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Reference From Earlier Meetings:

Spell Checking EXCEL

Index: Shipping Fulfillment Type

  • Authorization Type:


Backlite Slider

  • Condition Area: Deck/Hood/Sidehull

  • CSI Question: Communicaion 0 to 10; Communicaion 1 to 10

  • Document Sub Type:


Subrogration Assignment

  • Invoice Rejection Error Detail:   

Missing Orginal PDF

Missing Orginal PDF

Incorrect Orginal PDF

Incorrect Orginal PDF

  • Line Item Category: Before Code List is Unique, Category, 312 Moulding,; 325, 347, 364, 390, 409, 542, 543 544, 639 and more Weather-strip; 353 Finsh; 722 Electiical; 957, 1546 Buld Holder; 1458, 1598 Tonneau Cover; 1469, 1470, 1471 Uniside; 1577 Moulding; 1671 Clock Spring; 1818 Resivoir;

  •  Optoins: 115 Satelllite; 192, 196, 197, 199 Wthi; 216 Ipod; 247 Inveter; 401 Trnsfer; 405 Selec; 407, 408 Spell out Cylinder?; 433 Tnk; 713 Onstar, 741, 742, 743 Captain’S; 892 Independnt; 900 Susensn; 1039 Refigerator

  • Part Material Code 31 Strengh

  • Request Type Code: 17 Additonal Information in code

  • Vehicle Service and Charges Description: 18 miscelaneous

  • Vendor Code: 45 formally


The CONNEX sessions were reviewed and the need for speakers was again noted. As the keynote speaker is speaking on 5G, that topic was removed from the list. The sessions can be:

  • Open API – The New Standard

  • SWAGGER – Reduced Functionality to Editor and Renderer Only

  • API (Application Program Interfaces)

  • What benefit and what should we expect from 5G? Verizon speaker

  • Amazon’s AWS product, or APIgee on theirs; product speaker

  • CIECA Schema Changes & Version Control

  • Microsoft Azure – cloud servers, vendor speaker

 JSON Community Review was discussed. It will be noted and will be sent out when the announcement goes out about JSON schemas being available. The goal is to gain feedback on the messages we have and receive recommendations for change. It would only go out to CIECA members.

Version Input:

Regarding Spell Checking:

  • The task would be to identify the tag names and words we do not want added to the dictionaries and add them to the “not wanted” dictionaries.

  • Discussion on BMS 2.0 (BMS Lite) reached an agreement that we are not talking about reducing the schema but reducing the payload/instances. Dan came up with an option that he will present at the face to face. This will be revisited.


Also, not to be blindsided, but the Architecture agenda will have the rational used from changing aggregates from required to optional. Base reason: I interviewed other standards organizations before taking steps in developing the CIECA schemas and the warning was to make the messages generic. Making them specific for a message that is very similar to another creates additional schemas, maintenance, and a bit overwhelming to new users.

To that end, we have never heard any complaints or even comments when we change an aggregate or element from required to optional. This is normally handled via the trading partner agreement and then by the API.

Most appreciate you questioning this, it is great to have a double check. Sorry I did not have the answer then, other then we have always done it. Now I know the reason why. When I asked OTA (Open Travel Alliance) for the Rental Assignment message, their response was there were so many schemas like that they cannot give me one that they felt comfortable to share. And the chair of the standards committee, Paula, and I go back many years before I joined CIECA. Back in the X12/EDI days.

TIPS for ANDY’s Program

Process to Spell Check Dictionaries

§  MS Dictionary

§  Acceptable Tag Dictionary

§  Acceptable Word List Created by Breaking Out Camel Case Tag Names

§  Previously Discovered Misspelled Tags and Words Not To Be Included in Above Dictionaries



JSON Items:

  • Sections Discussing JSON, REST, Security w/ REST, HTTP (Raj)

  • Aws.amazon.com review w/ Lisa and Andy (Rest Test Site – Lisa, Andy)


Architecture participation is open to all individuals who qualify as members of CIECA. An individual may participate within Architecture without being a member of Architecture. Membership within Architecture is granted after attending two consecutive Architecture meetings and 50% of the scheduled meetings after membership is established. Attendance criteria includes full Architecture meetings as well as Architecture sub-committee meetings.  A scheduled meeting is a meeting announced as both CIECA webinar meetings and face to face meetings.   Membership is granted to the individual, not an organization. 

The QA Agenda SEE QA2019 AGENDA

·        201R1 Decisions (Completed items)

·        2018R1 Power Point Review

·        Review BMS Changes

·        All Changes Were Made in the Hyperlink BMS

·        Approach for Adding Hyperlinks

·        Currency to 4 Digits

·        Review Code List Changes

·        Misspelled Words Solution – BMS Changes

·        Process to Spell Check Dictionaries

·        MS Dictionary

·        Acceptable Tag Dictionary

·        Acceptable Word List Created by Breaking Out Camel Case Tag Names

·        Previously Discovered Misspelled Tags and Words Not To Be Included in Above Dictionaries

·        Review Rick’s Pre-Release Schema Guidelines

·        Guidelines for schema actions pre-QA and post-QA for each release

·        Rick’s Guideline and Standard Approach for Messages that Use the Same Message Spec

·        Standard schema for alias’s:

§  E.g., MessageAddRq; MessageChgRq, MessageDelRq

§  Decide on the preferred schema

§  Draft the guideline

·        Rick will be looking at the standard approach for messages with alias names to make them consistent. He will look more into this when he begins updating the schema for the next release. Once agreed upon the approach, the examples will be added to the guidelines.

·        Guidelines for schema actions pre-QA and post-QA for each release

·        The decision to make each message name a type was deferred due to the lack of test instances. When there are instances for every message we can then make the change.

·        A CIECAst topic was “How to Plan Your Systems to Accept Both the EMS and BMS”.

·        UNEDIFACT & CFACT Definitions

·        UN/EDIFACT is the international EDI standard developed under the United Nations.

·        UN/EDIFACT stands for United Nations/Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport

 ·        JSON

·        Andy’s Program XML to JSON

·        REST Test Site

·        Instance Length Discussion

·        BMS Lite

·        Business Case for Development

·        XML JSON Issues

·        In doing the comparison of XML instance validation and JSON instance validation there were some differences. The Identifier element was empty and passed validation in XML but not in JSON. There was also an issue with a space in the Date standard as JSON required a space where the ISO date standards have no space. Andy will research.

 Parking Lot Items

·        We will be announcing JSON Schema are available for review. The survey questions that would accompany it was reviewed. The change was to add to yes/no questions If Yes, How.

·        News Release BMS XML have been converted to JSON and are now available for your review (your login is required).

·        JSON is the language used in mobile and cloud communication. It is lighter weight and the preferred language of some developers.

·        Please review the following questions and comment.

§  Was it understandable?

§  Can you see it being useful? If yes, how

§  What are your thoughts on its uses

§  How would you use the JSON Schema

§  Are you also using XML Schemas? If yes, how

§  Are you developing JSON and XML Schema so users can select the one they want to implement?

§  Is there any other feedback you can share

§  Any improvements you would suggest

·        Andy is creating a document on his Open Source program, and include GitHub, how the program works, and to present the program for use/evaluation/improvement.

·        Guidelines for schema actions pre-QA and post-QA for each release

·        The decision to make each message name a type was deferred due to the lack of test instances. When there are instances for every message we can then make the change.

·        A CIECAst topic was “How to Plan Your Systems to Accept Both the EMS and BMS”.

·        UNEDIFACT & CFACT Definitions

BMS Hyperlink Instructions

Highlight Field

Right Click

Select Hyperlink

Place on Aggregate

 Highlight Aggregate

Click on Hyperlink

Go to Aggregate

Cut & Paste


The team guided me again to using XMLSpy and started the review of the Disposition Add Request message.  The steps are:

Change the IG App C example to be correct (e.g., telephone #, ***see <Party>)

Once corrected, paste into notepad and save as dispositionaddrq.xml

Open in XMLSpy

Click on the Yellow Checkbox on the second menu bar on top

Once it is well formed, Click on DTD/Schema to assign a schema

Click on the Green Checkbox on the second menu bar on top

Fix errors until it validates

Save in the Salvage Instance file

Fix Phone Numbers to CIECA BMS format

Comments: <!-- Sometimes the Currency Information is at a lower level as well -->

How do I add a collaborator to GitHub for JSON schema access?

·        Sign into GitHub

·        Select Desired Repository

·        Click on Settings

·        In Panel on Left select Collaborators

·        Go to the Bottom of the Screen and Type their GitHub ID/Name

·        Repeat for each Repository Desired


Spell Checking Tool (from Andy)

·        Spell Checking Program that Andy wrote is in the GitHub repository CIECA/bms-tools


“How Do I, Where Do I, Start My CIECA Implementation?” bullet points are:

·        How should I approach it

·        What should I look at first

·        What tools do I need, should I have

·        What items does CIECA have to aid me  Release Package, IG, App C

o   Sample XML and Sample Business Document

·        Where do I start

·        Document from the systems that are exchanging the information

·        Needs trading partner format and a copy of their own format

·        Agree on aggregate contents (admin, claim, policy, estimate repair line)

·        Spreadsheet of what items you need

·        Implementation Issues – sharing their file formats

·        Spreadsheet for the message with Schema Locations

·        Hypothetical Examples

o   e.g., assignment files, towing invoice/remittance, estimate,

o   paper/*.pdf form to XML form


Excel Macro Instruction – Mike Hastings

Open the Excel spradsheet

Open the macro enabled version

Press Alt F11 to bring up VB

For the first time:

·        Import VBA programs, 2, .cls adn .bas (now loaded in Architecture/Work Documents/Code List Import Prog

·        How - File  Import File, Select Export Programs - both (may not need to do this again)

·        scroll down list on left side to bottom to:

·        Modules and Class Modules

·        File then Save - note Save as macro enabled EXCEL spreadsheet

·        Select Run from the menu then Run Macro and click Run


Note:  we added the developer tab on top in Excel, and in Macro Security, clicked on Enable all macros (not recommended);  Was Disable all macros with notification

Files are at C:cieca/bms/schema

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