2022-1-27 Meeting notes



Public Page






Jan 27, 2022


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • Kick off with Supply Chain Discussion and Analysis

  • What’s Next

Meeting Minutes

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Accepted

  • News:

    • Some states are taking action to turn off Telematics; not sure how this works and if you cross state lines if it would be back on.

    • Right to Repair Law to ensure consumers can get vehicles serviced by independent outlets. And to ensure repair shops have equal access to repair and maintenance tools.

  • Supply Chain

    • The Supply of parts is an issue at this time and leaving some cars in the shop for long periods of time, which impact customer service with the repair shop, longer rentals.

    • One example was mentioned where a 21 Accord needed a control monitor and sat for 6 months. At that time, a call was made to Don Porter to see if he could locate a used control monitor. He was able to find one, the owner had to agree to use the part.

    • Is there a disconnect with Salvage Parts?

      • The parts management systems that are available to the Repair shops (CCC for example) have ways to find salvaged parts, but they are not returned in the initial result list.

        • When writing an Estimate, the repair shops have 1/2 dozen Parts and Procurement systems.

      • DRP Environment; use what the carrier has, and True Parts is making it less likely to use salvaged parts.

    • How can CIECA help Supply Chain?

      • Let's assume these Parts and Procurement systems use CIECA standards. Does CIECA need to improve the data or message to help with the supply chain.

      • It appears that OEM parts are being returned and as mentioned above, some systems have access to salvage but it's not on the main flow and need to find that path and get training.

      • CIECA does have fields available in the messages, that signify that the search should include non-OEM Parts.

        • OEDiversified is a Boolean (True/False) field that can be used in search of parts to retrieve back no OEM Parts

          • If this is used, there is a field NonNewOEMPartInd to identify any part or material returned as not an OEM Part.

        • It appears CIECA has the values needed to retrieve the non-OEM parts

          • We looked through the BMS and compared it to the Master Code List to see the Procurement Parts list and Procurement Material List and both use the OEDiversified field.

        • Is there a standard to allow marketplaces for all types or car parts?

          • CIECA does not set the standards of how the industry programs. CIECA assures all the data elements and messages are available to the industry.

          • It appears the industry could make a programming change to return the non-OEM parts using the CIECA data standards. The options are available withing the CIECA standards.

          • CIECA can only make recommendations on the options available within the standards to better access of parts.

          • Can Stacey create a marketing tool and promote the options available in CIECA to return the parts to refresh technical brains that there is an option to return salvage parts that may help them with supply chain?

            • It could be a temporary part even, just to get the cars repaired until an OEM part is available.

    • Parts Systems and Travel Systems

      • In the Travel industry there are many systems such as kayak that goes and looks at all the hotel or airline prices and returns a list to the user, is there a need for a system like this for parts?

        • This would be a scrubber.

        • The Travel industry allows this information to the public; however, Parts providers may not allow this to be shared.

        • Blockchain would be able to provide this availability in the industry?

        • Kevin Kingsley said he would look into a Parts System Scrubber.

    • Besides Salvage Parts, we have a new concept of parts hitting the market with the 3D Printed parts

      • These can be licensed printed part or reverse engineered Part

      • This will need to be looked at as a new category or code list in CIECA

      • The Material will have to be approved to be a licensed part.

      • Older model vehicles parts will move to a 3D printed market, does our fields allow for these parts to be returned?

        • Yes, the Boolean field should mean any non-OEM part can be returned.

  • Supply Chain is not seen to be something that CIECA needs to make any changes to; however it would be nice for marketing to go out to refresh memory of everyone about the availability to find Non-OEM parts with the current standards.

  • Cyber Security at this time, there is nothing we see CIECA needs to change.

  • AI was decided to be the next area that is to be analyzed by this committee.

    • Raj can present AI

    • Are we going to have an issue where standards for AI images for taking a picture and getting and estimate?

    • how will resolution, zoom, angles impact the AI and how can we standardize?

    • Do standards reduce competitive advantage?

    • Claims Genius has their recommendations for how far away, resolution needed, lighting and angles. Think it would be better for the industry if it was a common standard.

    • AI should be able to use Lower resolution pictures and scale up.

    • iPhone converts to jpeg and impacts AI because it loses metadata.

Great Meeting Everyone!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

  • AI

Action items


  1. Telematics analysis is complete with no CIECA Impact
  2. Cyber Security analysis is complete with no CIECA Impact
  3. Supply Chain analysis is complete with suggestion for CIECA to market the options available in returning parts.



  • Paulette Reed (Scribe)

  • Raj Pofale

  • Gene Lopez

  • Frank Terlep

  • Russ Sims

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Mark Allen

  • Chuck Searles

  • Kevin Kingsley

  • Paul Barry

  • Matt Carrol

  • Ginny Whelan

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.