2023-05-25 AI Committee Meeting Minutes


Public Page





May 25, 2023


As participants in this meeting, we need to be mindful of the constraints of antitrust laws. There shall be no discussions of agreements or concerted actions that may restrain competition. This prohibition includes the exchange of information concerning individual prices, rates, coverages, market practices, claims settlement practices, or any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Each participant is obligated to speak up immediately for the purpose of preventing any discussion falling outside these bounds.


  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust

    • This meeting is subject to the terms of the anti-trust and it will be recorded.

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Business Use Cases

    • Incident Triage: determining whether the vehicle is repairable or not

    • Initial Estimate: Get a ballpark estimate to determine if the claim is below deductible to settle the claim immediately.

    • Vehicle conditioning for automating policy underwriting

    • Recycling Industry: Providing recommended salvage bids based on AI vehicle conditioning.

    • Rental, Leasing, and Remarketing: Vehicle conditioning to determine the vehicle's depreciation.

    • Fleet Management: Pre Vs Post vehicle conditioning

Meeting Minutes

  • Welcome

    • Gaurav (Rav) Mendiratta was welcomed to the committee. Rav is based out of Fremont, CA where he has a software company that is focused on online reviews and online reputation management and has a few clients in the auto body industry.

  • Antitrust Accepted

  • Meeting Minutes Reviewed Accepted

  • Technical Update

    • Abhijeet is at a conference and needed to leave the meeting early, so we opened the floor to the technical members to provide an update.

      • The members continue to work collectively in the mandates of standardizing.

      • In a past meeting, schemas and specs were shared for different business workflows like triaging, investigating, auditing, and reviewing on reinspection. At this time, we have not received feedback on the schemas, but we welcome you to take the schemas to the technical members of your teams and get feedback.

      • When we look at AI it is very important to measure the success criteria and the metrics and the KPIs around, this is an opportunity for us to collectively address this on a standards perspective.

      • KPIs is ore about the agreement rates and the outcomes for the AI can be addressed and we can talk about how that will flow down into the business value. See below action item for Abhijeet.

      • The technical team is looking for feedback, so please share Raj demo from past meetings and the documents we have in the Confluence work drive with your team to get feedback so we can make sure the standards we are creating works for all industry segments.

  • Business Use Cases

    • In the previous meeting we decided that we wanted to create business use cases for AI and Raj and Jimmy were going to work on these offline. The list they provided

      • FNOL Triage: determining whether the vehicle is repairable or not

      • Initial Estimate: Get a ballpark estimate to determine if the claim is below deductible to settle the claim immediately.

      • Vehicle conditioning for automating policy underwriting

      • Recycling Industry: Providing recommended salvage bids based on AI vehicle conditioning.

      • Rental, Leasing, and Remarketing: Vehicle conditioning to determine the vehicle's depreciation.

      • Fleet Management: Pre Vs Post vehicle conditioning

    • The list provided is a great start for the Use Cases we want to cover, however, we need to get away from some of the dated terminology.

      • FNOL is terminology that the business and legal legislation has built process off of, this is way more complex than the data we share. In the past, FNOL was more of an insurance term and it was incorporated into the other areas, but when we are talking today about FNOL it is different definition that the BMS schemas. This is also true for Estimate.

        • The Committee discussed the possible renaming with calling it Initial Notice of Loss or Incident Notice of Loss, then it was discussed that there are different providers for the Notice of Loss, so maybe we have Insurance Notice of Loss and Repair Notice of Loss. It feels that the use of Notice of Loss will always trigger FNOL to the industry and we may want to get away from Notice of Loss.

        • The Collision Industry starts with an incident, this could be a collision or impact with debris on the highway. Then there is a Triage process done by possibly the vehicle, first responders, tow truck drivers, repair facilities, insurance providers. The vehicle generating messages for assignment, referral or scheduling to industry providers is part of the Triage.

        • The Referral Committee also ran into a terminology issue and discussed changing FNOL to something else, we think it would be a good idea to get the committees that are impacted by the terminology together to discuss how to move forward.

    • The XML messages are large messages and items like FNOL or Assignment had many roles and covered many business use cases, with moving to CAPIS and JSON, the messages will be smaller, and the business use cases will be more specific to each message needed, so instead of FNOL we may have AI Triage and multiple specific assignments.

    • The Committee would like to have a draft of the business use cases shared so we can have something to build off of instead of generate, so we will need to work on drafts for Triage for the next meeting.


Up Next

  • Welcome/Networking

  • Antitrust

  • Meeting minute Review

  • Abhijeet Presentation on KPIs

  • Review Triage Business Use Case

Action items

Abhijeet will prepare a presentation for how the KPIs gets measured today relative to the AI side of the value proposition.
Paulette will create a joint meeting to discuss Terminology.
Paulette, Jimmy, Raj work on Business Use Case for Triage.




  • @Paulette Reed

  • Ginny Whelan

  • Pete Sheehan

  • Abhijeet Gulati

  • Stacey Phillips

  • Gaurav (Rav) Mendiratta

  • Paul Barry

  • Kimberly Sorlien

  • Don Porter

  • David Willett

  • Gene Lopez

  • Brent Johnson

  • Timothy Ronak

  • Chad Sulkala

Participants in the meetings are noted for your information.  If you have questions on the committee’s activities, please contact a recent attendee.