Public Page

2020-06-17 Meeting notes


Jun 17, 2020


  • @Paul Barry

  • @Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

  • @Stacey Phillips

  • @Ed Weidmann (Unlicensed)

  • Kathy Goddard

  • Virginia Whelan

  • Don Elliott

  • Kelly Lawlor

  • Kimberly DeVallance Caron

  • Steve Betley

Discussion topics









1:00 C


@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)



Anti-trust Agreement

@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

Agreed by all



@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)




@Stacey Phillips

  • Stacey shared that Dan Gluck is not able to present in July. We need to identify someone else.


BMS Release

@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

  • Charley shared a summary of the new release and the work that Andy Bobar has done to create a new release process in Github.

  • This change represents a very big change for the architecture

  • Stacey suggested it might be good to have Andy do a Technical presentation as a CIECAST.

OEM Electric Vehicle Presentation

@Stacey Phillips

  • Stacey raised an interest in getting a speaker from an OEM to talk about electric vehicles.

  • @Paul Barry suggested Ford might be an option to pursue since they are making a big commitment to electric vehicles

  • @Stacey Phillips identified a few different options for people she has worked with in the industry

    • @Charles Quirt (Unlicensed) suggested we approach Benito


Future CIECAST Topics

Group discussion

Steve suggested that we create a topic list (we should keep on Confluence). Timing is good as @Paul Barry sees new ideas and suggestions as he gets oriented to the organization.


Newsletter Content

Kelly Lawlor

  • Kelly suggested we use the content on the website that is already there to identify topics.

  • We could also look at the committees to identify what they do and pull ideas out of the committees for articles.


Reciprocal Agreements

@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)

Charley identified a number of organizations that CIECA has or had relationships with in the past. The goal is to develop a list of other industry associations, identify their mission, where we suppor each other, our relationship with them and the potential for cross-marketing. We should use this information to drive our communication.

  • ARA

  • URG

  • SCRS

  • RDN

  • CIC

  • MOBI

  • STAR


  • SAE

  • Auto Care / AAIA

  • ICAR

  • AMi


Meeting Closed

@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed)


Action items

Identify a presenter for the July meeting (@Charles Quirt (Unlicensed) will approach Andy Bober)
Identify a presenter for Aug / Sept (@Stacey Phillips will work with board members to identify possible OEM contacts).
Identify topics for newsletters
