Repair Order Committee Home

Repair Order Committee Home

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As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Repair Order Committee Membership

Repair Order Committee participation is open to both members of CIECA and Non members of CIECA.

Membership within Repair Order committee is granted after attending two consecutive meetings and 50% of the scheduled meetings after membership is established.

Membership is granted to the individual, not an organization.  

All approval decisions are made openly and on a consensus basis.  Consensus requires that all views and objections be openly and honestly considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward resolution.  The group will agree collectively on recognizing different positions.

Repair Order

  • Monitors an accurate and efficient vehicle repair process.

  • Improve accuracy and efficiency through an understanding and use of vehicle repair industry standards.

  • Establish accurate and efficient repair order communication for all stages in the repair order process.  (i.e. reducing the double data entry of information for the shop)

Scope & Objectives

  • The Repair Order Committee will focus on the potential and process of:

  • Determine the benefits to all industry segments

  • Provide industry definitions (including questions and answers) and process flows

  • Develop a standard format for data communications

  • Establishing relationships to existing data elements

  • Developing a business workflow and providing industry definitions for all entities involved in this process

  • Developing new message types, code lists and/or fields (as needed) to facilitate vehicle repair order messages

  • Integrating messages to include all aspects of the vehicle repair order process

  • Coordinate the delivery of payment messages and EFT

  • Establishing Repair Order Implementation Guide(s)

  • Messages will include the full spectrum of the repair order initial communication and ongoing updates, through the closing of the repair order


Operating Guidelines

  • To incorporate all potential business entities in the business processes

  • To work with the group to respond to group goals and timelines

  • To provide an open working relationship with the Committee within the antitrust guideline

  • To coordinate work with other CIECA Committees, focusing on the Repair Order Committee


The purpose of this committee is to define business information passing between parties as it relates to the collision repair and related industries.  We are asking for responses and feedback from the industry at-large relative to the work the committee has done to date, and to emphasize the importance of continued work in this area. 

The first objective will be to develop a single focus of the committee’s scope, objectives and goals.  It is evident that a framework has already begun that can drive future progress, and success will be dependent upon an expanded active participation. 

The purpose of this report is to begin committee work on the formats needed to allow repair orders in the collision repair industry, and to define the messages and data elements necessary for the communication.  We are asking for responses and feedback from insurance carriers, repairers, rental providers, business management systems, third party intermediaries and software companies regarding all communications needed to complete the communication of repair orders within the collision industry. 

The emphasis is to improve customer service in the repair process, being stressed by all segments of the industry. 


CIECA’s Repair Order Committee’s goal is to develop and maintain messaging standards aimed at the repair order between business partners and repair facilities in the collision industry. Also included in this effort will be the development of messages that can be used to transfer data from one management system to another.  This development will create the tools for participants to enable bi-directional communication of data and messaging capability between all parties. 

Repair facilities demand a more efficient and convenient process when processing repair orders to an individual business management system, or as an integration of a multiple shop organization. Setting standards is an important step toward this goal.

Industry Segments

Repair Facility

Information Providers

Third Party Intermediaries

Business Management System Providers

Data Recipients

Insurance Company

Sublet Providers

Call Centers

Rental Provider

Related CIECA Messages:

  • Parts and Material Procurement, and Repair Order Services - The messages are used for procurement of parts and materials and for exchanging repair order information. (Repair Order Folder Add Request, Repair Order Folders Add Request)

Meet the team

If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.  If there is no date in column 1, they have not participated.

Chair(s): Jim Puskas



Industry Segment

Last Attended

Curt Jingle

Mitchell International

Information Technology


David Willett

Intrepid Direct Insurance



Eric Lindbloom




Gus Damakis




Jim Puskas




Julian Hart




Mark Fincher

CCC Information Services

Information Technology


Matt Pietrowicz




Mike Hastings


Parts and Procurement


Owen Miller

Enterprise Holdings



Patrick Porter

Assured Performance Network


New Member

Paul Barry


Data Standards


Paulette Reed


Data Standards


Phil Martinez

Mitchell International

Information Technology


Piotr (Peter) Madej

Innovation Group



Rajani Pulapa




Stacey Phillips


Data Standards


Jira Report

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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