2023-06-06 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2023-06-06 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

Date: Jun 6, 2023





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  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust Statement

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review Meeting Minutes

  • Review work completed since last meeting.

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Reviewed Accepted

  • Slack

    • Thanks to Paul for getting Slack for the Committee to continue work, more work has been completed and shared with the use of Slack.

    • The History was not saved previously, Paul set it up during the meeting for the history to be saved.

    • Pete was added to Slack line so he could participate in the work being done offline.

  • Mike reviewed his schema changes with the committee.

    • The Build ran and all test instances were completed.

      • Mike did have to update his version of JS to get the build to work.

  • Naming convention of Code List

    • The Code list dictionary had names of enum types and then some were just enums and during troubleshooting this week we found that some of them didn’t have enums at all and just had Phone Type or something, which leaves this inconsistent. Then we have some property and the property dictionary made them ambiguous names, which became obvious when changing the schema to work with the hyper jump bundling.

    • The schemas were converted what had been the property and code list names to their ID’s, and this made the ambiguous ID, which is a no no. Others were assigned all the ID’s using regular expression in notepadd++, this caused the build to crash because our naming standards were not meet and makes it hard to just run a conversion over all Code List.

    • The point is we need to have consistency in our naming and they BA Data Dictionary needs to be alphabetized.

    • We talked about putting ENUM at the end of Code List, should this be the rule?

      • Naming Code List with ENUM will be a rule.

  • Changing things in the BUILD that breaks the previous versions.

    • At this time, we do not have a production ready build, we put the release to show people where the committee was going and how we were doing things so everyone could provide feedback. It was known that this could change and be breaking changes that would cause changes in coding if they were used.

  • Hyperjump took that we are using for bundling:

    • The IDs are used to decide what to include in the bundle and that is not the way it worked in the JSON Schema Ref parser which did dereferencing.

    • Dan shared his work he did with hyperjump bundling.

  • Code generators

    • need to make sure the CAPIS Schemas and code list work well with different code generators. We have not seen a problem at this time, but something we need to keep in mind as we move forward.

    • We have unbundled schemas that are used by the bundler in the build that can be used. The build is to show developers how they can bundle.

    • The endpoint schemas reference the BA Data Dictionary and code list, you make all the changes and then bundle them and you never go into the bundled schemas and an editor and tweak them.

    • You let the tools build the Open API spec draft automatically, or alternatively, you copy the bundle schemas into the open API bags but you don’t edit them.

    • You edit the source and run all the builds.

    • The open API reference document, weather it is JSON or YAML, then you pass it through a code generator that will create a client version.

  • Old bundler vs hyperjump

    • The old parser was not actually bundling, it was taking the entire BA Dictionary and implementing and made the files larger

    • the Hyperjump method is picking the IDs needed and smaller.

    • It would be good to compare and Andy

    • I also I might see if I can add something like that to the build scripts to be able to pick your bundle or you know just pick which one you want to try or or have it just use multiples and and spit out different bundles with.

    • Locate the appendix in the BMS schema that talks about names like umm, what was it, the things we abbreviate and never abbreviate?


Great Work everyone

Up Next

  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust

  • Review Meeting Minutes

  • Review Work Changes

Action items





  • Paulette Reed

  • Pete Sheehan

  • Paul Barry

  • Dan Webster

  • Mike Hastings

  • Jeff Schroder

  • Andrew Bober

  • Phil Martinez

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee