2024-01-25 Calibration Committee Meeting Minutes
Public Page
Jan 25, 2024
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
This meeting is subject to the terms of the Antitrust Statement and may be recorded.
Meeting Minutes Review
Review of Committee Goals
Homework Review
Joint Committee Meeting with Chris, OEM Round Table
Chuck and Darrell Prerequisite work
OEM Roundtable Update
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting Minutes Reviewed and Accepted
Welcome to 2024
Review of Scope of the Project
Prerequisites and terminology
Question by Bruce that about the terminology and is this committee working on the standardization of getting those terms for calibration and ADAS.
We think it was a big ask to the OEM roundtable, but the feedback was positive, and we want to provide categories and buckets for terms.
Chuck, Darrell and Paul presented at the OEM roundtable in Palm Springs
Paul provided an overview of CIECA.
Chuck and Darrell handed out documentation to provide the flowchart and present.
We reviewed the documentation shared with OEM roundtable.
Insurer knows the car was calibrated correctly, driver was safe, and everyone is paid correctly, we could be okay. When a calibration question is asked, it has different answers and makes it more confusing, so we need that common knowledge.
Some OEM repair procedures have very detailed lines, and some are assumed, and we would like the assumed steps to be added so there is no confusion and helps everyone.
15 to 20 min presentations with an ask to help come up with the terms for prerequisite.
The OEMS offered to provide a contact for a technical representation.
Displayed calibration flowchart to show the number of times we look back to the OEM repair procedures.
Repair Certifications
Do we share that now and how do we do this with different names and different scenarios. Full tank of gas is one scenario, it depends on the brand and the repair if the fuel level is mentioned.
Recommend OEMS provide the training and Toyota University is open, so you can be anyone in the industry to see the repair certifications.
Darrell will continue communications with Chris and bring information and request back to the committee.
Great Meeting.
Up Next
Meeting minute Review
Action items
Refence Documents
Calibration Work Documents (OEM Manufacture Requirement Examples, GM Driver Assistance Systems Aid.pdf, Honda ADAS Document.pdf, Advanced-driver-Assistance-Systems-FORD.pdf
Release Documents: (Master Data Dictionary, Test Instance - VehicleDamageEstimate_Add_Calibration.xml)
@Paulette Reed
Greg Peeters
Audrey Nass
Jason Hope
Stacey Phillips
Paul Barry
Russel Hilderbrand
Chan Alfman
Bruce Davidson
Kim Sorlien
Bud Center
Ginny Whelan
Chuck Olsen
Don Porter
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Calibration Committee