2023-11-16 Calibration Committee Meeting Minutes

2023-11-16 Calibration Committee Meeting Minutes


Public Page





Nov 16, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Welcome/Network

  • Antitrust

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of the Antitrust Statement and may be recorded.

  • Meeting Minutes Review

  • OEM Repair Procedure committee merge for OEM round table

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Reviewed and Accepted

  • Darrell and Chuck are unable to attend today but due to the holiday’s, I figured it was good to have a quick checkin.

  • OEM Round Table

    • The OEM Repair Procedure Committee would also like to invite Chris Caris to attend a committee meeting to get some feedback on OEM standardized terminology for prerequisites of calibration. Due to both committee’s wanting to invite Chris to the meeting, I wanted to see if you thought it would be a good idea to join the committees for the purpose of brainstorming on OEM terminology?

      • Michael Anderson is presenting to the OEM Roundtable in January in Palm Springs in conjunction with CCC. He offered his support to assist in presenting our topics to the OEM Roundtable.

        • Make sure to include Michael Anderson in the invitation to the meeting.

      • We are not merging the committees moving forward, we will still have meetings for Calibration Committee and the OEM Repair Procedure Committee, but for the common goal of the OEM Roundtable support, we will have specialized meetings.

      • Pre calibration work is predominantly needed and very specifically if we started with the need for a wheel alignment or a wheel alignment verification by all OEM's instead of some. Don't think there's an OEM that would argue against the necessary portion of validating the wheel alignment or performing a wheel alignment before a calibration, but they don't all call it out and they're procedure and I think they should.

        • Several categories for those prerequisites, one could be the environment, one could be tooling and one could be technician skill and it might be that you know through this process of just deciding what a prerequisite is to qualify some entity to be doing these calibrations that might be a great way to segment it.

  • UI Workflow

    • Did this committee change the order of the CIC workflow to include the post scan or process scan?

      • At this time, the UI workflow is the same as the CIC workflow, there was just questions of clarification that we will share with CIC if we find a resolution.

      • The UI workflow is to help identify data needed at each step of the workflow and we would like to add the CIECA Data Elements and Standards to the UI workflow.

        • What our experience has been with the OEM's that at least we at collision advice get the privilege of working with is that if you don't do that in process scan after the vehicles reassembled before you do any calibrations that there could be some things that were turned off like fail safe mode or whatever, and it could create some issues with it.

        • Best practice was to do it in process scan after reassembly before calibrations are done, and then you know the calibrations done and then your test drive to achieve the set conditions.

        • On the scanning piece, I think it's important to not confuse collision repair scanning with calibration scanning and I would instead of calling it a pre or post call it a pre calibration scan and a post calibration scan versus a post scan which would be considered post repair scan.

Great Meeting.

Up Next

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Review Darrell and Chucks Prerequisites work

Action items

Set up a meeting for both committee Members and Michael Anderson to meet with Chris Caris.
Work on adding Process scan and Post Scan and working on the CIECA documentation.


Refence Documents

Calibration Work Documents (OEM Manufacture Requirement Examples, GM Driver Assistance Systems Aid.pdf, Honda ADAS Document.pdf, Advanced-driver-Assistance-Systems-FORD.pdf

Release Documents: (Master Data Dictionary, Test Instance - VehicleDamageEstimate_Add_Calibration.xml)


  • @Paulette Reed

  • Michael Anderson

  • David McCreight

  • Bud Center

  • Bruce Davidson

  • Greg Peeters

  • Paul Barry

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Don Porter

  • Timothy Ronak

  • Benito Cid

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Calibration Committee


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