Public Page
2020-09-30 SAB Meeting notes
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Sep 30, 2020
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement & Approval of previous meeting minutes
Process – All items in Red are changes to the SDC’s Tactical Plan, if there is no disagreement with these changes, these will be considered approved
Committee Reports
Implementation Mode Committees Reports then Active Committee Reports
Updates for This Meeting are in Red, those in Red presented to be reviewed
Updates from Prior Meetings this Quarter are in Blue
If only a message name appears, the task is to create an instance for that message.
Why are there implementation mode committees with multiple tasks? These tasks are to be completed by CIECA staff
Review of All Committees
Implementation Guides (IGs)
IG Appendix Cs
Semi-annual Meetings After Each Release
Verify all BMS Messages Have Instance Documents
Charters & Business Plans
Project Proposals
Implementation Guides & Appendix C
Other Documents
Old & New Business
Next Conference Call 10-28-2020
Is this always last Wednesday of the month so we can set up an Occurrences of meetings?
CER (Combined Environmental Reporting) Committee: Steven Schillinger
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Reassess Scope of Project |
| Not Planned |
| SDC Approval |
Identify Data Sources |
| Not Planned |
| SDC Approval |
Identify Common Data from Sources |
| Not Planned |
| SDC Approval |
Include SDS Sheet Info Into Above Data List |
| Not Planned |
| SDC Approval |
Create Development Plan for 2019 |
| Not Planned |
| SDC Approval |
CSI Committee: Vacant
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
C | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Clint Marlow, Benjamin Davis
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Glass Committee: Kathy Goddard
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Procurement Add Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Motor Vehicle Title Committee: Vacant
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Coordinate Title messages with Total Loss Committee and Salvage Committee |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Photo Estimate Committee: Greg Best
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Rental Management Committee: Kim DeVallance
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Repair Order Project: Mike Hastings
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Order Folder Add Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Order Folders Add Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Repair Status & Process Project: Vacant
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Production Stage Change Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Facility Add Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Claim Info Add Rq, Rental Add Rq. Claim Info Add Rs, Rental Add Rs (Deleted as the IG recommends NOT using these messages Repair Stats Rq & Rs) Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Status Chg Rq, Repair Status Chg Rs Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Order Close Rq Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Rental Status Inq Rq, Rental Status Rq, Rental Status Inq Rs, Rental Status Rs Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Repair Order Add Rq, Repair Order Add Rs Instance Document |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Salvage Committee: Don Porter (URG)
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Coordinate with NMVTIS Needs. Recall |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Coordinate Salvage messages with Title Committee, Total Loss Committee, Recycled Parts & Inventory |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
SCAN Committee: Darrell Amberson
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Scheduling: David McCreight
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Coordinate changes with Glass, Rental, VDI (Towing) |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Subrogation Committee: Vacant
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Total Loss Committee: Phil Martinez
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Coordinate Total Loss messages with Title Committee |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Validate Instance Documents Created Fourth Quarter 2019 | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Spell Check Code List - including tabs | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Validate Instance Documents Created First Quarter |
| Cancelled |
| Architecture Approval |
QA Webinar for all Updates into One BMS and One Code Table |
| Cancelled |
| Architecture Approval |
Create/Update the BMS, Code List & Schema and Spell Check BMS & Schema | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Update Schema for 2020R1 | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Validate Instance Documents Created Second Quarter |
| Cancelled |
| Architecture Approval |
First QA Face to Face Review of BMS, Schema, Code Lists for Release 2020R1 Review |
| Cancelled |
| Architecture Approval |
Determine and Complete All Requested Changes from First 2020 QA |
| Cancelled |
| Architecture Approval |
Develop a Version Control Process for CIECA Schemas | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Develop Communication on Schema Changes | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Test New Schemas | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Update Architecture Guidelines on New Schema | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
BMS, Schema, Code List Approval for 2020R1 | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Update Schema Read Me files | Completed | 3rd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review and Update Architecture Guidelines | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Identify CONNEX Topics, Develop CONNEX Symposium Presentation or CIECAst (e.g., HTTP, REST, JSON) | Completed | 3rd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Remove SchemaLocation from all 420 Test instances because they are using old locations and user locations (Charley) |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
QA Webinar for all Updates into One BMS and Code Table for 2020R2 |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Create & Validate Instance Documents for Each BMS and Code List Change |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
QA Face to Face Review of BMS, Schema, Code Lists for Release 2020R2 |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Determine and Complete All Requested Changes from second 2020 QA session |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
BMS, Schema, Code List Approval for 2020R2 |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Validate Instance Documents Created Fourth Quarter 2020 |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Develop White Paper on HTTP, REST, JSON |
| Not Planned |
| Education Approval |
Full Admin Info (person & organization), Vehicle Info, Document Info and File Attachment aggregates in an instance document |
| Not Planned |
| Architecture Approval |
Evaluate, with Education, additional User Implementation Tools |
| Not Planned |
| Architecture Approval |
JSON Committee: Dan Webster
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Research Schemas, Tools, & Architecture for JSON Messaging for Mobil and Cloud communication |
| 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Finalize and Document Script that Will Create CIECA’s JSON Schema from the XML Schema. Included will be spell checking dictionaries |
| 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Parallel/Augment XML Tools with JSON - More |
| Not Planned |
| Architecture Approval |
Calibration Committee: Darrell Amberson
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Develop Workflow Marketing Presentation (CIC) | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Develop BMS & Code List Changes | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Calibration BMS & Code List Changes Submitted | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Calibration Instance Docs Created |
| 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | SDC Approval |
Calibration IG & App C Approved |
| 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | SAB Approval |
Education Sub-Committee: Kathy Goddard (non-CIECA Member)
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Confirm 2020 CIECAst Schedule | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Webinar - 1st CIECAst | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 2nd CIECAst | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Event |
Confirm 2020 Symposium Dates, Itinerary & Location |
| Cancelled |
| SDC Approval |
Webinar 3rd CIECAst | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 4th CIECAst | Completed | 3rd 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 5th CIECAst | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 6th CIECAst | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Develop Annual Symposium - Send Out Notification to CIECA & Participating Organizations (e.g., ARA, STAR) |
| Cancelled |
| SDC Approval |
Develop Annual Symposium - Confirm Speakers |
| Cancelled |
| SDC Approval |
Host Annual Symposium |
| Cancelled |
| Event |
Webinar 7th CIECAst or SCAN On Demand Video | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 8th CIECAst | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 9th CIECAst | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Webinar 10th CIECAst |
| 4th 2020 |
| Event |
Develop the tools and update web site with other User Impl tools (with Architecture) |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
PIRC Data Standards Accessibility (Property) Committee: Vacant
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Complete Charter | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Complete Business Plan | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Complete Workflow | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Develop Future Tasks | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Property Estimate Data Defined | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Property Estimate BMS & Code List Changes Submitted | Cancelled | Board Rejection of Property Standards |
| Architecture Approval |
Property Estimate Instance Doc Created | Cancelled | Board Rejection of Property Standards |
| SDC Approval |
Property Estimate IG & App C Approved | Cancelled | Board Rejection of Property Standards |
| SAB Approval |
Create Blank BMS and Code List to share with PIRC |
| 4 TH 2020 |
| Executive Approval and Board Approval |
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan (ARA)
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review Remittance IG Appendix C Business Case Example and Instance Document | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Update Statement IG Appendix C Business Case Example BMS Table and Instance Document | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Evaluate remaining Procurement messages for use, and create industry specific business case examples | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Augment All PMP Procurement Add Rq Messages with RP&I Aggregates Instance Docuement |
| 3rd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Monitor Recall Changes Needed |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Coordinate Recycled Parts messages with Parts and Materials Committee, Salvage Committee, and Title Committee |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Vehicle Damage and Imaging Committee (Incl. PDR): Phil Martinez
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
BMS Changes to Support Calibration | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Code List Changes to Support Calibration | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Architecture Approval of Calibration Changes | Completed | 3rd 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Salvage Comprehensive added to code list | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Add New Test Instance to test Code List addition | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings
Description | Status | Completion Date | New Completion Date | Completion Definition |
Rename All Instance Docs to Standard Format | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Review Charter, Business Plan, Workflow(s) | Completed | 1st 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Review IGs and IG App C | Completed | 2nd 2020 |
| SAB Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 2nd Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries | Completed | 2nd 2020 | 3rd 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Addition to Code List Part Num Type VendorRefNum – “Proprietary number assigned by the estimating software vendor. (e.g., barcode number or labor operation description) LineItemCategoryCode – “For the list of values/codes see the Line Item Category code tab in the CIECA Master Code List spreadsheet. | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
BMS Changes for PMP, GlobalPartAdjustmentList | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Schema Changes | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Add Test Instance document for testing above PMP changes | Completed | 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Verify All Messages & Variations Have Instance Documents |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Create Procurement Notification Sts Rq Test Instance |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Create Procurement Status Inq Rq - 4 Methods and All Procurement Status Inq Rs Test Instances |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Create Procurement Invoice Inq Rq, Procurement Credit Memo Inq Rq, Procurement ReturnInq Rq and All 4 Rs messages Test Instances |
| 2nd 2020 | 4th 2020 | Architecture Approval |
Semi-annual Meeting 2020 4th Qtr, Respond to Architecture’s QA Questions and Inquiries |
| 4th 2020 |
| Architecture Approval |
Coordinate Parts and Materials messages with Recycled Parts and Inventory Standards Committee |
| 4th 2020 |
| SDC Approval |
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Statement agreed upon.
Meeting Minutes from previous meeting were accepted.
All Committees
We do not have any new documentation to be approved
SAB Voting
We do not have anything to vote on for this meeting.
Discussion of recurring monthly meeting the last week of the month.
Those on the meeting said that Mondays worked better, a message will be sent to the SAB Committee to determine best availability for those not in attendance.
Committee Reports
Implementation Mode Committees
Common theme is showing that the Semi Annual meeting was completed and discussed in the last meeting and that Test Instance verification was moved to the 4th quarter 2020. The Test Instance Documentation was a step Charley was planning to work on before he had to find someone to replace him and then train. He was doing this as part of renaming all of the Test Instances. With him training and retiring and new changes coming in for 2020R2, this is being moved to the 4th qtr.
Active Committees
Architecture Committee
We added a task to remove SchemaLocation from all of the test instances. This was done when Git Hub was started in the previous release, but they have all been added back in. The Locations are pointing to 2017 Release and specific user directories that could cause confusion. The Schema location is needed for XML spy and was probably added in for renaming and testing of those Instances, but they will all be removed for 2020R2.
JSON Committee
On hold but placed here for exposure of the committee.
Calibration Committee
There are two items that were marked for original completion 2nd qtr and changed to 3rd qtr that did not have a completion date. Since Calibration was completed when I started and no longer having meetings, I assume these were completed by Charley and not marked?
Verify Test Instances, is like all the other committees, so this is being moved to the 4th Qtr.
The approval of the IG and Appendix C.
Check with Charley to see if this was completed, if not it will be 4th qtr where each of the committees impacted by the changes to Calibration will be ask if they want to add Calibration to the committee documents.
Education Committee
The 9th CIECAst was completed and all others for the year is scheduled.
PIRC Committee
CIECA is in the process up updating the BMS and Code List to be more generic than the one Charley provided on the CIECA Board recommendation. The updated documents will be shared with the Executive Committee and the CIECA Board Committee for approval 4th qtr.
RP&I Committee
RP&I has agreed to meet every other week because the information they are requesting needs other committee participation.
RP&I has requested CIECA to create a new committee for Electronic Vehicle.
At this time, there is no new messages or data aggregates identified, but the overall flow is not known and new fields and messages may be needed.
The Friday, Oct 2, 2020 Executive meeting will be discussing this request.
VDI Committee
VDI requested a code list value addition for 2020R2 Release.
The code list value and the Test Instance document was approved by the committee and by the Architecture Committee.
The Test Instance document was not provided by the requestor because they did not know how to do this, in the Architecture Committee meeting, it was pointed out that this should be done by the requestor when possible. Becky was going to reach out to the requestor. In the next Architecture meeting we will discuss the process of what should be done if the requestor is not able to create and add it to the Architecture Guidelines.
PMP Committee
New Request for Code List Value additions and BMS changes with new Aggregates and data elements to help the workflow and remove the need to use custom field(s), were approved by the impacted committees and the Architecture Committee.
Test Instance Documents were created by the requestor, and approved by the impacted committees and the Architecture Committee.
In the Future, CIECA Staff is hoping to use Jira to track the work changes.
For the next meeting, the above Confluence page and the proposed Jira reports will be displayed side by side to get feedback on the proposed changes.
Great Meeting Everyone. Have a great week.
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
Action items
@Paulette Reed - Scribe
Stacey Phillips
Jeff Schroder
David McCreight
Paul Barry
Greg Best
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board