2020-10-27 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2020-10-27 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 



Oct 27, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Webinar for What’s new in 2020R2

  • ROE is the New standard that everyone should move forward with using for Recycled Parts. PAL will be keep for backward compatibility.

    • New Jiras created for 2021R1 Release

  • Changes to the Architecture Guidelines from QA

  • Standardize Percentage definitions question (Becky)

  • How can we handle Negative Test Instances in our process?

  • TotalType, LaborType and RateType Code list currently have codes with 4 characters, however, we are running out of Labor Codes and we need to look at the impact of moving this code to 5 characters.

  • Select first message to work for JSON/Open API

    • This will set the standards for moving forward with Open API

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust was agreed.

  • Meeting Minutes were accepted from previous meeting.

  • Webinar for 2020R2

    • Slides were created by Project Coordinator (Charley) and were similar to those in QA.

    • Went over the changes to the BMS and Code list, nothing specific to the schemas because they are the same changes as the BMS.

    • Webinar is 30 minutes, normally on a Tuesday at 9 Pacific time.

    • The Architecture Committee Chair normally presents

      • It was discussed if anyone else would like the opportunity to speak at the webinar that they could.

      • Requested that Charley come and present the webinar.

      • Paulette offered to present the webinar.

      • It was decided that the Chair would continue to do the presentation.

    • Proposal was made to let committee(s) with change request that impacted the BMS or brand new code list to talk about the changes and how it impacts their industry.

      • The committee members agreed this was a good idea.

    • After the Chair completes the presentation, the Project Coordinator will go over any questions that came up during the webinar and ask for questions and thank everyone for attending.


    • ROE is the new standard that Recycled Parts and Inventory would like everyone to start using. PAL should be changed back to its original discription.

      • Two Jiras were created for this work to be done in the 2021R1 Release

        • R121-1 is to add ROE to Rate Type code list and Total Type Code list

        • R121-2 is to change PAL description back to the original description. It also has the history of PAL description changes. However, the changes were not logged in the code list, so the ‘Why’ it was changed is not clear.

          • PAL was added to Part Type, Rate Type and Total Type with a description of Parts - Like Kind & Quality (LKQ).
            In release 4.0 (2009R2) Part Type only was changed to Parts - Recycled.

            In release 5.0 (2014R2) Part Type description was changed to Parts - Recycled OE.

            In release 5.6 (2017R2) it was changed to Parts Recycled OEM.

            It should be changed back to its original description and ROE be used as the Standard for OEM recycled parts.

    • There are many codes that have only been added to Part Type and does not follow the standard in adding them to all 3 code list.

      • We need to run a query and add all missing types to the list to keep the standard of all 3 of these list being in sync.

      • We can tell that these codes are not being used when they are added because they are not in sync.

    • The descriptions should be consistent and follow a standard.

      • If a new description is needed, we should add a new code.

    • It was agreed that the changes to PAL description could be moved back to the original description because it should have never been changed and would meet EMS standards.

Up Next

  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Select first message to work for JSON/Open API

    • This will set the standards for moving forward with Open API

  • Changes to the Architecture Guidelines from QA and description change for code list value update.

  • TotalType, LaborType and RateType Code list

    • Identify differences to get in sync.

    • currently have codes with 4 characters, however, we are running out of Labor Codes and we need to look at the impact of moving this code to 5 characters.

  • Standardize Percentage definitions question (Becky)

  • How can we handle Negative Test Instances in our process?

Action Items

Add a new standard to the Architecture guidelines that a best practice is if a Code List Value needs a description change, then it should get a new code list value.
create a new Jira to identify all of the Part Types, Rate Types and Total Types that are not in sync. https://cieca.atlassian.net/browse/BMS-101





  • @Paulette Reed- Facilitator/Scribe

  • Andy Bober

  • Mike Hastings

  • Dan Webster

  • Paul Barry

  • Becky Kimmick

  • Jeff Schroder

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee

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