2022-02-16 Education Meeting notes

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2022-02-16 Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Feb 16, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust and Approval of Minutes
Standards Education Document
CIECAST Webinars 2022


  • The Antitrust statement was read and the meeting minutes were accepted.

  • Standards Education Document: A discussion was held about putting together a summary of the different CIECA committees and include its mission, standards developed, benefits to industry, etc. Paulette suggested featuring active committees and include information that isn’t necessarily part of the releases. She explained that this idea came about as a result of a discussion during the Emerging Technologies Committee about the problems in the supply chain. Based on an analysis of the committee, members suggested sharing information about PMP standards with the industry. Paulette suggested that we could share committee information similar to what is done during the SAB meetings. Examples included PMP Standareds discussed during the Emerging Technology Committee and the Recycled Parts & Inventory Committee’s focus on EV batteries. Ginny asked if the purpose was to report on what is going on in the committee or to entice members and the industry to join a committee. Don E. suggested sharing information with the industry about hot topics that are being discussed in the committees. This might encourage more individuals to join the committees. Paulette suggested linking the information we send out to the mission and background of the committees on Confluence. Don P. agreed. Paul, Paulette and Stacey will discuss the strategy of the document and share a draft with the committee at a later date.

  • CIECAST Webinars 2022

    • February: Brandon Laur and Steve Driz from CCi Global Technologies will present on February 17. Registration is just under 100, which isn’t as high as the previous webinar. This could partly be due to a shorter window of publicizing the event because Kyle Weber was originally supposed to present and needed to reschedule so Brandon Laur kindly offered to fill in.

    • March: The four presenters from the MSO panel discussion at CONNEX were asked to present in March. One representative MSO and one from a network are available to present. I asked the committee if we should go with two individuals or wait until another month when all four of the original presenters are available. ginny and Paul felt that two speakers would be good. Don P. asked if the presenters (whether it’s two or four) would have a difference of opinion to share and if that helps make a decision how many we should have. It was agreed to have two presenters and use the Q&A format with Paul moderating.


    • Location/Hotel: Paul shared that the conference will be held Sept. 13-15 in St. Louis, Missouri at the Hilton Embassy Suites. It is a central location for attendees to fly to. A “Save the Date” announcement will be sent out soon as well as a “Call for presenters.” Paul, Paulette and Stacey are talking to Hunter Engineering later this week to discuss a tour of the facility.

    • Presenters: During prior committee meetings, there was discussion about asking Andy Bober, Mike Hastings and Dan Webster to present about technical topics. We will have one track with business and technical topics rather than two. Paul said that we will send a survey to members to ask what types of topics they would be interested in hearing. Then, we will have an internal discussion about the conference program that will appeal to both a business and technical audience and share that with the Education Committee at the next meeting to begin choosing presenters.

Great meeting. Thank you everyone for your input!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Statement Agreement & minutes approval

  • CIECAST Webinars 2022

Action items




  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter

  • Don Elliott

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee