2022-3-8 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2022-3-8 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page




Mar 8, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • GitHub

  • 2022R1 Release April 20, 2022

    • QA Dates

  • Working on Proof of Concept

    • Style guide

      • Do we want to promote flat data, object Hierarchy or both?

        • The bundling tool has shown that we have flexibility, but we need to determine best practices to put in the Style Guide

      • Best Practice is to Define and Reference

      • Document Flattening Policy

      • Document Subset of Aggregate Policy

    • Proof of Concept

      • We need to prove the use of Arrays and choice of Arrays. This is in reference to the BMS Required/Or, Optional/Or

      • Required fields

      • ClaimInfo and Party

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Accepted

  • GitHub

    • Cleanup of GitHub is needed, Mike had requested a merge but there are a few conflicts that need to be resolved. It was determined we would do this in another working session.

    • GitHub and Stoplight have sync issues and we will review this in the working session as well.

  • 2022R1 Release

    • Date is set for April 20, 2022

    • QA will be an extended session of Architecture on April 5, 2022

    • Jira Review

      • The Jira request for currency to have 4 digits after the decimal instead of 2 was reviewed. The reason for this request is to help with rounding when discounts and adjustments are given on parts. This was proposed 5 years ago and there was some pushback, but nobody remembers the reason. Due to 4 digits being larger than 2 digits, that would allow for backward compatibility. The members would like to review with their teams and move this Jira to 2022R2.

      • The Spelling for AdjustorAir was a deprecated code list description and was determined to leave the spelling as is, this was not new to the Code List and nothing that needed to be fixed. Jira will be marked as Done.

      • Moulding Vs Molding Jira, we have 10 spelling of Moulding in the Code List, only one of these are the code. The Description was Moulding. This could mean that the spellings were looked at before and corrected in the description but not in the codes to allow for backward compatibility. The members would like to look at the use of Moulding vs Molding in their systems to help identify the correct spelling that CIECA will use. If Moulding is incorrect, then the Code in AuthorizationType will need to be corrected. This Jira is being moved to 2022R2.

      • Line-Item Codes for Motorcycles misspelled words is not new codes and nobody in Architecture can determine if these spellings are used correctly in other systems. This Jira will be marked as Done.

  • Style Guide

    • We reviewed the style Guide and the JSON Schema Guidelines documents on Confluence

      • There was not mention of Hierarchy or flattening in these documents, but examples were provided.

        • The rules of using CamelCase, no use of comments and acronyms being treated like other words and the first letter being capital but the rest being lower case is in the style guide.

  • Discussion on Hierarchy and Flattening.

    • We need to be careful not to flatten too much.

    • We want to make sure the tools we use can generate the code

    • Vehicle Info Excel document that Dan provided shows how the flattening was done. We need to provide instruction document to go with the Example to help guide people through what was done.

    • We need to work through a few more flattening exercises and then come up with the Goals of Flattening to document.

      • One Example of hierarchy we removed is with phone number type and person had to have phone number type instead of simply have a phone number. But the description of how and why this was done would be good to have in the document.

Great Meeting!

Up Next

  • Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Working through more examples of Flattening and the hierarchy


  • Paulette Reed (Scribe)

  • Dan Webster

  • Paul Barry

  • Mike Hastings

  • Andy Bober

  • Phil Martinez

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee