Reference Items

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Reference Items

From Prior Meetings (Not to be Lost)

More ideas long-term were to have a one-page high level, long-range view for the Board to agree on what CIECA does, crafted into an article, for Stacey to run with for a fresh marketing campaign.

The first step is to have the Board create five bullet points on what we do, an elevator speech. It was mentioned that Stacey stared that over a year ago and it went nowhere. Perhaps it is time to revive her efforts.

Other potential speakers include USAA-State Farm Blockchain project, Mitchell, 3D printing with Divergent, and EV Battery with Argonne National. Caryn Smith from ARA agreed to moderate a recall panel, and potential panelists include Paul D’Adamo, Don Porter, an OEM and insurer. Don Elliott brought up Mobi--mobility open blockchain initiative as a potential topic. He noted it seemed like it paralleled CIECA.”

Ginny noted she is attempting to acquire a speaker(s) on EV and the looming issue of recycling batteries or discarding them. These are the Lithium Ion batteries only, the lead-based batteries are already being recycled. Andy Latham is a known subject expert and she has contacted him.

 Future Agenda Items

  • On-Boarding – More?

  • Answers to Talking Points for Board Members

  • Quotes from CIECA Members “What would you tell a new member about CIECA?”

Conference Reference

The conference I referenced on automotive cybersecurity https://www.billingtoncybersecurity.com/

 The sessions in the agenda were discussed and all were in agreement.  These were: 

  • What business areas have been automated via the BMS?

  • Today and Tomorrow – Chair?

  • ACORD – What we do, how we are the same, and how they are different

Re-energizing CIECA University – New Name, New Look, New…

It’s a dull phrase and needs to be more upbeat


Education Committee Focus:

  • Content Building

  • Eliminate Status Report

  • The discussion led into a new way to discuss the BMS. IFX, the workings of whom we followed when developing the BMS, discussed them as business conversations.  The work can be found at www.IFXForum.org/standards

  • NOTES TO RETAIN:  Cutepdf Writer