2024-02-01 Estimate (VDI) Committe Meeting notes


Public Page



Feb 1, 2024


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Welcome/Networking

    • Introduction of Phil, Committee Chair

    • Introduction of Committee attendees

  • Antitrust

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Intro to CIECA


  • Committee Discussion

    • Problem Statement, CIECA Products, Scope/Objective/Benefits to Industry/Open forum

  • Meeting Occurrence

Meeting Minutes

  • Introduce Phil Martinez, Chair of the Committee

  • Introductions of Committee Attendees

  • Introduction of CIECA

    • Anyone is welcome, members or nonmembers of CIECA

    • Demo of CIECA webpage

      • Standards

      • Releases

        • You need to be an active member to see the standards

      • Support

      • Industry Documentation

      • Committees


    • New API development work where Architecture Committee has started with popular data (Claim, Admin, Vehicle, Parts) and set some rules and standards.

    • Schemas were created and we had 2 releases now.

    • Less Hierarchy than the BMS; API is flatter and simpler.

    • Zero based budgeting; not moving everything from BMS to API

      • We need product committees with the experts using the messages to help provide the information.

  • Committee Discussion

    • We are not replacing but developing an API for assignment in JSON

      • Hear from members on what use cases, problem statements, needs to determine if Assignment provides that value or if we need to create new messages to resolve that.

    • Look at the Estimate itself to help identify data.

    • Vehicle damage and Imaging messages that could fall into that category we can look to develop messages for the industry.

    • Difference between EV and Ice vehicles and the complexity of the data share.

      • Challenge to repair an EV vehicle can be simpler.

      • EV seems more complex than what it is.

      • Estimatics from shops seem to have repairs over scoped, but in reality, fixing a door on a EV car should be similar to ICE vehicle. There is more fluff added to the repairs in fear of the electronic.

      • The fender fix should be fixing the fender, but there is always cameras and alignments.

      • CIECA will not be able to change the operations and the fluff being added to the time, but we can educate the.

      • CIECA is the exchange of data and to make sure the data is correct. If the repair cannot be completed because the data is not available, that is a CIECA issue. If the problem is the process or operational, that would be a CIC issue.

        • CIC Estimating Committee welcomes everyone to join on the repair and operations.

      • The CIECA EV committee is working on identifying the data needed on EV vs ICE vehicle, so anyone that can help with the intake process and the data. If you would like to be on that committee, please send a request.

  • Meeting Occurrence

    • Meeting every 2 weeks

      • See how we progress and how much work we generate.

  • Homework

    • Look at BMS examples.

    • Showing Vehicle in CAPIS

    • Committee members please share use cases and business needs of data needed.

      • Data may be needed.

      • Code List may be needed.

Great Meeting Everyone and Thank you for your participation. Have a Great Week!

Up Next

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust

  • Review BMS Data for Assignment

  • Review CAPIS Vehicle

Action items


  1. Initial Scope is to create Assignment in JSON



  • @Paulette Reed

  • Lucky Papageorg

  • Bud Center

  • Joe Lamm

  • Paul Riffel

  • Jason Petersik

  • Christina Sepulveda

  • Josh Steere

  • Danny Gredinberg

  • Dave Braun

  • Theo

  • Robert Furtado

  • Steve Bratcher

  • Lurah

  • John Pantoja

  • Matt Carroll

  • Phil Martenez

  • Michael Alarie

  • Edmond Schneider

  • Owais Mughloo

  • Dan Wenzel

  • Heidi Harris

  • Paul Barry

  • Ronald Trozzo

  • Kim Sorlien

  • Dan Webster

  • Krysten Green

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Mike Hastings

  • Andy Bober

  • Tara Esquivel

  • Richard Bardan

  • Candace Everitt

  • Derek Jhonson

  • Richard Bardan




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.