Public Page

2020-12-1 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 



Dec 1, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Semi Annual Meeting(s)

    • New Approach to Semi-Annual Meeting

    • CIECA Confluence Committee Spaces

    • Technical CIECAST for each Release

    • New Committees being proposed (Emerging Technology and Open API/JSON)

      • SAB Committee approval, kickoff beginning 2021

  • Part Type, Rate Type, Total Type, Labor Type, Other Charges Code list sync review

    • Identify differences to get in sync.

  • Currently have codes with 4 characters, however, we are running out of Labor Codes and we need to look at the impact of moving this code to 5 characters.

  • Changes to the Architecture Guidelines from QA and description change for code list value update.

  • Standardize Percentage definitions question (Becky)

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust agreed upon.

  • Meeting minutes from last meeting accepted.

  • Semi Annual Meeting(s)

    • New Approach to Semi-Annual Meeting to have this more of a working meeting to discuss changes that CIECA has been making. This is more a reach out to inactive teams that have members unaware of the changes going on.

      • CIECA Confluence Committee Space

    • Technical CIECAST for each Release will be announced so everyone understands to see what is new in the releases, they need to attended the CIECAST presented by Dan.

    • New Committees being proposed (Emerging Technology and Open API/JSON)

      • SAB Committee approval, kickoff beginning 2021

  • Reviewed the Part Type, Rate Type, Total Type, Labor Type and other Charges Sync.

    • Questions arose if we needed to copy everything from Other Charges to Rate Type and Total Type.

      • The EMS had one code list #18 Detail Type; which meant that if it was in Part Type it was also in Labor Type because it was the same list.

      • More attention should have been used when new list were being proposed to validate where they needed to go, at this time, we know some codes have been missed and we need to add them.

      • We want to make sure the codes that are being added are unique to that code list and we are not adding duplicates. The Spreadsheet that we are working from is alphabetic and should easily identify if it already exist, it should be matched. However, we can also change the database to unique; which would mean the Database would not allow a duplicate to be added.

      • Mitchell has additional cost that uses the codes in other charges, its just a smaller subset.

      • To save on time in the meeting, a review was done to see what we could do in group, for us to change outside of the meeting to speed up the process.

        • All Codes from Column I (Other Charges) should be added to Colum C (Rate Type) and Column E (Total Type)

        • All Codes from Column A (Part Type) should be in Column C (Rate Type)

        • RLA and Subro will stay in Total Type alone

      • The EMS had codes for each high level

        • PA - Parts

        • LA - Labor

      • We will pick up at Transportation and review the above changes that were made for approval in the next meeting.

Great Meeting Everyone.

Up Next

  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Part Type, Rate Type, Total Type, Labor Type, Other Charges Code list sync review

    • Continue to Identify differences to get in sync.

  • Currently have codes with 4 characters, however, we are running out of Labor Codes and we need to look at the impact of moving this code to 5 characters.

  • Changes to the Architecture Guidelines from QA and description change for code list value update.

  • Standardize Percentage definitions question (Becky)

Action Items





  • @Paulette Reed- Facilitator/Scribe

  • Andy Bober

  • Dan Webster

  • @Paul Barry

  • Chris Poulos

  • Jeff Schroder

  • Phil Martinez

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee