2023-3-22-Education Meeting notes

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2023-3-22-Education Meeting notes


   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Mar 22, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust Statement

  • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting may be recorded. 

  • Review and approval of minutes

  • 2023 CIECA Webinars

  • 2023 Conference Location, Date & Tour

  • Presenters

Meeting Minutes

  • The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.

  • During our last Education Committee meeting, we combined Education and the CONNEX Planning Committee since we were discussing speakers.

  • The first quarter of CIECA webinars have been booked. April will be a technical CIECA webinar.

    • January: Sean Carey, SCG Management Consultants

    • February: Andy Boyd, 3M

    • March: Ryan Taylor, The AMP Bureau & BodyShop Booster

    • April: Darrel Miller, Microsoft

    • Mike Hastings shared names from different organizations that could possibly present for technical webinars. As a result, we booked Darrel Miller from Microsoft to talk about Open APIs. Paulette asked the Architecture Committee about questions he could talk about.

    • Upcoming:

      • Greg Peeters, Car ADAS Solutions: Sandy suggested Greg talk about the tooling and testing equipment in shops. Don said that he could discuss the scanning tools used to ensure parts are functioning and communicate to the other systems. Phil suggested he give a high level talk about the integration of the data elements and the documentation done. Paul said these were in line with the conversation we had with Greg about the total process, the integration points and the potential for integration. Don also asked if there is consistent terminology used.

      • Chris Chesney, Repairify: Chris has experience working with OEMs and focusing on future technologies. He is also on the board for the NASTF.

      • CCC: A representative from CCC offered to give a “state of the industry” presentation. Phil asked what a state of the industry presentation included and we explained that it would be similar to what Susanna Gotsch and Ryan Mandell have done in the past sharing research.

      • We’re looking into future technical webinars based on the list of names/companies Mike Hastings provided. This included Smart Bear, Postman and Facebook. Phil said he was interested in the topics except for Facebook. Paulette said we might be able to bring several contacts together during a webinar in the future.

  • Location & Date: The conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Bloomington, IL.

    • Monday, September 11: Welcome Reception

    • Tuesday, September 12: Full-day conference & NABC Gifting

    • Wednesday, September 13: Half-day conference, annual meeting & tour of Rivian

    • Thursday, September 14: Board Meeting

  • Bill Garoutte is confirmed to be emcee.

  • The theme is Connected Industry, Connected Car

  • Confirmed speakers include:

    • State of the Industry: Sean Carey, SCG Management Consultants

    • Repair planning: Tanya Sweetland, OEC

  • Submission proposals:

    • Leadership: Jay Perry from Ally Business Coaching

    • Calibration/Scanning: Josh McFarlin and Chuck Olsen from AirPro Diagnostics

    • I-CAR training: Bud Center and Mike

  • Potential speakers suggested:

    • Keynote:

      • Names of futurists shared in the past include John McElroy, recommended by Jeff Wildman, or Bernard Marr in the UK, recommended by Petra Schroder. Ken suggested Chrissy Taylor, CEO of Enterprise and I reached out to Kim. Don likes the idea of having a futurist.

      • Ken recommended Marty Ellingsworth, Executive Managing Director, P&C Insurance Intelligence at J.D. Power, and Mateo Carbone, Founder and Director of IoT Insurance Observatory. We are setting up meetings with both.

    • We’ve reached out to Jeff Peevy, I-CAR, and Jake Rodenroth, Lucid, to talk about AR/VR.

    • We’ve reached out to CMT to discuss telematics and they are confirming availability. We also reached out to contacts from LexisNexus and Verisk. Paul said that most of the telematics used so far in the industry is pre-loss but there is also the potential for discussion regarding what happens in the collision space.

    • We’ve reached out to Lemonade, Tesla and GM re: OEM insurance. The contact from GM isn’t available the week of the conference but is interested in participating in a CIECA webinar. Phil offered to reach out to Lemonade for a contact.

    • Stephen Applebaum and Allen Demurs recommended we reach out to

      • Brad Metzger at AmFam, Sr Claim Director

      • Scott Kohl at Kemper

      • Josh Thompson, SVP Claims, Onstar; he wasn’t available the week of the conference.

      • Randy Ohler, Regional Manager at Grange

    • I reached out to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners for a speaker and filled out a form to ask about a recommendation for a presenter.

    • Ed Mondragon from State Farm is looking into a speaker.

    • Phil suggested reaching out directly to CIECA board of directors members with questions about presenters.

    • Data Privacy and Security: Don Porter recommended we reach out to Brandon Laur at CCi and we have a meeting set up. We also are meeting with Trent Tinsley from Entegral. Don said it would be interesting to hear how things are going to change in the future regarding technology and vehicles. Phil said we might want to share information about what PII is. Paul said that the reality is to do business, APIs are going to be exchanged but the issue is how to do that responsibly.

    • OEMs we’ve reached out to:

      • Rivian: The communications department is confirming a speaker

      • John Eck: checking availability

      • Benito Cid: Not available due to travel restrictions

      • Nissan (contact shared by Sandy)

      • BMW

      • Ford

    • EV batteries: Sandy and Ginny provided list of contacts. We are meeting with Doug Hamilton from American Battery Technology and reached out to Argonne Labs. Ginny has suggested NaatBatt and Redwood, which we’ve reached out to as well. Sandy said Redwood is working with Ford and would be good to reach out to.

    • Department of Transportation: Meeting is set up.

    • Electrify America: Reached out to.

    • 3D Printing: Reached out to Formlabs.

    • Dassault Systemes: Reached out to several times.


Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items




  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter

  • Phil Martinez

  • Sandy Blalock

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee