2022-08-04 OEM Repair Procedures and Guild Sheet Data Meeting Minutes


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Aug 4, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Review Project Plan

  • Work on identifying Pain Points/Solutions and prioritize task

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting minutes reviewed and Accepted

  • Welcome/Networking

    • Phil introduced himself to the committee.

  • Review Project Plan

    • A little review from the last meeting, the project officially kicked off on July 7, the committee was started due to pain points being brought up in the Emerging Technology committee and the committee recommending a new Project Committee.

    • The Impacted and Interested parties was updated from the different industry segments that attended the Kickoff Meeting.

    • The Problem statement was put together with information obtained from the kickoff meeting minutes. The committee will work on adding and removing information, this was just a draft to help us see what was mentioned in the last meeting.

      • OEM repair procedures are different based on each manufacturer

      • Parts may be included or excluded are not given an MPA and we have names and similar are the same parts being called different things, differences in specifications and material considerations, categorizing repair procedures under different categories.

      • Procedures are written from a service perspective instead of a collision perspective. This is causing technicians many hours to find the correct information to provide into the information provider software programs. The procedures leave for questions and negotiate repair plans and multiple supplements and end up causing delays and impact the customer

    • Suggestions for Problem Statement

      • I would lean on more the users of this data to develop this problem statement. The delivery mechanism for some of this data and good to hear from the people who utilize this data and what pain points they have.

      • Number one, quality and safe repairs need to be in there somewhere.

      • Because of the complexity, something about the complexity of the vehicle is needed.

      • statement of mutual accountability

    • Expected Outcomes of this committee

      • Access to all your repair procedures anytime, anywhere, any place by anyone.

        • This is available today if you look for it

        • OEM one Stop Website

      • Change that to Easy Access to repair procedures anytime, anywhere, any place by anyone.

        • Easy Open Access

      • Search engine for parts descriptions like the Hollander Catalog or click on a pictogram and it pulls up that part and from there the search engine takes you into more details

        • Select Picture or diagram of vehicle

      • Build sheet data consistent look

        • standardization of data information

        • This would add a lot of value to the repairer, especially when looking of OEM repair procedures.

        • Would be nice that VIN can be sent to Manufacturer and all build sheet data brought into the estimating platform

      • Unified Terminology

        • Termonolgy changes inside manufacturers even from year to year

      • Define Build sheet

        • There are already definitions, but we could work to look for the best definition

    • We all understand that all manufacturers are all going to do things differently, if not we would only have one manufacturer.

    • Working on the Repair Procedures would probably be more impactful and provide a better service to the shops and to the insurance companies. We want to hold everyone to mutual accountability when the Repair Procedures say to do something, and the insurance or other entity says we don’t have to do that procedure.

    • Got the vehicle has specific components. That relate to whether you're an audio Ford or Chrysler. The names may be different, but the components will be similar and that's the idea of a Hollander interchange or an API or service. This will allow somebody to be able to, whether it's on a smartphone, whether it's on a computer, whether it's using an estimating platform, whether it's using a whatever platform to be able to access that information quickly and easily, Anywhere, anytime, by anybody.

    • Cieca has already developed a standardized, let's say parts list, that we developed for the estimating systems. May be one thing we can leverage and then there and then

    • Couple other questions.

      • It sounds like the pain point is accessing data and we need a solution for finding an easy way to access it. This would be great for CEICA’s Open API standards because then it could be accessed through mobile phone or any, you know pretty much any device and use an API to query some type of system or database using these particular standards because then we would be looking at developing a standard. Search and give me the procedures on this particular vehicle.

      • What information is needed to request procedures?

        • This committee would have to define what are all the pieces of information that are going to be required to search for those procedures and that would be 1 standard.

        • We need the people that use this data to help define the standard.

          • To get the options on a vehicle, we would ask each manufacturer to help provide the cross reference.

          • VIN is used to pull options and some manufacturers call these PR codes

        • Can we Scan parts?

          • Scan or search a QR code

    • Perspective of the auto recycler is again on the part. So that high level certification of doing a repair would not have to be applicable to that but we would probably and quality assurance for the part being correctly inventoried and the information you referenced the VIN and that seems to be the starting point for most of our platforms. Hollander Platform starts with the VIN, but we often find that we do not have complete VIN number, so it there it's a deeper dive that we need and then that exchange and being able to deliver it through everything and we're dealing with multiple OE manufacturers all the time. So, it's time consumption for the accuracy we needed to be delivered the word easy. Underscore that super easy.

    • When a dealership buys their franchise, they buy an information package and the repair procedures that they use to repair the cars

  • Need to start on the workflows


Great Meeting Everyone

Up Next

  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Review Project Plan

  • Start on the Workflow

Action items




  • @Paulette Reed

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Gene Lopez

  • Eric Schulz

  • Mark Allen

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Paul Marshall

  • Dale Ringwald

  • Jonathon Steward

  • Dave Butler

  • Frank Terlep

  • Scott Kaboos

  • Colin Adams

  • Phil Martinez

  • Trent Tinsely

  • Branden Loesch

  • Bruce Davidson

  • Paul Barry

  • Lelci Lemanski

  • Jessic Andrews

  • Scott VanHulle

  • Aaron Rolsrud

  • Tim Ronak




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. OEM Repair Procedure and Build Sheet Data Standards Committee Home