Public Page

2022-08-23 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

Date: Aug 23, 2022





As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Network/Welcome

  • Review Previous Meeting Minutes(s)

  • Homework Updates

  • Review Parts

  • Review Jira Board

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust accepted

  • Meeting minutes reviewed/accepted

  • Work since last meeting

    • Dan/Mike/Paulette had a working meeting to get changes in sync and work through the GitHub check-in process and the syncing.

    • Dan has updated all the arrays and created numerous test instances

    • Mike has continued to work on partInfo

  • Jira was created to remove the anyOf references

    • This request from last meeting may not be necessary.

    • We reviewed the current schemas use of anyOf.

      • The definition has anyOf for additional properties under party and for allOf required fields under policyCoverage.

      • The belief is that anyOf should not be used in the definition document.

      • The anyOf causes issues with StopLight and has to be removed.

      • When using ‘Required’ you do not need the anyOf

      • We will table this discussion until Andy is able to attend to get his feedback on this topic.

  • Missing Values in Claim

    • Mike has found that some of the properties we added in the face to face meeting in Kentucy has been removed from claim.

      • Mike is going to create a Jira and test instance for these values to be added back.

  • XML spy has been used by Mike and Dan to run validation

    • No work should be checked into the branch until the validation has been successful

    • Test Instances should be created for any modifications

    • We need the validation step for the build

  • Naming Conventions

    • We recommended the removal of unnecessary words, when we have IdNum, we can call that id, however we ran into an issue with IdNum and IdInfo both being named Id after we removed Num and Info from the name. This left the top level object being called id and the lower level property being called id. There is not set rule for when this happens. It needs to be evaluated for each occurrence.

  • Review of PartInfo conversion to JSON

    • With the BMS version of Part, we have different ways of handling part in the estimate and the procurement, Mike and his team are working to standardize the handling of parts so they are the same in estimate and procurement.

      • PartNum/OEMPartNum/NonOEMNum are all different ways to handle part in estimate.

      • part array is used in procurement

        • Recommended we use the array approach with PartNum and have a party Type code list to handle the different variations of partNum.

    • PartPrice is another area that is handled different in estimate and procrement

      • Recommended we use an array and a New code list.

Action items

Mike Hastings will provide the Excel document and XML documents for Part to Paulette
Paulette will Post the documentation provided by Mike to the Architecture Confluence page
Architecture Committee will review Mike’s work and be prepared with questions




  • Paulette Reed

  • Dan Webster

  • Jeff Mueller

  • Paul Barry

  • Mike Hastings

  • Phil Martinez

  • Brad

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee