Public Page
2021-07-20 Architecture Meeting Minutes
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Jul 20, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Work on FNOL Parties/Actors
Work on FNOL JSON message
Discuss structuring Complex Schemas concepts and the bundling.
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting Minutes Accepted
Review of DocumentInfo from last week meeting
DocumentInfo was moved up and four fields were moved to the top of all messages in a previous meeting. We reviewed this and made the changes to the GitHub cieca_api_standard/json-test-instances/flattenedFnolReportAddRq_First_Report_Vehicle.json
The four fields we keep from DocumentInfo to be rolled up are Version, CreateDateTime, PassTrhoughInfo and VendorCode.
Parties in FNOL include:
Insurance agent
Insurance Company
Repair Facility
Mater Code List Values
All Ways
Info Req
BMS FNOL captures the sender in the documentSubType and the Committee is not sure that is the valid area for the information.
In the next meeting we would like to go over all the parties/Actors and determine which ones will be used (for example; would ambulance be a party) and determine how to incorporate this information in the FNOL schema.
The Value ‘All Ways’ does not seem to be a valid party.
The Update would be part of the HTTP
The Submitter value would seem to be a better place to show the party making the request of the FNOL
Complex Schemas documentation , but the information Dan wants to focus on with the structuring Complex types is found
The Committee decided that originally the FNOL seemed to be easy message to prove proof of concept. However, we have no FNOL members on the committee and no FNOL responding to join the committee and have not been successful in getting real life examples. Therefore, it has been determined that the proof of concept will go to Parts.
A Vin Decoder will be the first API we will work on.
Simple request with a VIN number in the URL
Response will be VehicleInfo.
Discussion of using GET or POST for the VIN Decoder
Get has limit on the request, 2 kilobytes
POST does not have a size limit on the request or response
Anything included on the URL is not included in 2k restrictions
We opened a CIECA Stoplight account that supports version 3.1 and plan to use it instead of SwaggerHub.
We did a short look and demo in the meeting.
Mike is familiar and has been using Stoplight
For preparations next week, Paul and Paulette will work on getting an account in Stoplight and invite committee members.
Mike Hastings will work on getting the information for VIN Decoder into Stoplight so we can review.
Great Meeting everyone; First API coming soon!
Up Next
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Work on VIN Decoder API
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Dan Webster
Chrisa Hickey
Brad Broerman
Phil Martinez
Mike Hastings
Andy Bober
Paul Barry
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee