Public Page
2022-06-22-Education Meeting notes
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Jun 22, 2022
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Chair: Don Porter
The Antitrust statement was read and the meeting minutes were accepted.
CIECAST Webinars 2022
July: The executive director from PAVE has agreed to present.
August: Possible presenters include the paint panelists from the CONNEX conference last year, someone talking about EV batteries, and an OEM.
September: No CIECAST will be planned due to the CONNEX Conference.
October: A technical CIECAST will be held focused on the 2022R2.
November/December: Possible presenters include a blockchain presentation from a State Farm representative and a 3D printing presentation from Wurth.
CONNEX Presenters
We discussed the line-up of presenters who are confirmed and the proposed agenda.
Outstanding presentation topics:
AI panel. Jonathan Pyle from is confirmed and Amit Arora from Swiss Re is interested in taking part but needs to find out if his company will allow him to travel. Don suggested having someone from Mitchell, CCC and Solera also participate. Phil will reach out to Mitchell. Stacey will ask Mark Fincher from CCC for a contact and Fred Bersot and Jacqueline from Solera for a recommendation. Raj Pofale and Jimmy Spears presented at the conference last year but will give an update during CONNEX 2022 about CIECA’s new AI Committee.
3D printing: Dimitrios from Wurth is interested in presenting at a later date and asked to follow up in the fall. He won’t be able to present at CONNEX this year. During the July 7 Emerging Technologies Committee meeting, Paulette will ask the BASF representatives if they might be interested in speaking at CONNEX. There is also a SEMA contact we can reach out to. Don will follow up with Stratus again as well.
3M: There is a new contact at 3M who we’ve reached out to regarding having a 3M representative present. Stacey will follow up.
Phil asked if he will be speaking at the annual meeting during the conference. Paul said yes and he and Phil will meet to coordinate what will be shared during the welcome/introduction and annual meeting remarks. Paul also explained that the annual meeting will be a shortened version of the board meeting and include information about CIECA’s accomplishments and strategic direction.
Don said the agenda looks good and Phil said it was great that we have a line-up of speakers early on in the process.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is planned for July 27th.
Great meeting. Thank you everyone for your input!
Up Next
Antitrust Statement Agreement & minutes approval
CIECAST Webinars 2022
Action items
@Stacey Phillips - Facilitator
@Paul Barry
@Paulette Reed
Ginny Whelan
Phil Martinez
Kim DeVallance Caron
Kelly Lawlor
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee