2021-05-12 Meeting notes

2021-05-12 Meeting notes



Public Page





   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


May 12, 2021


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Agreed

  • Meeting Minutes Accepted

  • Glossary Terms

    • CIECA is looking to the industry terminology defined by CIC to help guide this committee on definitions, but not creating definitions.

    • Chuck Olsen and CIC have a committee to define Emerging Technologies and Chuck will provide definitions when they are available from CIC.

  • Telematic video Distraction is Now Measurable and Thus Improvable Thanks to Telematics

    • The Video was choppy for viewers and it was suggested that when using GoToMeeting the video needs to be downloaded and not played from You Tube.

    • Insurance representation spoke on similar telematic apps that are being used through the industry.

      • Using Phone connected to Vehicle Bluetooth to share data.

      • Using dongle plugged into the Vehicle to share data.

      • Using Phone to share data without connection to Vehicle.

    • Could Insurance only be sold if a consumer allows telematic devices to monitor them? There is a lot of changes going on with telematics and we see a move to more monitoring and use of these devices, but we are uncertain of the impacts long term.

  • Language Barriers in the different segments of the industry.

    • Telematics has varying levels of definition. An OEM sees Telematics different than an insurance provider. An Example in the differences: the OEM sees telematics as Vehicle and Insurance sees it as data from a phone app. It was recommended that Chuck take a look at the definition in CIC Committee.

    • Calibration seems to be a definition that is evolving.

  • During Covid Pandemic, the traffic lights and cell towers were used to show how traffic and the amount of people that were not on the roadways. Some Data will be coming from areas outside of Collision Industry.

  • Workflow

    • Last week discussion we decided that the Vehicle was the Center of the workflow.

    • To find out shat data is shared and who can share and control the data, we need organizations such as ETI and SI to be part of the committee. A lot of this information is still unknown at this time and it is hard to move forward with workflow if we do not know the types of data and who can control and view the data.

    • The Workflow step is to help show the flow of data and then it can be determined what data we may need or may be available

    • To start the workflow we discussed when and what vehicles would be included. One of the best factors was the use of ADAS and Telemetric in a vehicle.

    • Workflow would start with Physical Damage to the Vehicle and end with the owner receiving the car back after repairs or the alternate ending path of being sent to Salvage.

      • The workflow is leaving out mechanical issues, which is out of scope for this CIECA committee.

    • Physical damage to the vehicle is being used instead of collision because it is possible for a rock to hit a windshield or a hail storm to cause damage to a vehicle and there not be a collision.

    • High level workflow we have the Driver, Notice of loss, Towing (Non Drivable), Insurance, OEM Repair Network, Non OEM Repair Network, Repair, DRP and non DRP

      • Would the Collision avoidance system be part of Collision because it is supposed to prevent a collision.

      • In the event of a collision; the vehicle sends a message to the OEM that ‘Collision Detected’.

      • The Vehicle records and captures black box information that today is protected by owner privacy and it would take a court order to get this data shared with others. This information would be if the seatbelt was on, if user braked or foot was on the brake.

  • Question of what the mission of this committee is:

    • We reviewed the Charter and the Mission Statement Charter Emerging Technology Data Standards Ad-hoc Committee

    • CIECA is not trying to drive a workflow or make everyone do the process the same; what this committee is doing is working through the processes that exist and trying to come up with a standard data set that will allow everyone to communicate and complete the processes they have in place.

      • An example is when CIECA worked on Total Loss and it was perceived that CIECA was trying to get everyone to execute a Total Loss Process, but CIECA was just trying to capture the processes to identify the data that was needed for everyone to process a Total Loss. The process is not what CIECA is defining, it uses the processes to find the data.

      • With Emerging Technologies, we have a larger target because we are trying to identify the data to be exchanged in the future.

  • Committee Open forum

    • The Committee feels that switching away from identifying workflows that we may not have all of the information for at this time and focusing on the issues that we have today with Emerging Technologies.

      • Emerging Technology Question Log is a page we have under confluence for our committee Members to identify questions or pain points. In the meeting it was discussed to change the focus of the committee to finding solutions for the pain points that in place today.

        • OEM Repair Procedures is one of the pain points today; this was added to the Question Log

          • Pain Point is how to get all of the Repair Procedures. Should they come from IPs? OEM One stop houses all the information today?

        • Inspection Process

          • What type of inspections are needed based on the deployment? This can include the Pre and Post inspection, but is more than just that. A Pre Inspection is based off the blue print process. The inspection needs to go a little more deeper to make sure that energy and impact was not sent someplace that was not identified in the blueprint.

          • OEMs are providing specific instructions, some are VIN specific because it relates to all the features of a vehicle.

        • Calibration/System Learning

          • The vehicle learns stuff and performs based off of the learning, how does this impact repair process

          • Events and Procedures for Calibration needs to be addressed in Emerging Technologies. The industry has a way grouping items together that we should not be grouping together. Pre and Post scanning does not mean that we have identified and corrected all the areas impacted.

            • We need a way to capture diagnostics, report history of damage and maintenance and show work that was completed to fix the area of damage.

Great Meeting everyone. We need everyone to bring Pain Points of Emerging Technology to paulette@cieca.com so we can get them added to our log and we can identify the importance and start working on solutions.

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Go Over Pain Points and Question Log

  • Any new definitions from CIC

Action items




  • Paulette Reed (Scribe)

  • Don Porter

  • Fred Iantorno

  • Paul Barry

  • Sandy Blaylock

  • Chuck Searles

  • Russ Sims

  • Michelle Corson

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Benito Cid

  • Mark Allen

  • Stephen Applebaum

  • Andrew Nicolay

  • Frank Terlep

  • John Eck

  • Aaron Schulenburg

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Chuck Olsen

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. https://cieca.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ETAC