2023-11-14 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

2023-11-14 Architecture Meeting Minutes

Public Page

Date: Nov 14, 2023





As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust Statement

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review Meeting Minutes

  • Thank you for your presentation.

  • 2024R1

    • Referral

    • Estimate

    • Assignment

Meeting Minutes

  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust Statement Accepted

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review Meeting Minutes Accepted

  • Thank you for a Great Webinar, lots of good feedback has been generated.

  • Meeting Occurrence

    • Due to Holiday and new the release just being completed; we will cancel the remaining meetings in November and have 1 in December and start weekly meetings back up in January.

  • 2024R1

    • Referral is ready to propose the API work to the Architecture Committee for feedback.

    • Estimate and Assignment, VDI Committee will be kicked off to start working on those API messages

    • Architecture Strategic Plan

      • CAPIS API Assignment and Estimate will not replace the EMS, the EMS is there and it is free and you do not have to have permission to use the EMS. But we want to build a better mousetrap that we hope people will see is easy and secure to use to phase out the EMS eventually.

      • CIECA is working with new customers to find out the reasoning the BMS is considered to complicated and the EMS is being selected for new applications.

        • Sun has agreed to discuss this concept with us.

        • Should CIECA Create a decoder that takes EMS and turns it into JSON.

          • That is outside of CIECA, someone can create that and offer it, but it is not a CIECA tool.

          • CIECA can create a cross reference to show you the fields in EMS and where to use them in the BMS and CAPIS

      • CIECA not responsible for software implementation

        • The EMS is not a problem, the files and the data are valid, however, it is how the applications and data is used and stored. If the data is shared, there is no way to validate an application will misuse the data. The PII should be secured and user ID or some type of encryption used, however, that is not CIECA’s role to validate. It can be a Best Practice mentioned by CIECA.

        • Can we have the same problem with BMS and CAPIS, yes of course. Due to the BMS having to have software implementations between companies, it does allow the software to have security, but does not mean the data cannot be misused. The goal of the BMS and the CAPIS solutions, is to make the data optional and therefore, companies only build implementations with the data that is needed for the transaction. With the BMS, we hope data not required on the message for the company is not used and with CAPIS we hope the endpoints the companies build only has the data needed for that transaction.

        • The Implementation Guides is CIECA’s roadmap to what is recommended/required/optional for a message, again, companies can build as they wish, but the implementation guides are the best practices for the message.

      • Mike did a mappings project for CIECA to show all the EMS to the BMS for Estimates and Assignments

        • Mike is going to provide the documentation and Paulette will look for it as part of the CIECA and the Architecture committee will look over it.

      • We want to be responsible when building CAPIS, we are not saying all items in the EMS will be in CAPIS and not saying they will not be, we will continue with the zero-based budget.

      • The EMS could also eliminate the fields that are PII, it has not been done, but it could be done.

      • The mapping Mike is sharing does not have PII.

      • Best Practice concept is not to include the data you do not need, so if you are a rental car company you do not need parts.

        • There is that but there is also data that is good for the industry such as cycle time that can be used in reporting and management but not needed for a rental. So, we don’t want to exclude data that the industry can use to help better the cycle.

          • However, there are people that create processes on a very narrow view of the data shared and this causes issues.

Great Work everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving Talk to you again in December!

Up Next

  • Network/Welcome

  • Antitrust

  • Review Meeting Minutes

  • AI API Review

  • Referral API Review

  • Review Mikes Mapping

  • Continue with Strategic Plan for next year.

Action items





  • Paulette Reed

  • Andy Bober

  • Dan Webster

  • Paul Barry

  • Mike Hastings

  • Jeff Scrhoder

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Architecture Committee


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