
Jim Puskas
Mike Hastings
Lance Vannalom
Frank Terlep
Stacey Phillips
Brady Bonner
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board