2024-03-28 Estimate (VDI) Committe Meeting notes


Public Page



Feb 1, 2024


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Meeting Minute approval

  • Total Loss Percentage

    • New BMS and CAPIS data field being proposed.

    • Capture the Total Loss Percentage amount when the estimate is completed.

  • Review BMS Data for Assignment

  • Review CAPIS Vehicle

  • Next Meeting April 11

Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust and Recording Accepted

  • Meeting minutes approved

    • Question was ask about how it would work if two CIECA committees were working on the same objective. For example, the AI committee and the Estimate (VDI) committee.

      • At that time, we would have both teams meet to come up with a joined standard.

  • Total Loss Percentage

    • Estimate as a Percentage of ACV field will be added to the BMS and CAPIS to show the percentage of valuation when an estimate is created. The estimating systems normally pull the rough value of the vehicle and rough ACV of the vehicle when the estimate is written and calculates a percentage of that ACV. Each company has a profile that says what the threshold is to determine if a vehicle is total loss. This field would capture the percentage that the vehicle estimate was. If the vehicle percentage is 43% Total Loss and the company threshold was 60%, then the 43% would be captured in this field.

    • We looked at the BMS ClaimInfo Aggregate that had LossInfo Aggregate and agreed the new field would be added to the LossInfo Aggregate in the BMS.

    • Reviewed how the flattened claim was created in the API and agreed that the new field would be added to claim in the CAPIS schema.

    • name would be EstimateAsPercentageOfACV in BMS and estiamteAsPercentageOfAcv in CAPIS

  • Review BMS Data for Assignment

    • Reviewed two Assignment Test Instances to see that AdminInfo, ClaimInfo, VehicleInfo were common Aggregates and already existed in CAPIS

  • Brain Storming

    • Include a percentage of liability or percentage of authorization field where an insurance company or ‘Authorizer’ could send the show the percentage they are going to pay. Today the deductible information is shared, but having an additional field where you can say w are only going to pay 50% of this loss and the other 50% will need to be collected from vehicle owner.

      • Rental has a Bill-To percent and we looked in the BMS to review the PolicyInfo with the Policy Max.

      • Need to do analysis to see if the Authorization Bill-To can be used like Rental or if we need a new field.

    • Add DeductibleWaivedInd field in deductibleInfo to allow the shops to see if the deductible has been waived, due to the number of times the insurance customers are called by the shops to see if the deductible is waived.

      • Need analysis

    • Information from analysis will be sent prior to next meeting.

  • Next Meeting April 11

Great Meeting Everyone and Thank you for your participation. Have a Great Week!

Up Next

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Homework Review

Action items

Create Document to show Assignment data in BMS vs CAPIS
Update BMS and CAPIS with new field names to propose to committee




  • @Paulette Reed

  • Candy (No response)

  • Jason Petersik

  • Todd Balan

  • Krysten Green

  • Josh (AI notetaker)

  • Raj Pofale

  • Neil Parr-Davies

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Paul Barry

  • Christina Sepulveda

  • Ronald Trozzo

  • Michael Alarie

  • Owais Mughloo

  • Ed Mondragon

  • Josh Steere

  • Paul Riffel

  • Tom Julius

  • Candace Everitt




Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.