2021-09-8 Repair Order and Repair Status Meeting Minutes
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CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Sep 8, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Chris Hall, Entegral, Repair Status Committee Chair
Jim Puskas, Entegral, Repair Order Committee Chair
Committee(s) Review
Data needed that does not exist in the BMS
Using an implementation that is not EMS or XML
Trading Partners do not use XML
EMS was already implemented
BMS schema is very large it could be overwhelming to implement for new BMS developers
Tools to implement and Support would help
Provide excellent documentation and code samples for various languages
Brainstorm Session
What messages do you use?
What are pain points in implementing messages with Trading Partners
Any new messages that would make your business workflow better
Committee Direction
New Web Page and Implementation Guides approval
New Committee Objectives
Meeting Occurrences
Meeting Minutes
Antitrust Accepted
Welcome to the Kickoff Meeting
Chris Hall, Entegral, Repair Status Committee Chair
Chris has been with Entegral for 5 years and lives in the UK.
The UK has a standard for data similar to CIECA and he hopes to bring international exposer to CIECA and the messages
Jim Puskas, Entegral, Repair Order Committee Chair
Jim is with Entegral but located in California
He would like to help identify the pain points for trading partner implementation and find solutions with CIECA messages
Committee(s) Review
The Meeting Invitations has the links to the Confluence Pages where all the Committee Documentation (Workflows, Work Documents, Charter, Business Plan, Meeting Minutes) will be stored.
Reviewed the Scope and Objective, Team Members and CIECA messages on https://cieca.atlassian.net/l/c/aX5pLWEr
Reviewed the Scope and Objective, Team Members and CIECA Messages on https://cieca.atlassian.net/l/c/z8QEcZqZ
CIECA sent a message out to the Industry to determine what CIECA implementations (EMS/BMS) were being adopted and to determine if there were any concerns or pain points.
The Results from the survey identified
Data needed that does not exist in the BMS
Using an implementation that is not EMS or XML
Trading Partners do not use XML
EMS was already implemented
BMS schema is very large it could be overwhelming to implement for new BMS developers
Tools to implement and Support would help
Provide excellent documentation and code samples for various languages
Documentation and Code Samples Problem Point
Reviewed the current process of looking up Implementation Guides and Appendix C via Committee on CIECA.com.
Demo the new website Standards design that goes by the Products (Assignment, Procurement, FNOL, etc..)
The committee agreed the Standards by Products was easier to find and followed the new API structure.
Recommendation to reach out to the individuals that were concerned about the standards and go over this concept and see if it helps.
CONNEX is next week and the new website design will be previewed in that meeting.
After CONNEX we hope to rollout the new Website in October.
Brainstorm Session
What messages do you use?
Repair Order
What are pain points in implementing messages with Trading Partners
Schemas are good
Most Customers can support XML even if they are using JSON, so that has not been a problem or a push to move to JSON.
Customers do complain about signing up and becoming CIECA Members.
Documentation is good
Need International Phone Number.
Any new messages that would make your business workflow better
Moving to JSON is the right direction.
Committee Direction
New Web Page and Implementation Guides approval
New Committee Objectives
Work with the VDI Committee on the OEM Repair Procedure and Build Sheet Data
Homework for everyone to reach out to your technical team and find out what pain points they have and what they would like to see CIECA provide in Data standards.
Meeting Occurrences
We will start Monthly meetings in October.
Great Kickoff Meeting!
Up Next
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Review items identified by technical team(s) as pain point or nice to haves
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Owen Miller
Andy Hysi
Kimberly DeVallance Caron
Jim Puskas
Chris Hall
John Vito
Stacey Phillips
Mark Fincher
Peter Madej
Paul Barry
Matt Pietrowicz
David Willett
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. https://cieca.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROSC