2021-05-05 Education Meeting notes

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2021-05-05 Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


May 5, 2021


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust and Approval of Minutes
Video script
NABC update
Hotel update-COVID friendly, room block, bus, technical requirements
Confirmed Presenters/Agenda
Press Release
Potential Presenters


  • Antitrust statement was read and the meeting minutes were accepted.

  • Video script: Paul created an updated version of the video script that is more simplified. It was shared with the Education Committee for feedback. Kelly likes this version better as an explainer video. She suggested adding that it is a member-based organization. Sandy Blablock has joined the Education Committee and would like to receive a copy of the script.


    • NABC update: Paul, Paulette and Stacey talked to John at the conference hotel about where to hold the NABC gifting and they are going to reserve an 80-stall parking lot.

    • Hotel update: John from the hotel is sending information about COVID-friendly practices that we can provide to attendees. He added days for the room block before and after the event. If we don’t fill the rooms, we won’t be charged. He also provided a contact from a bus company who we can contact for the tour and a contact for AV requirements.

    • CIECA Day: Debby Robinson from NABC offered to submit a request to the mayor’s office to designate a “CIECA Day” and asked for input about what she should include. Dustin suggested mentioning that usually people in our industry meet people after an accident on the worst day of their lives and this is an opportunity to interact on a life-altering day for a good reason. Sandy added that it’s a true collaboration with all segments of the industry and that we are working together for the good of a community.

    • Confirmed Presenters/Agenda: We reviewed the confirmed agenda and presenters, which have been added to the CIECA website. The committee was in support of having one track that includes both business and technical presentations. In the past, we found that some conference attendees didn’t want to have to choose between the two tracks. Kelly said that this type of agenda helps solve our problem to provide networking time as well as giving attendees a chance to see both types of presentations. This format also lends itself well to the type of attendees who are most likely to attend this year--business representatives rather than technical one--due to travel restrictions. Kim asked us to update the agenda to provide breakfast on both days rather than only coffee and the committee was in agreement.

  • Potential presentations: We discussed the proposal to have a presentation on OEMs and DRPs. Dustin asked what the intent and angle would be. We also talked about having a presentation about blockchain. The committee felt that it is such a large subject that it is evolving faster than we can keep track of. The committee thought that it might also raise questions about whether CIECA was getting involved in blockchain.

  • Great meeting. Thank you everyone for your input!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Statement Agreement & minutes approval

  • CIECAST topics

  • VIDEO Update

  • CONNEX Presenters

Action items





  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Steve Betley

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Dustin Nunamaker

  • Kelly Lawlor

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Kim DeVallance Caron

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee