2023-01-26 Emerging Tech Meeting Minutes



Public Page







Jan 26, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Welcome Networking

  • Antitrust Agreement

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown here.  In addition, this meeting may be recorded.  Is everyone in agreement.

  • Meeting minutes Review/Acceptance

  • Kickoff Augmented Reality

    • Jake Rodenroth and Jeff Peevy

Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome Networking

  • Antitrust Agreement Agreed

  • Meeting minutes Review/Acceptance

  • Meeting Minutes

    • The Emerging Technologies committee has been going over the impacts of different emerging technologies that impact the collision industry and in particular the CIECA standards. What standards we might need to create in the future based on these emerging technologies. We have different industry segments participating in the committee and some outside the industry to learn about the technologies. After learning about the technologies, the committee decides if there is any impact to the CIECA standards and if they have recommendations or if a new committee needs to be created to do more analysis.

    • Jake Rodenroth and Jeff Peevy discussed the Why of Augmented Reality

      • The complexity of the vehicle that is radically different in all areas from the vehicles of the past. The complex vehicle is doing things from opening the vehicle door, the way the cabin is heated to the drivetrain different than past vehicles.

      • The safety of the technicians working on the car and for the safety of the car itself to make sure it is repaired and working correctly, we need a technical service and information to be easier to digest and understand.

      • The augmented reality piece is a standard repair manual like any other car company provides, but our augmented reality piece is designed to have three pieces to it, what we call a visualizer that gives you the visualization of the car and all the technology on the car. Then an interactive parts catalog, and then the third piece will be the augmented service manual that shows you an animation on the car, how the task is performed.

      • Augmented reality can be used for all vehicles, but older vehicles are more compact and more pieces, even the EV has more components, which makes these areas harder to see with augmented reality. Augmented reality will allow you to remove layers to see the layer that you need to be focused on, but still the vehicles with less components and clutter are easier to manage.

      • Will all OEM’s use Augmented reality for repair? The industry hopes so.

      • CIECA’s Role

        • How does Augmented reality use the Code list and the parts catalog?

        • Can messages be used for parts procurement?

        • Can we have Estimates captured without a pen?

      • Jeff Peevy shared some slides with definitions.

        • Augmented reality is just one piece of the work that is going on to help the industry work with the more complex cars and make sure there is a safe repair. The complicated technologies create challenges, and we are working to visually get you the information so you can wrap your head around the concepts.

        • Learning innovation and technology is very important.

        • Need to improve learning effectiveness to better understand the subject, to be more relevant and adaptive and really just prove and ore personalized the learner experience and shorten the time to learn.

        • Five areas

          • Platforms that are referred to as prescriptive learning.

          • Adaptive Learning

          • AI Driven interactive video platforms.

          • gamification and the realm of extended reality which includes virtual reality and augmented reality.

        • Courses can be reduced by 50% if you have knowledge. With testing 1/2 a dozen platforms most of them have some claim AI and they have been disappointing. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in this area still.

        • AI is great on the sales side trying to sell you the software, but in the application that we have found to be fair in actually applying it, we haven’t seen that the promise of all this reduced course time.

        • Interactive video is heavily storyboarded video course that would allow a direct or seamless video response to students. Question so they person in the video ask a question and can hear it verbally. You can see it on the video and interact and click on your answer to the question. This is personalized an engaging with tremendous amount of branching.

        • In gamification, it is applying gaming mechanics to non-gaming environments to increase knowledge and skill in a structural area, a content area.

        • Different type of damage wants through and learned repair planning, and this allows you to do repair planning on a variety of different vehicles. Looking at the speed at which you can do it and the accuracy.

        • The virtual reality, augmented reality and then software that gives us the ability to be adaptive and provide some sort of transitional experience for our industry.

        • Virtual reality is where you put the goggles on, and you are literally in another environment.

        • Augmented reality is still in the real world, but you have a digital overlay and, can have someone on a call or screen like a teams meeting that can interact with you and move the screen. You can have the Repair procedures on one side and be able to flip through the pages while working on the vehicle.

        • The challenge of augmented reality is the cost of the goggles is around $4,000.

        • Augmented reality can come from 3D scanning because at this time the OEM do not provide the CAD drawings.

      • Jake shared a picture that shows an augmented version of the vehicle and how it was able to find a pinched wire.

      • Augmented Reality can be used to show the defect for the technician but could also be used to verify the work was done correctly.

      • Tech assistance, they should say at the collisions at the dealerships. They should say with the technicians can put on the the goggles like you showed on there and actually kind of walked through it with the engineering people for some of those scenarios. We also have, it's not augmented reality, but we can do parts look up based on photos. So if and it's actually handheld now so they can use it have their phone when they're out at the vehicle they can actually.

      • Jeff offered a tour to the committee.

      • Look for website called A2 Mac, was mentioned for the committee to look into. A group called A2 MC. It's basically an engineering group and they do kind of breakdown the vehicles complete.

      • The next meeting is scheduled for next week, however, we have a few more speakers willing to come in and discuss Augmented reality so we will look at their schedule.

        • Feb 16 is a possible date if we need to move.


Up Next

  • Welcome Networking

  • Antitrust Agreement

  • Meeting minutes Review/Acceptance

  • Continue Augmented Reality Information Sharing

    • Patricia Carr from Miller Welds and Cythero

Action items


Reference Materials


  • Paulette Reed (Scribe)

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Jeff Peevy

  • Mark Allen

  • Chuck Olsen

  • Frank Terlep

  • Jake Rodenroth

  • Jonathan Pyle

  • Paul Barry

  • Mike Marlow

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Benito Cid

  • Raj Pofale

  • Don Porter

  • Fread Iantorno

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Darrell Amberson

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.