Public Page
2021-10-27 Education Meeting notes
CIECA 500 Westover Dr #11617; Sanford, NC 27330
Oct 27, 2021
As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.
Chair: Don Porter
The Antitrust statement was read and the meeting minutes were accepted.
CONNEX Survey Segments
The CONNEX survey was filled out by 30 people. The following is a breakdown of the industry segments that filled it out:
Associations (CIECA): 2
General Services: 4
Information Technology: 11
Insurance: 3
Parts & Materials: 4
Rental Car: 1
Repair: 5
CIECA Webinars 2022
Technical webinars:
The committee was asked if we should continue having two technical CIECAST webinars in 2022. Don, Dustin and Steve said yes and the committee agreed.
We talked about asking a representative from a committee to take part in the technical webinars with Paulette and it was agreed to continue doing that.
Non-technical webinars:
Brandon Laur (information privacy), Kyle Weber (blockchain) and Daniel Benton (paint panel) have agreed to present. We are waiting to hear from Jeff Wildman and Andy Hysi (paint panel), and the participants from the MSO/Network panel.
OEM panel: Stacey reached out to Andy MacDonald from Lucid Motors to take part in an OEM CIECAST webinar. We discussed what the topic would be and Steve brought up the importance of tying in the message to CIECA and CIECA Standards. One of the challenges with the OEM panel during CONNEX is that two of the speakers were unable to answer attendees' questions due to legal restrictions. Don suggested reaching out to CIECA members ahead of time to suggest questions to ask during the webinar so they can be approved in advance. Dustin asked if we should make it a prerequisite to have presenters answer questions. We can reach out to Mark Allen from Audi/Dan Ducharme from Volkswagen, John Eck from GM, Benito Cid from Mercedes-Benz as well as Tesla and Rivian to take part in the panel. If there is enough interest, we can hold two OEM panels in 2022. Paul suggested that three presenters per panel was best. Paul agreed to moderate.
Dustin suggested reaching out to Tesla about the company’s recent deal with Hertz. Stacey will contact John Vito. Don suggested talking to Enterprise about EV rentals and Ginny agreed we should reach out to both Hertz and Enterprise.
Steve discussed FNOL and CIECA’s potential involvement.
We talked about having an industry overview presentation in January 2022 to kick off the year. It was suggested to contact Susanna Gotsch.
Steve suggested having the executive committee discuss CIECA’s accomplishments, challenges and direction during an upcoming webinar. Don said that we could include information about the 2022-23 strategy. The committee discussed whether we should tie it in to another presentation, such as Susanna Gotsch’s. Don felt we should have Susanna do a standalone presentation because she has so much knowledge to share with the industry. The committee felt it was appropriate to tie in a “CIECA executive committee update” presentation with a technical webinar.
Ginny sent information about Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE), which is a coalition of industry, nonprofits, & academics informing the public about the future of our roads. She will follow up with some information about technology companies.
SCRS Ad Focus
We discussed some ideas for a new SCRS as in 2022. Paul suggested using some of the graphics from the new CIECA video (1:43).
Don suggested adding a tagline such as, “How do you communicate properly with other industry segments.”
Kelly suggested incorporating what the CIECA acronym stands for in the ad.
Don also suggested using the graphic with the globe (1:34).
Great meeting. Thank you everyone for your input!
Up Next
Antitrust Statement Agreement & minutes approval
CIECAST Webinars 2022
Action items
@Stacey Phillips - Facilitator
@Paul Barry
@Paulette Reed
Don Porter
Steve Betley
Ginny Whelan
Dustin Nunamaker
Kelly Lawlor
Participants in the meetings are noted for your information. If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee