2020-07-28 Meeting notes

2020-07-28 Meeting notes

Public Page


Jul 28, 2020


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.



Antitrust agreement & Minutes Approval

Grade Code List  Mechanical > 60 K miles and > 15K per year ( < 200K miles), Sheet metal A part >1 credit card and <=2 credit cards, or Sheet metal assemblies B <=6 and >3

  • What do 1, 2, 3, 6 mean? Credit cards? What units?

New damage codes for front and rear bumpers

Battery Aggregate

Meeting Minutes

Standards Work

Due to the CIC meeting, we did not meet this week. The agenda remains the same as it was for this week.

From the prior meeting:

All were welcomed to the meeting by Ginny.  The antitrust was stated and agreed by all.  The minutes from the prior meeting were approved. 

Meeting started with viewing the EVERClear web site. EVERClear is a Blockchain company looking now to do battery tracking, previously they created a tracking for “blood diamonds” to reduce/eliminate the importation of illegal diamonds. This is the effort that Ford has joined and taken on for their organization to move it through the process more expediently.

 Discussions were on the health of a battery and the use of batteries when they are no longer useful for vehicle propulsion. As averages it has a vehicle propulsion life of 10 years, then rendered to energy storage life of another 15 years.

 Involvement of the Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel (ISRC?) is focused on reclaiming ingredients once the battery life has expired. Also involved is another organization NATTBatt that is focused on battery recycling. 

 The term circular economy and life describe the product from the mining company’s retrieval of the minerals to the creation of the battery to the use and reuse of batteries to finally reclaiming the minerals in the battery.

The need is there as in 2035 it is envisioned the fossil fuel vehicles will no longer be produced and the EV will have a dominance in 2030.

There are two main projects being undertaken. The first is the Battery Blockchain and the second is the IoT. The second is to look at what electronic tools exist that can play a role in the battery tracking through the retiring of the battery back to its mineral state.

Next meeting the focus will be to focus on the new damage codes for front and rear bumpers will be the first item on the agenda to move this to completion.

Next will be on the review of the minutes to ensure the understanding an accuracy, and then begin to see what role CIECA can play in this effort of identifying battery components and identifying the batteries themselves.

Great discussion and meeting!


Recycled Parts & Inventory (RPI) Agenda

  • Antitrust agreement & Minutes Approval

 Submitted by Charley Quirt (copied to Confluence by Paulette Reed)



  • Review Links provided by Ginny (below)

  • Battery Type, Serial Number, Location

  • Hollander Part Type is 600 (not car batteries but EV batteries), Part Type for CIECA?

    • Line Item Category

    • Options Code List

  • Davos, the World Economic Forum's Global Battery Alliance formally launched the “Battery Passport” with 42 global organizations agreeing on guiding principles for batteries to power a sustainable energy transition

  • Another release yesterday announced Everledger’s award of a DoE Lithium Ion Battery Recycling Prize and the lifecycle

  • Discussion on the Battery aggregate included Ford taking over a blockchain project and closed others out for now. There are three global recyclers that will recycle the Lithium Ion batteries. Issue are safety as they are volatile, cost of disposal, and transportation.


Future Topic

Environmental standards for CIECA messages New Standard will have environmental information, also in ARA membership.  The data may need to be included in the messages. Nothing now. CER – Storm Water new regulation

Action items




  • @Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Joanna Cohen

  • Sandy Blaylock


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