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2021-09-7 Architecture Meeting Minutes
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Sep 7, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Meeting was move to Microsoft Teams Meeting
Review New Options Code List for Emerging Technologies.
Discuss Bundling
Discuss data aggregate structure of smaller more useful aggregates.
Work on Vin Decoder
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting Minutes Accepted with a few Minor changes from Dan
Options Code was reviewed, however the committee would like to have them sent to them Via email to review
For Codes that existed before but in a different category like APA, we could change the description and keep the code
Reviewed Mikes changes to VIN Info
New Manufacturer Option Code (Open Code List)
New Valve Type (currently 3 values)
New Fuel Injection Type
New Transmission Type
New Cab Configuration (Trucks)
Mike used the Bundling tool
Need to Add descriptions
Yamal file is smaller with around 1500 lines
Model Year was changed to String
Questions on the New Transmission Type and Transmission Speeds
We currently have a code list with over 60 values for Transmission
Mike got the proposed values of Transmission Type and Transmission Speed from Government site
Proposal to look at how we want to handle Code List in Open API
the cryptic codes that were used in EMS were carried over to the BMS, however, open API use longer fields and descriptions instead of codes.
We can use the same Master Code List that we have today, but use the descriptions?
With Open API we should move away from the Short codes
Descriptions could cause duplicates
Proposal is to use Descriptions.
Slimming of Current BMS Aggregates
In the past we followed an Architecture that if an aggregate was longer than 10, we would move it to its own Aggregate, this causes a complex Hierarchy
We removed the Hierarchy from Vehicle Info and other BMS Aggregates
We then removed some fields that we seen as no longer necessary
We need to remove more values based on things like towing and total loss values that we do not need for Vehicle Info
VIN Decoder
We will send a VIN and get data back specific to that VIN
The Proof of Concept was removed from FNOL because it was more complex than originally thought and we could not get examples of the XML messages that were used today to determine what was required and what could be removed.
VIN Decoder was decided to used in replace of FNOL because the Architecture Team is Familiar with Vehicle.
The Concern that everyone already has a VIN Decoder and there are numerous versions, who is going to use a CIECA Standard VIN Decoder? They already have these services and trust them. In the past, CIECA only provided the schema for the data, are we writing services now?
CIECA is not providing Services but Providing Standards for Services. The CIECA Specifications for Services. A CIECA Member can download and implement the service how they desire.
There are many versions of VIN Decoder, which is a reason that we should do a VIN Decoder to help with the standards.
Request of Quote is another possibility for Proof of Concept, but there could be one or multiple calls.
The Business Community will see it as Decoder that they already have if we continue with the name Decoder.
We will rename the VIN Decoder to Get VIN, this will bring back Vehicle VIN information
We already have a VIN Info in the BMS
VIN Availability field
VIN Aggregate which has VIN Decode Source, VIN Format, VIN Number, VIN Decode Indicator, and VIN Decode Status.
Should we still call it Get Vehicle?
We took common types, simple types and they would reference small groups but it showed all bundling package will build subset of what you need for Vehicle.
Vehicle Info is in Common Global and it needs to be broken out.
Good Discussion and Meeting. Next weeks meeting will be cancelled for CONNEX.
Up Next
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Review Options Code from Emerging Tech for 2020R2 Approval
Phone Number format is US and more companies are needing International phone number for XML
Continue to discuss Bundling after everyone can review.
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Dan Webster
Paul Barry
Mike Hastings
Chrisa Hickey
Andy Bober
Jeff Schroder
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee