2023-07-11 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2023-07-11 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

Date: Jul 11, 2023





As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust Statement

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review Meeting Minutes


  • Pros and Cons of Bundling

  • Release numbering. Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

  • What are we planning for a next release? And when?

  • Shall we document our conventions for property naming? We have a few rules in our JSON style guide, but we apply other rules (remember about Qty suffix, always abbreviating Nbr, *Ind for Boolean or indicator? Is this just an oral tradition?)

  • What about “the Chris Poulos question” just what’re the property name going to be for a start

  • Next Step for Schema Development

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Reviewed Accepted

  • The semver.org approach is to increase the middle number by 1 for non breaking changes.

    • CIECA Current CAPIS Release is 0.0.1

    • The proposal is for the next release to be 0.1.0

      • There was a thought that 0.2.0 would be clearer to that this was our second prerelease; but to follow the semver.org recommendation we would increase middle number and when we have a larger change we would increase the first number.

      • Our first production ready release would be 1.0.0

    • In next meeting we need to get larger group feedback on the 0.1.0

  • Hyperjump bundling and its referencing is being seen as beneficial at this time and we are going to put this on hold until we have our schemas complete and then we can look at this if we needed.

    • Question of Hyperjump bundling means we had to changes the BA Data Dictionary so the schemas would work.

      • Hyperjump you have a ID tag associated with each property and by nature of being embedded in adjacent document, it also has a Jason path address you could use to reference to it and everything we had done.

      • Until a month or two ago we used the Jason path pathing down to things for referencing and the new style introduced in the schema 2020 Draft 12 Use the ID and their Uri references, and they make a strong case for why that's so nifty, but it's unhelpful to us.

  • The Pros and Cons of Bundling was to be discussed, but we have a small group on the call today and think it would be best to wait for Andy and others to join for this discussion.

  • Issues causing delay

    • We had a hypothesis within the last six weeks that the Jason's game, a rough parser, bundler doesn't work all the time, but it broken for Windows and behaves differently for Linux.

    • Linux and I think that hypothesis didn't hold up and we learned that given the same exact scheme of files trying to bundle them without mics hack, it simply doesn't work irrespective of operating system.

    • I think some of those schema changes broke the bundler and we were seeing problems where the bundler would create a bundled schema that would not validate it's itself, and then we were also seeing problems you know within the Windows environment where, the tests would fail.

      • Andy switched the bundler to a different fork than what we use in the CAPIS 0.0.1 version.

        • The user contact company Objects Branch that's using the original version of Ref parser does not have issues.

        • The Branch using Hyperjump or other bundlers has issues.

  • Focus on getting properties added to the BA Data Dictionary

    • Three weeks ago a change was made that broke the schema and a work around was added. We are waiting on a review to determine the removal of the work around.

    • In the Branch Mike is working on without hyperjump

      • fixed preferred indicator 2 to just be preferred indicator.

        • This is the break, it works in the build but the validation test fails.

    • We have changes to the BA Data Dictionary that Mike will propose and show at the next meeting.

    • The Branches in GitHub

      • Paulette created a branch to be for the next release to follow the structure we had for BMS

        • It will be deleted because it does not follow the new numbering structure and no changes had been made to it.

  • How will CIECA API Products be used by other companies

    • Each Company would have a version of it, for example a company would copy the contacts object and rename the copy to ABCCompany contacts and then go about exercising from it.

    • All the definitions that we will not use and then in our endpoint schemas, we will refer to the ABCCompany contact instead of contact proper and will run a bundling script derived from the CIECA bundling script.

    • In other words, if you call that hand editing the bundle schema to specialize the dictionary to have customized things in it, but following the other design paradigm where everything is a reference and the actual endpoint schemas are built by the bundling script.

    • Being able to subclass an object you know in your own company schema would be a benefit to CIECA members.

      • Additional properties concept

      • Subclass, which means you take an existing object and you can add new properties to it and the schema will be able to validate it those new properties.

Great Work everyone

Up Next

  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust

  • Review Meeting Minutes

  • Review Work Changes

Action items





  • Paulette Reed

  • Dan Webster

  • Paul Barry

  • Mike Hastings

  • Jeff Schroder

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee


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