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As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Scan Committee Membership

Scan Committee participation is open to both members of CIECA and Non members of CIECA.

Membership within Scan Committee is granted after attending two consecutive meetings and 50% of the scheduled meetings after membership is established.

Membership is granted to the individual, not an organization.  

All approval decisions are made openly and on a consensus basis.  Consensus requires that all views and objections be openly and honestly considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward resolution.  The group will agree collectively on recognizing different positions.


Vehicle Diagnostic Scanning

  • Incorporates all formats of scan documents in related CIECA messages

  • Integrates Implementation Guides for consistent implementations across all collision industry segments

Scope & Objectives

The SCAN Committee will focus on the potential and process of:

  • Determine the benefits to all industry segments

  • Provide industry definitions (including questions and answers) and process flows

  • Develop a standard format for data communications

  • Establishing relationships to existing data elements

  • Developing a business workflow and providing industry definitions for all entities involved in this process

  • Developing new message types, code lists and/or fields (as needed) to facilitate SCAN messages

  • Establishing SCAN Implementation Guide(s) & and Appendix C Documents

  • Facilitating industry practices for using scans to ensure quality and safety and protection from liability

  • Develop industry processes while recognizing

    • The scan process itself is self-policing

    • That once a scan is ordered there is not always a follow up to see if a pre-scan or interim scans are taken

    • The scans can be requested at all times

    • The scans are to ensure repairs are addressed correctly as specified by the OEMs

    • The need to include calibration specifications & requirements from OEMs and corresponding measurements in the scan messages

    • The final scan that ensures the repair was completed correctly is most commonly requested and clarification on what was done is sometimes required

  • Assist to the degree possible, aid Insurance Companies, Repair Facilities, and all parties looking for clarification as to the need for scans for an accident, as well as when multiple scans are needed. This includes when and who to charge for the scans.

  • Develop the standards and processes for when scans will be stored and where to store the scans. At a minimum, scans will be stored with the repair order.

  • To clearly define a scan definition, and communicate it is a collection of diagnostics acquired from the vehicle by a scanning device, which may be the vehicle itself

Operating Guidelines

  • To incorporate all potential business entities in the business processes

  • To work with the group to respond to group goals and timelines

  • To provide an open working relationship with the Committee within the antitrust guidelines

  • To coordinate all standards development with STAR and related organizations


The purpose of this committee is to define business information passing between parties as it relates to the collision repair and related industries.  We are asking for responses and feedback from the industry at-large relative to the work the committee has done to date, and to emphasize the importance of continued work in this area.


The first objective will be to develop a single focus of the committee’s scope, objectives and goals.  It is evident that a framework has already begun that can drive future progress, and success will be dependent upon an expanded active participation.


At the first scanned processes was the objective to capture scan information both before and after the repair. This was later expanded to capture interim scans, these may be required for the proper repair process.


Scanning has been and continues to be, and industry discussion and remains an open issue on when to scan and payment for the scans. These issues are not within the scope of this committee.



CIECA’s SCAN Committee’s goal is to develop and maintain messaging standards and codes aimed at receiving and recording repair related scans for after the accident and before repair, to interim steps in the repair process, and the final scan upon repair completion. 


To recognize authorizations can come from the insurance company and/or the owner. To accommodate every source for the authorization, that varies in the industry. Recognizing it is required by some insurance companies for their authorization.


The SCAN standards will be able to communicate images, XML records, JSON records, pdf's, or CSV (comma-separated values) records to accommodate the various scan tools. To accommodate all sources of scans that can be from the repair facility, 3rd party vendors, appraisers, adjustors, dealerships, the OEMs and even from the vehicle.

Industry Segments

Insurance Companies

Repair Facilities

Fleet Companies

Other Entities

Information Technology Providers

Third Party Administrators

Legal Firms

CIECA Messages:

Assignment Services: All Types Assignments, Reassignment, Assignment Changes

Estimate Services: Vehicle Damage Estimate and Vehicle Damage supplements

Attachment Services: Integrity Validation verifies the SCAN information is the same as that was sent.

Repair Order Services: Include SCANS in Repair Orders

Meet the team



Industry Segment

Bryan Goodwin



Cindy Chapman



Clay Hammer



Clint Marlow

Allstate Insurance


Curt Jingle



Dan Webster



Danny Williamson



Darrell Amberson -Past Chair

LaMettrys Collision


David McCreight - Past Chair

Collision Resources Inc.


Geeng Yee Chong



Ginny Whelan

Automotive Recyclers Association


Jonathan Brigman



Kathy Goddard



Paco Escobar



Paul Barry


Data Standards

Paulette Reed


Data Standards

Richard Trevino

Verisk Insurance Solutions


Stacey Phillips


Data Standards

Thomas Butch



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