2020-10-06 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2020-10-06 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 



Oct 6, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Architecture Guidelines for creating Test Instances

    • If requestor does not know how to create these, what should be our standard process.

    • The 2020 Tactical Plan had a step for every committee to verify the test instances which was planned to be executed by Charley, do we need to change this process?

  • Create Agenda for QA

    • Review BMS

    • Review Schema

    • Review Test Instance

    • Percentage is defined differently in the BMS (some negative and some positive only) do we need to standardize?

    • Go through the new items that need to be spelled checked to get approval of spellings and added to the list.

  • JSON (should this be removed from Agenda?)

    • Review of the JSON Draft Provided from Stacey (When Ready).

    • Tactical plan has 2 JIRAS for JSON work.

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust statement agreed upon.

  • Meeting Minutes from last meeting accepted.

  • Architecture Guidelines for Test Instances

    • In the last meeting we talked about the requestor of a new code list value did not know how to create a test instance and Paulette created the instance to test. Becky was going to reach out to Carrie Read, but it was agreed that the Test Instance created was valid.

    • It came up in a following meeting that we probably need to add the Process of creating Test Instance(s) to the Architecture Guidelines.

    • After discussion, it was agreed on by the committee that CIECA’s BA/Project Manager would create the Test Instances if the requestor was not able to create them. This would be the best centralized person to complete the task.

    • There are a number of items remaining on the Tactical Plan for verifying Test Instances and creating them if they are not their, that was part of Charly’s 2nd qtr. These items will be completed by Paulette.

  • Skipped the QA Agenda to discuss the need for JSON on the Agenda

  • JSON has been on the bottom of the Agenda for months with no discussion and we have to Tactical plans that have not been moved to Jira to complete this work. Do we put them on hold or do we make this a priority.

    • Reviewed the new Architecture Committee Confluence page to show the Task from previous meetings and the new section with the Jira work/task for the committee.

    • Andy would need help from others to complete this large task. With 421 test instances, that is a lot of changes and a lot of testing and not one person would be able to take on this effort.

    • Dan gave an update on the long process of converting EMS to XML which became the BMS and XML schemas. This effort took a few years.

    • Committee discussed the differences between XML and JSON.

      • XML being converted to JSON is breaking some of the benefits of JSON. JSON is supposed to be simple and when XML is converted, it is still complex. Not just big complex, but XML handles the conditions between fields and JSON does not.

      • JSON does not use capitalization to keep things simple.

      • JSON has standards to move to smaller aggregates (7 fields).

      • The committee’s companies are interested in Open API, but not the complex conversion of XML to JSON version that has not been successful in a few attempts.

      • JSON started off slow but is moving at lightning speeds at this time. They announced that the are pairing up with Open API in the next release and are not concerned with standards.

        • The new release is expected within the next year.

        • This is a great time for CIECA to start an Open API version.

    • A motion was made to Start Open API version of BMS. Motion was made by Andy Bober, second by Mike Hastings and unanimous agree.

      • CIECA needs a new BMS 2.0 for Open API/JSON.

      • This would be starting from the beginning.

        • It was recommended that we pick assignment and procurement messages to go through the process with the committees and come up with CIECA best practices.

          • Doing 1 or 2 was both suggested.

          • PMP and VDI have a lot of committee support and could help with the work.

        • We need to work with the Dan (had to drop a few minutes early) to discuss which messages we would like to start with.

        • Paulette will close the existing Tactical plan Jiras because they were for the original concept of JSON and not starting fresh.

Charley is planning on attending the QA, so not to worried about not getting the agenda set today. Have a Great rest of your week everyone.

Up Next

  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Review Architecture Guidelines change for Test Instances creation.

  • Decide what message(s) to create in Open API first.

    • Create Jiras to complete task

  • QA Agenda Review.

Action Items

Change Architecture Guidelines for Test Instance creation @Paulette Reedhttps://cieca.atlassian.net/browse/BMS-97
Close Jiras for JSON from Tactical Plan and create new Jiras from starting from scratch. @Paulette Reed





  • @Paulette Reed- Facilitator/Scribe

  • Dan Webster

  • Mike Hastings

  • Andy Bober

  • Jeff Schroeder

  • Dustin Nunamaker

  • @Paul Barry

  • Kevin Cukrowicz

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee

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