First Notice of Loss Committee Home

First Notice of Loss Committee Home

Public Page

Status: Maintenance Mode


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Operating Guidelines

  • To incorporate all potential business entities in the business processes related to the First Notice of Loss Service.

  • To work with the FNOL Committee to respond to group goals and timelines.

  • To provide an open working relationship with the FNOL Committee within the antitrust guidelines.

  • To coordinate all standards development with CCIF, ACORD and related organizations for FNOL.



The FNOL was originally created due to the cycle time for repairing and returning vehicles to the consumer after auto accidents takes a significant amount of time. Much of that time can be shortened if the gaps experienced in the reporting steps can be reduced with electronic notifications.  While this initial focus is on vehicle repair, we recognize this can expand far beyond that scope into, and including, medical care, etc. 

Our emphasis is on gaining efficiencies and improving customer service which is being stressed in the industry today.

The FNOL Committee was moved under the CIECA Product Committee as it had a one-to-one relationship with a CIECA Product.


CIECA’s First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee’s goal is to develop and maintain messaging standards and codes aimed at notifying parties of the loss. When implemented, the benefit will be to get it to the correct repair facility quicker, reduce the cycle time (current lag time between the accident to finally arriving at the repair facility, including the interim steps between those events), and improve the overall customer experience.  Again, this scope can be expanded to go beyond vehicle repairs.  Standards will benefit insurers, repair facilities, and vehicle owners in expediting the post-accident processes.  This effort includes a greater scope than the traditional FNOL being used in the insurance industry. The FNOL process precedes the Assignment process. 

All business needs will be identified to enable the FNOL to move electronically and readily between parties.  Having standards allows the processing to occur much quicker than what is experienced in today’s environment.  

Consumers demand a more timely, convenient, and efficient process, and setting standards is the first step toward this goal.

Industry Segments

Insurance Companies

Insurance Agents

Repair Facilities

Fleet Companies

Other Entities

Information Technology Providers

Third Party Administrators

For a complete list of CIECA’s identified Industry Segments and definitions; please visit Industry Segments

Meet the team

If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.  If there is no date in column 1, they have not participated.

Chair(s):  Benjamin Davis & Chad Sulkala



Industry Segment

Last Attended



Industry Segment

Last Attended

Benjamin Davis




Beth Taylor




Chris Poulos




Chad Sulkala




Craig Roberts




Erick Bickett




Jason Fuchs




John Vito




Kathy Goddard




Kim Devallance_Caron




Kiran Bethina




Michael Rortvedt




Naresh Holla




Paul Barry




Paulette Reed




Peter Douglas




Phil Martinez




Raj Pofale




Richard Trevino




Stacey Phillips







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