2023-2-8-Education Meeting notes

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2023-2-8-Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Feb 8, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust and Approval of Minutes
This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. We will also be recording this meeting. Is everyone in agreement?
CIECAST Webinars 2023
CONNEX Presenters 2023
Bimonthly meetings


  • The Antitrust statement was read and the meeting minutes were accepted.

  • CIECAST Webinars 2022/23

    • January: Sean Carey from SCG Management Consultants presented and over 200 registered for the webinar.

    • February: Andy Boyd from 3M is scheduled to present about the Connected Body Shop, similar to his CONNEX presentation. We will talk to him beforehand to ensure the presentation isn’t too promotional.

    • March: Ryan Taylor, AMP Bureau, is scheduled to present about breaking digital silos, similar to his CONNEX presentation.

    • April: We will have a technical presentation in April and include information about the 2023R1. Paulette reached out to the Architecture Committee to find out if they had any recommendations for technical speakers.

    • Upcoming

      • We reached out to Susanna Gotsch but she is retiring and CCC said that another speaker would likely be able to present later in the year.

      • Blockchain: Ginny suggested we wait for now unless we find an outstanding presenter since we’ve shared information about it in the past.

      • 3D printing: Stacey to contact Formalabs and follow up with Wurth

      • EV Batteries: Stacey to reach out to contacts on the list provided by ARA. Ginny will provide contact/white paper.

      • AR/VR: Jeff Peevy, I-CAR, offered to share information about what I-CAR is doing in AR/VR. Dirk Fuchs can share information about battery safety.

      • We talked about having Greg Peeters, Car ADAS Solutions, present. Don and Ginny suggested that we share informaton about the different types of aftermarket/recycled parts that might be used due to the supply chain and parts availability.

      • Chris Miller from Repairify is intereseted in potentially speaking.

      • Cerebrum X: Stacey talked to after SEMA and he might be able to share information about their relationship with Ford and the sharing of data.

      • Stacey will reach out to VinFast to learn more.

      • Don had previously suggested having CIECA members share information about their use of standards and how it changed their businesses.

      • OEM insurance: Stacey will reach out to Lemonade, Tesla and GM.

    • Due to our past discussions about the word “CIECAST” being difficult to pronounce and spell, we are calling our webinars “CIECA Webinars” for now. There seems to be no change in registrations or understanding about what they are since this change.

  • CONNEX Presenters 2023

    • We discussed having a deadline for speaking submissions and determined it would be no later then June 30 to be able to publicize the agenda.

    • OEM presenter(s): Since the conference tour is at Rivian, we can reach out to the OEM to see if someone can present. Ginny also suggested reaching out to Ford.

    • Don suggested reaching out the Department of Transportation to share information about EV infrastructure. Stacey will also reach out to Electrify America.

    • We talked about reaching out to some of the autonomous vehicle companies to share information. Ginny can share names of contacts.

    • Ken Eagleson suggested we reach out to Tanya Sweetland from OEConnection to share information about repair planning and RepairStack.

    • Jay Perry sent a submission to speak about leadership. Don said he is a great speaker and very insightful. He can also present from both a U.S. and Canadian perspective.

    • Chuck Olsen and Josh McFarlan from AirPro Diagnostics submitted proposals to present about emerging technologies, calibration, OEM procedures and automotive technologies. Chuck is knowledgeable about SAE Standards. We decided to see how agenda develops and where they might fit best.

    • Sandy had mentioned during the planning committee meeting that Jake Rodenroth, Lucid Motors, could talk about AI. He has also shared information about AR/VR. Don suggested having someone from the insurance segment present. Stacey will reach out to Bill Brower, Stephen Applebaum and Ed Mondragon for suggestions. Unfortuntately, he won’t be able to attend the conference but it would be great to have someone from State Farm present since the office is so close.

    • Bill Brower suggested having someone talk about telematics on the insurance side. Stacey will reach out to CMT.

    • It was agreed to reach out to Sean Carey about speaking since his content and presentation style are excellent and very well received.

    • Don had mentioned during the planning committee meeting having someone talk about cybersecurity and how it will impact connected vehicles.

    • We discussed having someone from Dassault Systemes present about 3D simulation.

    • Ginny had mentioned during the planning committee meeting having someone talk about a safe and proper repair and how we can ensure that occurs with connected cars.

Great meeting. Thank you everyone for your input!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Statement Agreement & minutes approval

  • CIECAST Webinars 2023

  • CONNEX Theme & Presenters 2023

Action items




  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee