2024-10-23-Education/Marketing Meeting notes

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2024-10-23-Education/Marketing Meeting notes




   CIECA 500 Westover Dr  #11617; Sanford,  NC  27330 


Oct 23, 2024


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.

Chair: Don Porter


Antitrust Statement

  • This meeting is subject to the terms of our anti-trust statement shown above. In addition, this meeting will be recorded. 

  • Review and approval of minutes

  • CIECA Webinars

    • Possible CONNEX Speakers

    • CONNEX 2024 Survey

    • CONNEX 2025

    • CIECA Webinars:

      November 21: Adonne Washington from the Future of Privacy Council will talk about vehicle data and privacy.
      December 5: Mare Yu from CCC will present on the findings from the Moment of Truth Study.

      2025 Possibilities:

      John Eck, GM-sharing information about new product.

      Gabriel Morley, Dekra-certifications and data.
      Joshua Thomsen, GM Financial-telematics

      Doug Hamilton, American Battery Technology Company-EV batteries

      Mario Dimovski, Harold Sears, 3D Printing Taskforce-3D printing in automotive/collision repair

                  Steve thought the 3D printing presentation at CONNEX was really good and had a lot of interest.

      Michael Lastuka, State Farm-OEM liaison

                  Don Porter has worked with him for a number of years and said he has good knowledge about the industry and stays ahead of future issues.

      Jeff Wildman, BASF-Virtual reality, 3D printing, EV batteries

      Opus IVS reached out-Steve suggested asking Opus IVS and State Farm about using CIECA messages.

      J.D. Power-VIN data

                  ASE partnering with Convertible AI to explore AI accreditation standards

      Rav suggested doing a survey with past attendees to ask for input about future webinar topics. He suggested giving them options rather than having them type in responses.

      Bryce asked if there was a way to ask first-time attendees for input. He also suggested pairing a new CIECA member with a board member or someone who has been involved in CIECA for a number of years to touch base and provide hospitality.

      Steve suggested the board wear CIECA branded shirts or something that is easily distinguishable so new members know who is part of CIECA.  


      Possible CONNEX speakers to present during a CIECA Webinar:  

      Greg Horn, PartsTrader: need to check to see when he last presented

      Sean Carey & Mike Anderson are other options
      Paul Barry, CIECA-CIECA overview

      AI in the customer experience panel

      Kevin Tierney, GM-cybersecurity
      Emil Nusbaum, ARA-Battery electric vehicles and what the automotive recycling industry is doing

      Richard Mueller, DTE Energy-electrified transportation into the grid
      I think we have Mike Anderson, so if anyone comes to mind, you know they do have a collision industry update.
      OEM panel discussion

      3D printing panel discussion

      Jamie Shackelford, Caliber Collision-navigating the new frontier, vehicle complexity and industry evolution.
      Pat Blech, OEC-complexity, repair data and the need for industry collaboration.

      Joel Pepera, Arity-power of telematics and insurance

      Michael Anderson, Guidewire-digital claims

      Digital Claims panel discussion

      Paulette Reed, CIECA-standards
      Pat Blech, OEC- complexity, repair data, and the need for industry collaboration.

      Ken Eagleson suggested Ryan Mandell, Mitchell

      Rav suggested a two-part webinar, providing an update on AI and then Gen AI.


      Stacey said we received low attendance during summer months and we might want to ask webinar attendees what months they are likely to attend a webinar as part of a survey.


      Rave talked about a study is company is doing with UC Davis regarding online reviews and how the reputation of a body shop shows up on Google.


      CONNEX 2024 Results

      34 people responded

      We went over the overall survey results from the conference. See links for details.


      CONNEX 2025

      Don suggested touring IIHS for CONNEX 2025.


      We were originally going to Peachtree Corners, GA to tour the Curiosity Lab but we felt it was similar to the American Center for Mobility.

      OEM options include:

      BMW in South Carolina-they can possibily have us come the second week of September or the first week of October but there are challenge re: timing and they will not be able to confirm until May or June because they might have closures they can’t predict. We can have two groups of 40 people each.


      Lucid in Casa Grande, AZ

      GM in Detroit

      Ford in Detroit

      Debby Robinson, the executive director of NABC, reached out and would like to plan the NABC golf tournament during the week of the CIECA Conference.

                  Don said it might draw different people than we would normally have during the CIECA conference. Ken didn’t think there was any downside to it. Steve said the CIECA Conference is typically pretty positive but there were a couple of remarks made this year and he worries about the unintended consequences of that. Ken suggested implementing a meeting code of conduct. Paulette suggested that we maybe not take open questions and send them in by computer or phone to Stacey to filter before asking.

      Rav suggested looking at the mix of audience who attended this year and look for an activity/tour that would attract a certain set of stakeholders.  

Meeting Minutes

  • The antitrust was read and the minutes were approved.


Great meeting everyone. Thank you for your participation. Have a great week!

Up Next

  • Antitrust Agreement and Meeting minutes acceptance

Action items




  • @Stacey Phillips - Facilitator

  • @Paul Barry

  • @Paulette Reed

  • Don Porter - Chair

  • Ken Eagleson

  • Rav Mendiratta

  • Steve Betley

  • Bryce Boyer

  • Greg Best

  • Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee. Education Committee


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