2020R2 QA Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2020R2 QA Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 



Oct 14, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Recap of changes made to this release

  • BMS QA/Schema QA/Code List QA

  • Spell Check

  • Test Instances validation

  • Vote to Approve 2020R2

Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome to the 2020R2 Virtual QA

  • Antitrust statement agreed upon.

  • Recapped changes

  • Went over what has been completed before QA

  • BMS/Schema QA

    • There was some changes to the document that Charley realized needed updated when he was reviewing documentation for training purposes.

      • The BMS had Fred’s name and phone number as a contact and that was changed to CIECA Executive Director.

      • Definition for Service Provider was updated through the document to make it clearer.

    • Questions were brought up about Calibration documentation and the Committee requested a PDF to better understand the data. Charley sent an email, however, the PDF was not received. The team was able to use Test Instances to review.

    • Discussion came up about adding new data do the middle of an aggregate instead of at the end. The Architecture Guidelines were referenced to validate that it was allowed to add fields where it made the most sense instead of at the end.

    • PaintThickness was a marked as a D (0:1) and the team did not feel that was correct. Research was done by committee members to Mils vs Micron Unit of measure for thickness and the PaintThickness was changed to D(0-9999.9). The BMS and Schemas were updated, then a test instance updated to validate the change.

    • Unit of measure was removed from under PaintThickness because it was ruled a duplicate once the PaintThickness Degree was corrected.

    • The topic of list Collections and Parent and Child Aggregates naming conventions being singular/Plural/List was discussed. It was agreed that the Parent should be a List and the child would be plural.

      • CalibrationDetailsList was added and CalibrationDetail was changed to CalibrationDetails.

      • ScanDetailsList was added and ScanDetail was changed to ScanDetails.

      • TechnicianList was added.

    • Naming of NO was changed to Num in several tags to meet the Architecture naming guidelines.

    • Architecture Guidlines were reviewed to verify Boolean should be marked with Ind in the name. It was verified and all Boolean and Indicators were updated to have Ind at the end of the tag name.

    • BMS QA recommendation changes were made the BMS and the Schema and a new build was executed and tested and approved.

  • Code List QA

    • We started the code list review by looking at the Excel document and going through the changes.

    • We moved Visual Code side by side comparison by including the code list from the previous release into a folder in the new release (the folder can not be in the Build folder because it is replaced each run. We created a folder called build6.1.0 with the code list.

    • Visual Code then lets you select a file and then select a file to compare it to for side by side comparison.

    • It was noted that LAD was deleted from LaborType code list by accident. It was added back and tested.

    • OEM Build Data Sheet vs OEM Build Sheet Data was discussed. We did reach out to the team, which did not reject the proposal, but after more research it was determined by the Architecture Committee that the Calibration Committee had the correct wording and it would remain OEM Build Data Sheet.

    • OEM Procedures Code list brought up discussion. It was recommended by the Architecture Committee to have OEM Procedures as well as OEM Repair Procedures and OEM Calibration Procedures.

      • It was taken back to the Calibration Committee, which agreed and said we may need an additional code.

      • The Architecture Committee determined that we would leave it as OEM Procedures because it would always be backward compatible and we did not want to make request of a committee at the last minute and make changes. The original Committee request would stay in place.

      • Reach out to the Calibration Committee and let them know we did not change the original request and they can make requested changes to 2021R1.

    • LaborType, RateType, and TotalType all use specific codes that follow an unwritten standard and the new LAAE did not follow this standard.

      • An example of the standard is LA is = Labor; LAB = Labor -Body; LABA = Labor -Body; Additional work; LABS = Labor - Body; Sublet

      • LAAE does not have an Additional work or sublet

      • The Third letter of A or E was already used in previous codes; and for a meaningful code to be used, AE was added as 1.

      • At this time the codes are only 4; 80 characters are allowed, but the committee thinks that changing the code to 5 will break code and did not want to risk that at this time. LAAE was agreed upon for this release and research needs to be done to determine next steps for these codes.

    • All modifications were made, reviewed, tested and approved.

  • Spell Check

    • The npm run build now creates word list with all the tags and words in the schema to validate spelling.

    • These word list were both put into the release directory so they could be viewed side by side in Visual Code.

    • The Word process of using the previous code list was not working due to the CodeList not being valid any longer. Moving forward we should be able to use Word or Visual Code.

    • The use of ADAS broke the camel case process.

    • The list was reviewed and approved.

  • Test Instances

    • As a part of this release and Charley’s retirement plans, he renamed all of the test instances to have them follow the Architecture guidelines naming standards.

    • Charley verified all the messages were tested, but at this time, there is outstanding jiras for verifying all of the test instances are included and all of the CodeList variations are included in test instances. The test instances will be handled for the next release.

    • We have several negative test instances that have not been added to the build because we would not get a clean test if we added them. It needs to be discussed how we can add these and still get valid test of a build. This will be moved to the Architecture Committee Meeting Agenda.

    • All modifications to the Schema from QA was made to the Test Instances and verified by running npm test.

    • Test Instances were approved.

  • A motion was made by Dan Webster to Approve the 2020R2 release, and Andy and Mike seconded at the same time. The 2020R2 Release was unanimously passed.

  • Merge in GitHub

    • Paulette requested a “Pull Request” in GitHub to merge 2020R2 branch to Master branch.

    • Mike approved the “Pull Request” in GitHub.

    • Went to the command line push the release.

    • After the merge was completed, the 2020R2 branch was deleted in GitHub

    • A new branch was created for the 2021R1 release in GitHub.

  • The date of the Actual Release will be after the Package is completed with ReadMe file, and Stacey has enough time to send out Announcement.

  • Motion to adjourn meeting.

Congratulations everyone for making QA 2020R2 a Success. Thank you for your participation and knowledge share! Have a great Weekend.

Action Items

Move discussion topics from QA to the Architecture Committee Agenda.
Send Email to Calibration Team to discuss the OEM Procedures Code list and possible additions.





  • @Paulette Reed- Facilitator/Scribe

  • @Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

  • Dan Webster

  • Mike Hastings

  • Andy Bober

  • @Phil Martinez

  • @Paul Barry

  • Kevin Cukrowicz

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee

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