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2024-03-19 Architecture Meeting Minutes
Public Page
Date: Mar 19, 2024
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Review Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Statement & Recording
Review Meeting Minutes
Uninvited Guest
We had a guest for AI transcription show up that appeared to be a tool of Microsoft.
Attempted to block user with no success, so removed user from the meeting.
At this time we do not have any BMS changes or Code List changes or even CAPIS changes. Do we bundle and have a realease?
If we do not receive anything, we will have a 2023R1 release in October.
The Goal for the April release will be to complete the Recommendation for BMS to CAPIS conversion and the process going forward for new API development.
This will a presentation on the CAPIS Guidelines and the Conversion document. How the process will work moving forward.
Dan will lead the discussion with support from the other active members (Mike, Jeff and Andy).
Time still needed to review the Conversion Resource Document.
Mike presented his wrapper names document.
We do have some removal of Info that may need to be investigated with the values that are in the BMS.
Values presented were approved and will be moved to the Conversion Resource Document.
The Referral API is not using standard rest calls, the headers are not standard.
This is something that we need to provide in CAPIS.
Agenda Item for Next Meeting
BMS enforced backward capabilities, which meant we left misspellings and old logic and values that were no longer necessary in the BMS. Do we want to move forward with that approach or what approach do we want to follow?
API community will upgrade, and others may not the old version can still send payloads and you will send your payload back and still work. Therefore, there is reading both messages, and this leads to problems.
1.0 to 2.0 would be a version that states that we will be breaking the code, but a 1.0 to 1.1 should be backward compatible.
We will need the endpoints to go with the versioning.
BMS has something that is not compatible with 6.8, so Andy will investigate and come to the committee with his findings.
Dan says lets quit while we are ahead :)
Up Next
Review Meeting Minutes
Action items
- Release will be in October if no BMS changes
- Webinar will be presented to members for CAPIS new Conversion Resource Document, guidelines and process.
Paulette Reed
Dan Webster
Andrew Bober
Mike Hastings
Jeff Schroder
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.