2023-02-09 OEM Repair Procedures and Build Sheet Data Meeting Minutes
Public Page
Feb 9, 2023
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here. In addition, this meeting may be recorded.
Meeting minute review
Chuck’s homework
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting minutes reviewed and accepted.
Meeting minutes
See Below for the links to the documentation shared in this meeting.
Chuck supplied a Draft of Repair Categories
The Main Categories in the document:
Damage Analysis & Estimating (Added Repair Planning/Blueprint)
Body and Structure Repair
Hybrid/Electric Vehicle
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Discussion started with adding Aluminum (Steel and Mixed Materials) under the Body and Structure Repair Category.
The Question of Damage Analysis & Estimating was discussed, and it was decided to add Repair Planning/Blueprint to the category for better clarification.
The initial ‘guess’ estimate is not valid, until the vehicle is disassembled the repair plan cannot be completed.
We also have things that need to be done before the disassembling of a vehicle for safety.
The Estimator stopping by and making an estimate in the driveway is still a thing.
The AI taking pictures, we need to determine more what is in this estimate.
Do they have the things such as pre-scan, replacing all the impacted parts, calibration or does it recognize a headlight is needed to be replaced.
Does AI use OEM Repair Procedures?
Augmented Reality is also a new tool that can be used in estimates and validation of proper repair.
PII with information of the vehicle and VIN
The VIN for the vehicle can be tied to financial information and insurance information, when it comes to areas of using the VIN to get information in blockchain aspects, we will need to make sure the PII information from VIN is not shared.
More Additions to Body Structure Repair
Corrosion Protection
Structural Rivets/Fasteners (One Time Use)
Many cases, fasteners are torque to yield, and that means that once you remove the, they can no longer be torqued to yield because they have already been used once.
SCRS complete guide to repair planning and published to the industry may be a good place to align our categories.
Tim will work on getting the SCRS document for the committee to review.
OEM One Stop
Another place where categories can be found is the OEM One Stop
GM had several different pages with different categories and subcategories.
Audi had one listing under collision and some of these matched up with GM and Chuck’s categories above.
All of the other OEM Collision information needed subscriptions, therefore, the only 2 in the document are GM and Audi.
Erin will look at the categories for Subaru.
Mark will look at the categories for Audi and Volkswagen.
When we get the categories more defined, Mark will reach out to the OEM Roundtable to get support.
Going through the exercise of looking at categories on different sites will help identify Buzz phrases that should lead the path to getting the right information.
Great Meeting Everyone, please check out the documents for the meeting and OEM One Stop to help identify Categories for the next meeting.
Up Next
Meeting minute Review
Review Categories
SCRS Document
OEM One Stop
Chuck’s Draft
Action items
Repair Categories Draft by Chuck Olsen and Committee
OEM One Stop categories.xlsx
Andrew’s Workflow Example
@Paulette Reed
Mark Allen
Shaughn Kennedy
Erin Solis
Andrew Batenhosrt
Gene Lopez
Ginny Whelan
Timothy Ronak
Sandy Blalock
Chrisa Hickey
Trent Tinsley
Frank Terlep
Paul Barry
Kelci Lemanski
Eric Schultz
Michael Giarrizzo
Chuck Olsen
Don Porter
Chris Bonneau
Stacey Phillips
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. OEM Repair Procedure and Build Sheet Data Standards Committee Home