Public Page
2020-08-26 CIECA SAB Committee Minutes
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Aug 27, 2020
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
Process – All items in Red are changes to the SDC’s Tactical Plan, if there is no disagreement with these changes, these will be considered approved
Committee Reports
Implementation Mode Committees Reports then Active Committee Reports
Updates for This Meeting are in Red, those in Red presented to be reviewed
Updates from Prior Meetings this Quarter are in Blue
If only a message name appears, the task is to create an instance for that message.
Why are there implementation mode committees with multiple tasks? These tasks are to be completed by CIECA staff
Review of All Committees
Implementation Guides (IGs)
IG Appendix Cs
Semi-annual Meetings After Each Release
Verify all BMS Messages Have Instance Documents
Tactical Plan Review
Charters & Business Plans
Project Proposals
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Agreed
Meeting Minutes accepted
Review 2020 Tactical Plan
CER - Combined Environmental Reporting
Needed a Database message so third party could share information
Steve Schillinger has retired, so would need a new chair.
Never got off the ground; nothing planned at this time.
CSI Committee
Chair is vacant
We used to have the Semi Annual Meeting and then we would have Architecture meeting to review questions from Semi Annual meeting and QA meetings. We normally don’t have questions from QA and the architecture committee is part of QA, so the questions are answered by Architecture in the face to face.
The reason for the semi annual meeting was to keep people active in CIECA, Stacey did a great job getting the information about the Semi Annual meeting and we had 70+ new potential members interested in CIECA.
There was a suggestion mid way through the day to record the meetings for people that could not attend. One had been recorded previous for training purposes, but it is seen as a benefit.
We recorded 2 of the afternoon sessions, one facilitated by Charley Quirt and one facilitated by Paulette Reed.
First Notice of Loss (FNOL)
The tactical plan shows that every team had Instance documents that needed to be created for Testing purposes, so every committee has this line.
Kathy Goddard is no longer a CIECA member but still the Chair of the committee, she does still drop in on meetings time to time. She did not attend the Semi Annual meeting.
Motor Vehicle Title
Chair is vacant
Renamed Instance documents
Parts Procurement
Mike Hastings requested changes to the BMS in the Semi Annual Meeting
Normal Timeline is 3 weeks from request we will have a meeting to go over the details of the request; however, since this will push us up to our 2020R2 Release date, we are speeding up the timeline.
This Committee has specific Procurement messages that need instance documents and they are individually specified.
Photo Estimate
Virtual estimate code is not needed because we already had a virtual estimate code. The Virtual Estimate does not capture as much data as other estimates, however, the code already existed.
Rental Management
Nothing new except verifying instance documents are complete
Repair Order
Repair Order will need to have joint meetings with Calibration
The Repair Order messages were added and should be marked completed
Coordinate with NMVTIS Needs. NMVTIS changed ownership
Coordinate Salvage messages with Title Committee, Total Loss Committee, Recycled Parts & Inventory
Darrell Amberson would be a good chair for this because he is part of calibration committee and active in CIECA.
Scan had no changes but was used as part of calibration.
David McCreight did show up to semi annual meeting
Coordinate changes with Glass, Rental, VDI (Towing)
Chair is vacant
Face to face was cancelled
No Fact to Face in September
Connex cancelled but do have topics identified (HTTP, REST, JSON and how they work together)
JSON committee
Has been moved into architecture, but leaving it in this document to call attention to it outside of the committee.
CIC took the workflow that was created by the CIECA Calibration team and is now updating CIECA with changes to that workflow.
CIC is creating a video with the ADAS workflow.
The documents for Calibration has been moved to Box on
The committee name with a - is Public information (meeting notes, Charters, workflow, Non Intellectual Property)
No Dash is Private(Intellectual Property)
Education (Stacey lead discussion)
CIECAST has ben planned through November.
170 have registered for the the next CIECAST.
In January we will get the goals and direction to continue scheduling CIECAST for 2021.
Working on the website to make sure it is clear and information is easy to find.
Working on a video to explain to others what CIECA is and can do for the industry.
Education moved to a bi weekly meeting for now.
Semi Annual Meeting had 85+ new interest and Stacey sent the pamphlet that Paul put together to all of those who showed interest in CIECA.
Charley had completed the PIRC schema and code list and BMS changes.
Board requested that the information provided in the BMS be minimized as well as the code changes.
Charley removed all intellectual property and have sent the documents out to the committee to review and approve.
The Executive Committee needs determine what needs to happen with PIRC to turn these documents over and know that CIECA is protected and the documents can not be shared with just anyone.
Recycled Parts and Inventory (Ginny lead discussion)
Completed messages for 2020R2 release and aligned wiht Pocurment
working on message for EV(Electric Vehicle) and battery.
Hollander has generic numbers because OEMs will not share part numbers.
We need to start working on the battery aggregate and determine what is needed.
Calibration Implementation grids
Next Meeting 9/30/2020
Thanks for being a Great Committee - Charley
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
Action items
@Paulette Reed - Scribe
@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)
Phil Martinez
@Stacey Phillips
Ginny Whelan
Greg Best
@Paul Barry
Jeff Schroder
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board