2023-05-18 Calibration Committee Meeting Minutes
Public Page
Apr 18, 2023
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
This meeting is subject to the terms of the Antitrust Statement and may be recorded.
Meeting Minutes Review
Workflow Prerequisites
Chuck was looking at possible verbiage to add to prerequisites.
Should we add use OEM Repair Procedures to workflow?
New Attachment Type Code List
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Meeting Minutes Reviewed and Accepted
Reviewed and approved changes to the Workflow documents
In the previous review of the workflows, the dog ear comments made members think they needed to go to a note, these were all replaced.
Committee Reviewed and Approved the changes to be published to CIECA.com
We discussed prerequisite wording for the OEM Repair Procedures and other items to be added to the workflow. Chuck is out of the office so we will wait for his return to discuss this.
Reviewed Attachment Type Code List Additions
The OEM Build Data Sheet already exist
The OEM Procedures already exist
The OEM Program File already exist
Definition : controller or sensor initialization before calibration
category Calibration
Relevant Parts (sensors and components that are married to a car that are relevant parts. Headlight is relevant part and so is a transmission)
Calibration Status
Static Calibration
Dynamic Calibration
Repair and Calibration Code is already in the Code list that discusses Research findings for the repair, the modules tested, includes the initialization, Programming and Module setup
But should this all be in one category? The committee decided no they should be broken out.
Category Calibration
This can be a photograph of target placement to show target placement.
ToDo: Look for this in the workflow to find description and target placement.
Photo documentation
Category Calibration
pictures are taken to show ride height, tire pressure, interior and anything required by OEM Repair procedure prerequisites. Mobile work benches and battery support or other things that we can take pictures of.
When doing a repair, photographs are taken of the repair for validation and attach it to the file repair file. Then if we are working with another company, we will send the photographs along with the message to help insure the correct repairs and processes were made.
The above codes are being added to show that the repairs are following the OEM Procedures and the proof they were followed, so if anyone has additional code list that would help with their workflow, please let us know.
Reviewed the way to get to the committee confluence page from cieca.com and the meeting minutes, workflows and work documents.
Great Meeting Everyone
Up Next
Meeting minute Review
Action items
Refence Documents
Calibration Work Documents (OEM Manufacture Requirement Examples, GM Driver Assistance Systems Aid.pdf, Honda ADAS Document.pdf, Advanced-driver-Assistance-Systems-FORD.pdf
Release Documents: (Master Data Dictionary, Test Instance - VehicleDamageEstimate_Add_Calibration.xml)
@Paulette Reed
Darrin Bernatowicz
Brittany Partridge
Kim Sorlien
Benito Cid
Nick Dominato
Paul Barry
Ryan Gerber
Chris Chesney
Don Porter
Gene Lopez
Darrell Amberson
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Calibration Committee