Public Page
2021-4-26 SAB Meeting
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Apr 26, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
QA was completed April 8 and Release 2020R1 was approved
Release was completed on April 21, 2021
CIECAST for Release 2021R1 on April 22, 2021
Simple Types for JSON
Common Aggregates/Domains
JSON Style Guide and Architecture Guideline
What Version of JSON to use?
CIECA Information Privacy Ad-Hoc Committee: Steve Betley and Lance Vannalom
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Emerging Technologies were identified
Actors for Emerging Technologies are being identified
We will determine the Business Use Cases and work flows that CIECA has that will be impacted
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
No Meeting this month; everyone is participating in Emerging Technology committee
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Brady Bonner
Semi Annual meeting
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Ready to start open API development ASAP
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance
Repair Order Project: Jim Puskas
Semi Annual Meeting this week
Repair Status & Process Project: Chris Hall
Semi Annual Meeting this week
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
Charters & Business Plans
None at this time
Project Proposals
No new Projects this month
None at this time
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
None at this time
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Old Business
Finding Active Chairs
Meeting Minutes
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
The only Jira left for Project 2021R1 is to have semi Annual meetings
The Jiras for Project 2021R2 is mostly to do with the development of the OpenAPIs.
Review Active Committees
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster /Paulette
QA was completed April 8 and Release 2020R1 was approved
Release was completed on April 21, 2021
CIECAST for Release 2021R1 on April 22, 2021
Simple Types for JSON
Common Aggregates/Domains
JSON Style Guide and Architecture Guideline
What Version of JSON to use?
CIECA Information Privacy Ad-Hoc Committee: Lance Vannalom/Paulette/Stacey/Paul
This committee is expected to have its final meeting today.
The Committee documentation was approved by the CIECA Board.
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter/Stacey
Last week we had our Technical CIECAST for the 2021R1 Release
Brady provided contact information for Safelight speakers to present on the topics of repair of glass and calibration; this will be our next CIECAST.
CCC and AI have reached out to discuss AI and Tech issues in the Collision Industry.
Solara and Audatex have also reached out to discuss AI and Tech issues in the Collision Industry.
August, we are working with ICAR and Jeff to discuss the new Training for EV evolution.
September we will not have a CIECAST due to CONNEX
October will be a Technical CIECAST for the 2021R2 release.
November is available for a CIECAST topic
December we will not have a CIECAST for the Holiday season
We have several speakers that have been recommended and we are working on contacting each and finding out topics they would like to discuss and have them in line with our Theme.
We have OEM that would like to present, but at this time there are still traveling restrictions. We will work with the Education Committee to determine if we should do a virtual presentation at CONNEX as well.
The first draft of the video was received; CIECA Staff reviewed and it is being presented to the Committee for feedback.
Education is now scheduled for weekly meetings.
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep and Gene Lopez
Emerging Technologies were identified and added; the committee expects for this list to continue to grow.
Actors for Emerging Technologies are being identified
Vehicle is an actor to many new technologies
We will determine the Business Use Cases and work flows that CIECA has that will be impacted
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan
Committee did hold off on meeting this month due to the participation with the Emerging Technologies Committee.
Ginny is going to present the Protocol for EV to Automotive Recyclers that has been approved in Massachusetts and California.
Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
CSI Committee: Vacant
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Glass Committee: Brady Bonner
Brady is the New Chair for the Glass Committee
At this time, no responses were received for the Semi Annual meeting that was scheduled; therefore it was cancelled and we will look to kickoff a meeting after the May CIECAST that focuses on Glass Repair and Calibration.
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance
Kim sees the committee being active after the OpenAPI guidelines are established by the Architecture Team.
Repair Order Project: Jim Puskas
Semi Annual Meeting has been scheduled for this week to introduce the new Chairs to the Committee.
We will also discuss how messages are used today and if there is any items that would make life better for the workflow.
Repair Status & Process Project: Chris Hall
Sharing a Semi Annual Meeting with Repair Order
Salvage Committee: Don Porter
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Scheduling: David McCreight
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Old Business
We still have a few Committees with Vacant Chairs; if anyone has suggestions for these committees, please email Paulette with your recommendation.
No New Business
Great Meeting Everyone.
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Committees
SAB Voting Items
Other Documents
Old Business
New Business
Action items
Jim Puskas
Kim DeVallance Caron
Lance Vannalom
Brady Bonner
Ginny Whelan
Phil Martinez
Gene Lopez
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Stacey Phillips
Frank Terlep
Chrisa Hickey
Mike Hastings
Greg Best
Paul Barry
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board