Public Page
2022-04-25 SAB Meeting
Public Page
Apr 25, 2022
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Anti-Trust Statement
Welcome and Introductions
Review/Approval of previous meeting minutes
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Active Committee Review
Product Committee Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Charters & Business Plans
None at this time
Project Proposals
OEM Repair Procedures and Build Sheet Committee
Itemized Services Project Committee
None at this time
Implementation Guides
Other Documents
CIECA Simplified
Old & New Business
Old Business
New Business
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Welcome with an open floor for introductions or networking opportunity
Reviewed Previous meeting minutes and accepted
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
2022R1 has 156 planned for April 20, 2022 Release.
146 Completed
2022R2 has 126 planned
98 Planned past month
6 In Progress was moved from 2022R1 In Progress State
Active Committee Review
Architecture Committee: Dan Webster and Paulette Reed
QA was held April 5, 2022, a simple misspelling of ENUM in the Master Data dictionary made the QA meeting longer than expected. When the spelling was corrected, it took the default Open and made it Closed and caused every test instance to break. The Coding in the Schema had to be corrected.
Release was April 20, 2022
Technical CIECAST April 28, 2022
Education Sub-Committee: Don Porter and Stacey Phillips
CIECAST April 28 is the CIECA Technical Series
Paulette to discuss the release content, Dan to discuss the Architecture Committee API work, Mike Hastings to discuss Stoplight and brief demo, Andy to discuss the backend coding, and Paul to discuss CIECA Simplified.
CONNEX is in St Charles/St Louis September 13 - 14
Next meeting will be early May
Confirming Speakers
We have a Media Sponsor that will be covering the event, Collision Repair Magazine.
Emerging Technologies Adhoc Committee: Frank Terlep, Paulette Reed and Gene Lopez
The last meeting we kicked off with Speakers presenting 3D printing.
The Committee will continue to work through 3D printing, we are reaching out to other industry leaders as recommended by committee members that can help discuss the data needed to be shared.
Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Committee: Ginny Whelan and Paulette Reed
Unable to meet this month with schedules
Authorization Committee: Chris Hall and Kim DeVallance-Caron
Excited to kickoff the Referral project; we will wait until the OEM Repair Procedure Committee Kickoff is over before kicking off this committee.
Vehicle Repair Committee: Jim Pukas, Chris Hall and Paulette Reed
This was a combined committee that was looking into the Repair Order and Repair Status. After several months of meeting, no pain points to the current standards were mentioned. It was agreed that we would no longer have the combined meetings and focus on the new Products Committee.
Kevin Kingsley mentioned the Bluetooth features being used in the Repair Status. A meeting with Jim, Chris and Kevin has been scheduled to look at Bluetooth in repair status.
Product Committee Implementation Mode/Inactive Committees:
Appointment Committee: David McCreight
Assignment Committee: Brady and Kim
Attachment Committee: vacant
Claims Save Committee: Phil Martinez
Disposition Committee: Don Porter
Estimate Committee: Phil Martinez and Greg Best
First Notice of Loss (FNOL) Committee: Benjamin Davis and proposed Chad Sulkala
Invoice Committee: Vacant
Location Committee: Kim DeVallance Caron
Parts Procurement Committee: Mike Hastings and Chrisa Hickey
Status Committee: vacant
Survey Committee: vacant
Vehicle Title Committee: Ginny Whelan (New Chair)
Valuation Committee: Phil Martinez
Old Business
CIECA Simplified
To help with member engagement and member knowledge share, CIECA Staff is working on making the documentation user friendly and easy to find.
Brief Demo of Assignment Service new landing page and implementation guide.
Projects Coming Up
Referral as mentioned above will be kicked off after OEM Repair Procedure committee is initiated.
Specialized Services is on hold waiting for more information from the requestor.
AI will be kicked off after the Referral
New Business
No New Business
Great Meeting Everyone
Up Next
Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance
SAB Meeting Guidelines
Jira Reports
Review Committees
SAB Voting Items
Other Documents
Old Business
New Business
Action items
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Stacey Phillips
Frank Terlep
Paul Barry
Greg Best
Jams Puskas
Phil Martinez
Kim DeVallance Caron
Chris Hall
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Standards Advisory Board