2022-2-8 Repair Order and Repair Status Meeting Minutes
Public Page
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Feb 8, 2022
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Recap Kickoff Meeting
Survey data Solutions
Build Sheet/OEM Repair procedure
Estimate open API
Committee Meetings or Project Meetings
Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes
Recap Kickoff Meeting
Approved Business Use Case(s)
Archived Word Documents
Proposed New Committee concept being Product based
Work Projects mentioned in Procurement kickoff
Ready to kick off the API
Parts Source may need to be added to the BMS and or code list
3D printing
Work Projects mentioned in Assignment kickoff
Referral message
Survey data Solutions
Concerns about what does CIECA provide
New web page updates ‘CIECA Simplified' to focus on Products as in the current design, but to make it more user friendly.
Reviewed the Demo of the new ‘CIECA Simplified’ web concept with comparisons to the just released web site and the Appendix C Word documentation.
The concerns with the current web design are the Business Use Cases are long and lots of scrolling to find the information we may look for.
Demo Solution 1 - A new home page for each Product that allows you access to all the links without scrolling, including a Business Use Case, the BMS is now being referenced as a Data Dictionary, the Code List, Schemas and the implementation guides are for Assignment can be hit from the Assignment Home page.
Demo Solution 2 - The Business Use case has been simplified with the Tabs to prevent having to scroll to find the information.
A Quick links has been added to the top of each page to help you navigate without using the back button or menu bar.
The Industry Segments were simplified to not have the descriptions, this will prevent a description change and having to update numerous pages, instead a button was added at the bottom of the page to the Confluence page that stores the Master Copy.
Demo Solution 3 - Implementation Guides from Appendix C have been presented on the Assignment Add - Vehicle Damage and Imaging
The VDI Committee Appendix C is 346 pages long, and that is one of the Committee Appendix C for Assignment, we have multiple committees that use Assignment.
You would have to scan through 346 pages to make sure you didn’t miss anything; because on page 292 is where the Standard information was displayed.
The BMS/Now Data Dictionary references are not just for the Message of Assignment but also helps to identify the Common Data Aggregates and Section 2 where the Architecture of definitions and hierarchy are defined.
Home - CIECA Products (zohosites.com) - The link to the test Site will be provided for people to review, and please provide feedback. The site is a demo site and is not complete, but we think the concept of how we are moving forward is presented well and looking for any recommendations.
provide feedback to paulette@cieca.com
Survey and participation are low
The Kickoff meetings have gained more participation
Getting answers back to anonymous
When the surveys are responded to as anonymous, it is hard to get the answers back to them that exist or request more feedback.
Technical Contacts are needed to help with the committees and the Architecture Committee.
Project Committees coming up
Build Sheet/OEM Repair procedure
Estimate open API
The Proposal of the Product Based Committees and Projects were approved by the Members, the SAB and the Executive Committee. The month of February the Committee Pages and Concepts needs to be created for Approval of the SAB and Executive Committees and then the kickoff of the Projects.
Committee Occurrence
With the new Product Committee’s and Project Committee’s being executed, we will take the month of March off and get together in April to discuss the Occurrence and need of this meeting when we know more.
Great Meeting Everyone
Up Next
Antitrust and Meeting minutes acceptance
Discuss Feedback from CIECA Simplified Design Concept
Committee Meeting Occurrence
Paulette Reed (Scribe)
Piotr Madej
Kevin Kingsley
Andy Hysenaj
Thomas Sheltrow
Paul Barry
Jim Puskas
Odom Wu
Chris Hall
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. https://cieca.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ROSC