2023-7-6-Education Meeting notes

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2023-7-6-Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Jul 6, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust Statement

  • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review and approval of minutes

  • 2023 CIECA Webinars

  • 2023 CONNEX Conference Presenters

  • Rebranding of Education Committee next steps

Meeting Minutes

  • The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.

  • During our last Education Committee meeting, we combined Education and the CONNEX Planning Committee since we were discussing speakers.

  • CIECA Webinars

    • May: Chris Chesney, Repairify: The Future of Automotive Technologies

    • June: Chuck Olsen, AirPro Diagnostics: The Future Digital Landscape

      • During Chuck’s webinar, we invited attendees to ask questions throughout the presentation. The committee was asked if they like that style of Q&A. Ginny likes the approach but cautioned that we might want to restrict the same people asking all of the questions. Paulette said we need to be careful opening it up to everybody because, similar to social media, we don’t have control over what they will share.

      • Paul has doing some research using Teams for future webinars. He said there were two main advantages using GoTo Webinar that Teams didn’t have in the past. One is the registration page that could be published and people could register themselves. The other is that you could control the communication from the audience. Teams has both of these features now. Paul likes using Teams and says it’s more flexible and is a better designed product so it should work well for us in the future. In addition, it will save about $300 a month. Sandy agreed. She said Teams is easy to access with the link. She suggested we talk over the question element with presenters because some like the interaction and others find it distracting. Don agreed. We are going to try using Teams for the technical webinar in October.

      • During Chuck’s presentation, he discussed “Blue Sky Thinking.” Ginny suggested we bring a blue-sky thinking approach to CIECA. eg thoughts on EVs or robotics. It doesn’t necessarily need to focus on a CIECA mission. Paul said that one of his objectives for later this year is to discuss strategic planning for 2024. He said blue sky thinking might be helpful for that. Rather than putting parameters around the discussion, we could approach it as a community forum. One constraint is that it would need to be related to technology so we don’t overlap with CIC. Don reminded the committee that the Emerging Technologies Committee thought CIECA was going to work on some of the issues and Paul said the concern was that CIECA should not be creating new definitions for collision repair because it is outside of its scope. He said we could tie in technology and use blue sky thinking as a gap analysis to find what is missing and how we could better the industry. eg How do we document things in systems and technology and how do we exchange and make that information available? He shared a conversation he was in the day prior about the transparency of repair. He said it’s a fine line between the information that needs to go into the system to be exchanged and that’s within CIECA’s wheelhouse. Don said if it’s related to the process and messages than it’s one thing but not the manufacturing process or things of that nature.

    • July: Industry Challenges and the Need for Transparency panel discussion with John Eck from GM; Michael Giarrizzo from DCR Systems; and David Willet from Spark Underwriters.

      • Michael wanted to share information about the importance of transparency with all industry segments and how that is critical for the future of vehicle repair. John Eck and David Willet have been asked to provide comments as well. The committee was asked for input. Sandy has worked with GM many times about their sustainability issues, and how they consider repairability in the design of their vehicles. She noted that design for repairability is a huge issue, not only for the collision industry but for the recycling industry. She suggested John or someone from GM share information about the reuse of parts. She said it’s a great opportunity for all stakeholders to work together on issues that are important to all of us. Michael also talked about competing in a world of complete transparency, the complexity of the repair driving the need for complete transparency and the documentation around repairs to ensure safe vehicles are returned to customers. Sandy said as far as transparency, it’s something that she is hearing from CIC. She said it’s much easier to do and she is 100% in favor of it because the root cause of so many issues is the lack of transparency. Ginny said the word transparency is used consistently now but there are more blocks to it now than ever because of their data feed. She would like to learn what steps are in the repair and the consumer engagement in transparency. How much does it cost to be transparent today?

    • August: Bart Mazurek, CCC: State of the Industry

    • September: no webinar

    • October: Technical Webinar with Pete Sheenhan, Mountaineer Business Technology, and 2023R2

    • November/December:

      • Josh Thompson from GM Onstar/Greg Peeters from Car ADAS Solutions

  • 2023 CONNEX Conference

    • Agenda: Day 1

      • Phil Martinez will give opening remarks because Greg Best and Ashley Denison are unable to attend.

      • Sean Carey, SCG Management Consultants, will give keynote.

      • Paul Barry will provide a CIECA overview and standards update.

      • 30 minute break

      • Damon Aldrich, Enterprise, will talk about connected cars.

      • Brandon Branham, Peachtree Corners, will give an update about smart cities and the connected city.

      • Cornelius Young from CMT will talk about telematics post collision repair, how it is being used in the industry and future projections.

      • Tanya Sweetland from OEC will talk about repair planning.

      • There will be an OEM Repair Procedures panel. Panelists include Frank Terlep from Opus IVS, Chris Chesney from Repairify and Chuck Olsen from AirPro Diagnostics. Unfortunately, Mark Allen isn’t able to attend to moderate. Stacey reached out to Chris Caris from the OEM Roundtable and he isn’t able to attend. Stacey also contacted John Eck from GM and Devin Wilcox from Subaru to see if either would moderate. Tanya Sweetland asked to be part of the panel and would likely be opening to participating. Frank Phillips is also attending/speaking and might be able to moderate.

      • The Information Privacy Panel will be moderated by Brandon Laur from CCi Global Technologies. Panelists include Pete Taliapietra from DataTouch, Indiana Commissioner Amy Beard and Sumit Chauhan from Cerebrum X.

      • Marty Ellingsworth from J.D. Power will present. RDN shared information about ADAS statistics from J.D. Power that Marty might be able to incorporate in his presentation.

      • Jeff Peevy from I-CAR and Jake Rodenroth from Lucid Motors will talk about learning technologies, including augmented/virtual reality.

      • At the end of day one of presentations, we will have an NABC Recycled Rides gifting. State Farm offered to supply a vehicle.

      • A reception will follow the gifting.

    • Agenda: Day 2

      • Doug Hamilton from the American Battery Technology Company will discuss the future of EV batteries.

      • Two State Farm representatives, Michael Neuber and Chad Witt, will talk about telematics.

      • A Digital Claims panel will be moderated by Bill Brower at Solera. It will include representatives from Allstate, State Farm and Kemper.

      • A CAPIS panel will be held with Jeff Schroder from Car-Part.com and Pete Sheenhan from Mountaineer Business Technology. Dan Webster and Andy Bober haven’t yet confirmed if they can participate. Paulette will coordinate with the panelists.

      • We have been talking about having the SAB updates and inviting the committee chairs to provide a quick update.

      • The final presentation will be from Frank Phillips, Rivian.

      • A boxed lunch will be provided followed by the Rivian tour.

      • We are in the process of setting up meetings with the presenters and panelists to discuss their topics.

      • The presenters are aware of their times to present and have been sent Teams invites to hold the dates. Paul is going to make the agenda public.

  • Rebranding of Education Committee

    • During our last meeting, we discussed rebranding the committee. Due to CONNEX planning, we decided to put the rebranding on hold until after the conference.

Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items




  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee


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