2020-08-18 RP&I Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Aug 18, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust agreement & Minutes Approval

  • Code List Review – Minutes

  • ID Qualifier Code: Identified entity has been OE Certified

  • Labor Type: Calibration & Scanning (2 separate codes) Or  One

  • Location Type: Multiple Shop Owner

  • Part Type: Recycled Original Equipment

  • Certification Type Code Additions?

  • Appendix C Additions – See below bottom on agenda

  • CIC Proposal for Recycler Repairer Advisory Panel?

  • Statement & Remittance Messages

    • Begin Development of Appendix C Business Case

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust agreement and Minutes approved.

  • We have a number of changes to make and we have been ask to forward the information to Mitchell, CCC and Auto Tech before the release so they can start making changes.

  • Code List reviewed and approved.

    • The color red means that a spelling error was discovered.

    • Assembly source was added by this team not to have Honda or Toyota but to use OEM. Honda and Toyota will stay in the list to maintain backward compatibility.

    • Attachment was for Calibration.

    • BMS Version 2020R2 6.2.0

    • Scan was added in 2017, but is being used by a new process in this release, so it is in blue to highlight that it is being used in this release.

    • Certification Type was added by this group for I and X Six Sigma.

    • Damage Locator Part Code had the part codes added to reflect the Damage Code Grid diagram chart (Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, and Truck Cab)

      • It may be needed one day to keep the Version date of damage Code Grid diagram chart, because it will always be changing.

      • Looked at the BMS to see that File attachment section and to note that this was added so a picture could be taken of the damage with the Damage Code Grid and sent in the message.

    • Damage Type had a Z added to replace the * that was thought to cause an error.

    • Electric Propulsion will not be part of the 2020R2 6.2.0 release.

    • Event Type was added by Calibration, Road Test was changed to Test Drive.

    • Fuel Type, diesel was changed to Diesel (Bio-fuel).

    • ID Qualifier Code Identified entity has been OE Certified.

    • Labor of Operation was added by Calibration, but being reviewed to bring exposure on areas that may be able to be used by RP&I.

    • Line Item Category is a 2 part code, ADAS was added by calibration.

    • Location Type the MSO code was added for Multiple Shop Owner.

    • Part Type we added ROE for Recycled Original Equipment.

    • Party Type the MSO code was added for Multiple Shop Owner.

    • Ship Via we added Transportation Hub for Parts Providers are sharing a transportation/re-distribution hub.

    • Unit of Measure we added codes for Paint and it was agreed that RP&I could use this field in the future.

  • Battery Type Code List for possible aggregate

  • New Standards talk

    • Environmental standards for CIECA messages New Standard will have environmental information, also in ARA membership. 

    • The data may need to be included in the messages.

    • Not only does Repairs and Recycled Parts impacted, but this includes Salvage and possibly first responder training.

  • CIC Proposal for Recycler Repairer Advisory Panel

    • was proposed but never took off, maybe now is a better time to start.

  • We have 4 more companies stepping into the Electronic Car/Truck industry.


Great Meeting Everyone and Thank you for your participation. Have a Great Week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Appendix C Additions

  • Statement & Remittance Messages

    • Begin Development of Appendix C Business Case

  • CIC Proposal for Recycler Repairer Advisory Panel?

Action items

Paulette and Charley will create a test instance to test the * in Damage Type to see if it causes and error.
Remove Electric Propulsion from the Master Code List 2020R2 6.2.0
Charley and Paulette to verify with Mike on the application being a repeating element, it is currently in 2 messages as repeating.




  • @Paulette Reed - Facilitator/Scribe

  • @Charles Quirt (Unlicensed) - Facilitator

  • Ginny Whelan

  • @Paul Barry

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.