2020-12-8 RP&I Meeting Minutes

Public Page


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Dec 8, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Meeting Occurrence

    • Next week we have a CIECAST that runs up to the start of our meeting

    • Dec 15 is the last occurrence

  • Update on CIC Proposal

  • Emerging Technology

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust agreed upon

  • Meeting Minutes accepted

  • The Committee recommends cancelling the Dec 15 meeting because of CIECAST and giving everyone time for the holidays.

  • The CIECA Executive Board voted to not partner with the the proposal.

    • The members of the CIECA Executive board felt that this proposal may look like CIECA is siding with one segment of the industry, which would break the Antitrust.

      • No changes in CIECA Business workflow

      • No changes in CIECA Standards

      • No changes in CIECA messages or data aggregates.

    • The CIECA Executive Board recognized the importance of the Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee and the value the members of this committee brings to CIECA, but feels this CIC Proposal should be made by the Organizations within the committee.

    • The Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee is very disappointed in Executive Committee not partnering with the proposal to CIC.

      • The CIC proposal would have been recognized and more impactful to CIC with CIECA partnership.

      • It is felt by the Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee that CIECA has partnered with other areas of the industry on similar request and having a hard time accepting that this request was different.

        • If an OE made a request would it be okay?

      • The CIC proposal was a Part opportunity that was meant to help the industry and create standards; it is very frustrated to be overlooked.

    • The Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee will move forward with the respected organizations joining together to send the CIC proposal to the CIC Board.

    • The Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee would like to know how to become a member of the CIECA Board and/or the Executive Board.

      • Some members feel that having one vote on the board will not change the Recyclers being overlooked.

  • Emerging Technology Adhoc committee

    • When will this committee start?

      • Mid January will be the kickoff to this committee.

    • CIECA staff is working on a Communication Campaign to invite members of the industry to these committees and get more participation.

    • Should Recyclers Parts and Inventory Committee get more Recyclers to be part of the committees?

      • Yes, the more participation we have by the industry the better the standards and messages will be.

    • How will the Adhoc committee be different than the current Recycled Parts and Inventory Committee?

      • Today the recyclers are having great conversations about what is coming with the new EV and battery, however, when we have questions that are outside the scope of recyclers, we have nobody to answer those questions or assign a task to. The objective of the Adhoc committee is to get interest from all of the industry segments to open communications and get the questions answered. This will help data standards and requirements be established that this committee or other CIECA committees can work on to meet the needs of the emerging technologies.

  • Recycled Parts and Inventory Moving forward at the start of 2021

    • Ginny has documentation from all models for the EV OE Procedures that she will share with Don Porter, which would also like to review this documentation.

    • ARA is working on ARA certification recommendations for EV.

    • All recyclers may not be interested in EV, however, everyone should have the training and know the expectations that will come with EV.

    • This committee will continue to look at the Recyclers impact of the EV; identify Glossary of terms, identify new segments of the industry, identify common data aggregates and data.

    • Growing the committee

      • Who are the Stakeholders of the EV that would benefit to coming to this committee.

        • We should send out Open Invites to the impacted segments of the industry.

        • We could get more recyclers by offering them one total loss free

  • CIECA documentation question

    • Is there a way to share the documentation in a better format, so people in other industry segments can see what is going on with all the Industry.

      • At this time, most of the CIECA Committees are dormant and attend the Semi Annual Meeting to get the updates.

      • As part of the CIECA Communication Campaign, we hope to reignite the committees interest and draw more members and committees into active participation.

      • CIECA is looking at new approaches to sharing of the EMS, BMS and the future of JMS.

        • Today the Implementation guides and work documents are under a specific committee and not under the message that is represented in the BMS. Therefore, it may be hard to find the documentation.

          • CIECA is looking at better ways to focus the documentation and what documentation needs to be provided. Since all of the messages will be created in JSON, when we are working on those messages, it makes sense to reinvent the documentation.

    • The launch of JSON will impact the industry as well as the Emerging Technology Adhoc committee.

  • How are committee members deleted?

    • Committee Members are only removed upon their request or if email is returned as not deliverable.

      • If and undeliverable email is returned, the CIECA member directory is reviewed to see if a new email address can be found, if not, then they are removed.

      • Even if people do not attend the meetings, it is CIECA’s hope that they read the meeting minutes and staying up to date on the committee.

  • JSON questions

    • Will CIECA have an app for the JSON messages?

      • CIECA will provide the standards as we do today and the organizations that want to use those standards will create the integrations they need.

        • The EMS originated at estimate data that was needed and shared.

        • The BMS was all aspects of the Collision Industry in XML.

          • BMS is better for Server to Server implementations because it is large.

        • CIECA to JSON will allow smaller messages to be shared, and we hope to incorporate all BMS and EMS messages.

        • An example is today, Assignment incorporates Rental, Tow, Property, Glass. The XML has optional aggregates so you don’t have to send all of this data, so if you are sending a rental assignment, you don’t have to send Tow, Property and Glass Aggregates. But this is a rule and makes the message more complex.

          • Json would have different assignment messages that are specific to the segment

            • rentalAssignment

            • towAssignment

            • glassAssignment

    • ARA has never had a technical developer, would it be a good time to get technical representation?

      • Yes, it would be a good time to get a technical representative to discuss the recycler needs and wants in the industry from a technical view.

Have a great Christmas and New Year Holiday.

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Emerging Technology

    • Glossary

    • Documentation

    • Standards

    • Data Aggregates

Action items





  • @Paulette Reed - Facilitator/Scribe

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Paul Barry

  • Don Porter

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Fred Iantorno

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.