Public Page
2021-08-24 Architecture Meeting Minutes
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Aug 24, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Paul sent email on Usage of Standards
Meeting Invite and Occurrence
Dan demoed Bundling Concept
Work on VIN Decoder API
Review new Line Item Description Codes for Hollander (ENLS, INAR, MSWH, and RPFM)
Validate they follow the standards set up for these codes, there was a question on RPFM.
Emerging Technologies is working on New Code List Values for Options
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting Minutes Accepted
Due to only a hand full of committee members being present in the last meeting, we wanted to do a brief recap.
In an earlier meeting, Andy, proposed a CIECA Standards Usage document. Paul took the lead and sent out an email to the Architecture Committee.
If any members did not receive the message, please reach out to Paul or Paulette to get a copy.
EMS was an open standard when it was originated.
The Membership and licensing is newer concept with the BMS.
Meeting attendance has been dwindling at the end of summer. We will send out a Doodle Poll with committee recommended times to see what works best for everyone with their new schedules.
Tuesday’s and Thursdays around the times we are currently meeting seems to be the best.
We want to make sure to have a good core representation of members that use the standards.
The Bundling Concept is continuing to be worked on, but we would like other members of the committee to review and provide thoughts and feedback.
VIN Decoder
Mike continued to work on the VIN Decoder and believes the only thing he has left is to add the BMS description to the schema.
In a previous meeting it was decided that the Description from the BMS would be used.
Bundling is working well, the issue that Stoplight does not support this concept and does not have it on radar at this time.
Discussion of removing fields from Vehicle Info that would not be used in VIN Decoder
The VehicleInfo was slimmed down and many layers of hierarchy were removed previously. However, in looking at Vehicle Info, there is a lot of Data being added that would never be used in the VIN Decode.
XML had everything and was thought the more you had the better, to make sure everything was covered. However, that concept does not apply with Open API.
We can Remove fields, but there is some worry that when we start looking at other services, that we will be adding them back.
Examples of Vehicle Info data that will not be used in VIN Decoder is the Towing section, Keys available Indicator, and description of where the keys are located.
A Vehicle Model is Needed.
We can have VIN Info and Vehicle Info and Vehicle Estimate instead of just Vehicle Info.
Mike is going to take the action item of looking at the Nation Transportation data model and sharing his findings with the committee next week.
Committee is hoping Andy can provide more information on GraphQL, because this allows you to send all of the data, but just SQL over the items you need from the message.
Review Line Item Codes proposed by Hollander (ENLS, INAR, MSWH, and RPFM)
Phil emailed that he wanted to make sure the codes followed the structure that we created. He questioned the RPFM - Floor-Floor Mat.
The Committee approved ENLS and INAR
The Committee recommended that MSWH (Miscellaneous Wire Harness) be moved to Electrical Category.
The Committee recommended that RPFM (Floor-Floor Mat) be moved to the Interior Category.
Paulette will take the recommendations back to Hollander.
Emerging Technology Options Code
Reviewed the JSON that Emerging Technologies used to help them determine the ADAS codes to add to the list. This has Category and Description, instead of Code and Description.
We looked at the Code list to see that there was a 4 character code and then a description with a Category-Description.
The question the Architecture Committee needs to look at is how to handle the Code List in the future. The code list were moved over from the EMS code list concept. However, the Open API does not seem to follow these codes, but use more the description.
Great Meeting everyone
Up Next
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Look at Vehicle Data Model
Hollander accepted the Architecture recommendations, get approval on those codes.
Emerging Technologies Code List?
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Dan Webster
Mike Hastings
Brad Broerman
Jeff Schroeder
Paul Barry
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee